News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone Best Loadouts - Warzone 2
So today is March 22nd, and these are the top five best loadouts in War Zone 3 right now. I also wanted to let you guys know I'm going to be live on Kick for the majority of the day today, so if you guys haven't already, please hit me with a follow. I am actually only 20 away from 100 followers, and we just became affiliates, so I'm really excited.
You're on the Z 35 compensated flash hider, which helps with the shorter radar pings vertically. Rec horizontal recoil and firing aim stability: you do lose some bullet velocity and aim down sight speed when the grand scheme of things you won't even notice it. Believe me, this thing is an absolute monster, and I'm going to show you guys the rest of the attachments.
Make sure you guys throw on the Thor 90 barrel for HIIT fire, intact stand spread, aim down sight speed, spread to fire speed, and sprint speed. You do lose some recoil control and aim out of sway, but I think it's worth it, especially with the hip fire. This hip fire is absolutely insane, like this is one of the only SMGs that I can confidently hit fire and actually know I'll win the gunfight close range exp on the R six hand stop for aim walking speed, aim down sight speed spread to fire speed and movement speed.
You lose some aim walking speed and hit-fire attack stand spread, but it's not a big deal. Make sure you have the 50-round drum because the 20 is just not worth it, and the base is just not going to be enough. Next, put on the folding stock for recoil control, gun kit control, and firing aim stability.
This is very helpful to this gun, and you only lose a bit of aim-down sight speed. I can't wait to show you guys how powerful this thing is, just to show you guys how amazing this is. For the short and medium ranges, this is really ideal. I'll be honest, I don't really like using this thing long range just because of the initial recoil.
I think it's too dangerous to actually use, but in my opinion, if you guys do want to use it, and I guess it's the only gun you guys have, it doesn't hurt to actually try it. Your recoil control might be a little bit better than mine, but for this long range, it is just not ideal for me. See how many bullets I actually waste before I finally hit the target.
Maybe that's just me. Maybe that's just user error, but I just think it actually excels in the short to medium range, so keep it in that range and make sure you guys use this entire class setup. You guys will absolutely love it, and it's very, very easy to use. Next, we're moving on to the RAM 7.
This is another fan favorite weapon, and I know you guys are going to love this throw on the cast. This break is for horizontal, recoil, and firing aim stability. You do lose some aim-down sight speed, but that's not a big deal. Next throw on the cron and headwind long barrel for Bel velocity and range aiming out sway firing aim stability.
the cost of a hit-fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and sprint to fire speed put on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out s horizontal Reco firing aim stability. Now you do lose some vertical recall and aim-down sight speed, but it's not a big deal with the 60-round drum unless maybe you're playing solos.
If you're playing solos, then you can use the 40, but otherwise, I would suggest using the 60 just to get as many bullets as you possibly can. Last but not least, the HPS 3.4 pad for gun kick control and recoil control, the cost of Sprint speed, and Sprint to fire speed, is the best possible choice.
Now this isn't the first time I've heard people rant about this somehow magically having recoil. My Ram doesn't shoot like that; it doesn't have any recoil like that. Well, that's because when you're shooting, you're not controlling the recoil, so it's just bouncing up like that, or you don't have the cass as a break, and when you literally just hold your thumb stick down just a little bit, that's all you have to do.
Just hold your thumb stick down a little bit. Here is the entire class set up for Ram 7. Please copy it down, To anybody who's complaining about Ram 7, just try this class and give it a chance. I think you guys will actually do much better. This is one of my favorite guns in the game right now.
The WASP 9 is actually one of the best SMGs. It's so insane, and I think it's one of the different types of SMGs. It's a very unorthodox type of weapon, and I mean, a lot of people do use it, but it's just different than the other GS. throwing on the Zon 35 compensated flasher for shorter radar pings, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability.
You do lose some bullet velocity and aim-down sight speed, but this thing already has amazing bullet velocity. Next throw on the Dr6 hand stop for aim walking speed and aim down sight speed. Sprint to fire speed and movement speed You do lose some hipfire attack stance spread and aim walking steadiness, but that's not something you're going to notice with this gun, and just to increase the bullet velocity even more.
I put on the 9mm, high-grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range. You do lose some recoil control. But with this gun and its recoil pattern, which is odd as it is, you're not really going to notice it on the 40-round mag, but the 50 is an option. You're just going to have more cons. You guys see more in depth, like what you're actually going to be losing, so weigh your options and see if you actually want that.
I just don't think it's worth it, so I like 40, and lastly, I put on the Nider model 2023. Now for me. I feel like I'm more accurate with the nider than I am with the iron sight, but the people that can actually handle the iron sight Feel free to use that and just throw on another recoil attachment or anything else that you really want to.
I just like using this personally, and the end result is absolutely beautiful. It doesn't really take much effort to actually use this gun, like I said before; it's absolutely insane and long-range. I can say that you can actually get the job done as long as you're hitting your target, which is why I love this weapon so much.
I think it's actually kind of more useful in HRM. But, I mean, it's completely up to you guys if you want to try it out. If you do feel my bet, if you do feel my guest, try this. You guys can laugh with me. It's okay, but yeah, the WSN is absolutely insane, and I can't wait to show you guys the rest of these guns.