News - The Real Reason Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Is So Bad. Shotguns Take No Skill

But the craziest thing is that the cloud community thinks I'm the one in the wrong, when in reality, if you're actually taking this game seriously or if you actually want to just be good at the game, you would agree with me, so it's kind of the point where I think the Call of Duty Community is just okay with this [__] that continues to happen; they're okay with me doing that to somebody in a game that should not happen.

I am like at one health, one little penny thrown at me. I'm [__] gone. I'm six feet under, yet I just snap to him with aim assist and just take him out with the shotgun. That ruins the game; it ruins it. It's enough said that the game play shows itself; it's not even crazy gameplay; I've had better ones.

warzone 2

I just haven't recorded them, but I'm just showing you a basic, decent gameplay where I just take over a whole entire part of the map because nobody, unless they pull out a shotgun like that guy tried to do, nobody can take me out unless they use a shotgun, nobody can unless they're chucking grenades out all that [__] nobody can do it.

And it's basically just pointing out to Activision how stupid their game is and how stupid this Call of Duty is. Make it as easy as this, shotguns. Out of the [__] game, Snipers, out of the [__] game, it promotes this toxic play style that has no business being in this game, Call of Duty. I'm sorry Call of Duty is not a realistic Call of Duty anymore.

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They want to put all these operator skins with all this [__] in them, right? Then we're taking out all the realism [__] in this game. Yes, in real life, a shotgun will [__] destroy you. One pump boom done, right, but I could say that with an SMG, if I shoot you once in the [__] stomach, you're dead even if it's an SMG.

So what are you talking about, realism? Get the [__] out of here with that [__]. This game deserves better. The movement is too strong to have a shotgun. Be this good. The movement is too good for somebody like me, who has decent movement skills, to just control one part of the area with this one pump shotgun.

Man, it's a joke; it's insane. I hope so. I know it's not going to happen, but I hope that in the future something can change. But I mean, if you take away shotguns and sniper rifles, you're basically just getting rid of all the people that love skill-based matchmaking, which to me would be a great thing, but for Activision, they're going to lose a ton of money.

So, I don't know what to tell you, man, but I hope you guys enjoy the gameplay. I'm just showing you how easy it is. I'm not even going crazy; I'm dying here left and right, but I'm just taking dudes out with this pump, and it was actually satisfying. But I just want to show you guys how easy it was because now there's the devil, and he's using a shotgun because he saw how good I was doing with it.

But I hope you guys have a great day. If you agree with this or disagree, I would love to hear from you. If you disagree, that's okay. I have no hard feelings, but the fact that a shotgun can do this and just basically make all these dudes my [__] is insane to me. I hope you guys have a great day.

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This is Rick. I'm.

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