News - The New Ram-7 Is A Headshot Machine. Warzone 2 Best Setups
Ram-7 - hipfire & tac stance build
And then finally, I did want to share a hip-fire stance build for you guys.
For those that are looking for something just a little bit different, this is definitely not the type of build I'm going to be using on a regular basis. But with this, we have the FSS full stop barrel, the Bruin Bastion angled grip, the motion tack pad stock, the haste 15 grip tape, and finally the 40 round mag because we're going to be spraying and praying a little bit, so having a little extra ammo in the mag is nice to have, and with this, while we do have a slower aim down sight time that's not as relevant for a build like this, we do get an improved Sprint out time, our hipfire spread is also very nicely improved, and most importantly, our new tax stance is very tight compared to the base tack stance with this setup, and while it's still going to have a fair amount of recoil and you will have to account for that and control that, if you're keeping yourself right up close and personal or if you're playing on like tiny map playlists, for instance, like shipment or now meet, this should be more than accurate enough for you to handle those Close Quarters engagements.
Final thoughts & wrap up
And with that, that's finally going to wrap it up for today's gun guide on the brand new Ram 7. As for my thoughts on this gun, at first I wasn't a big fan of it, especially without attachments. I don't think it's a very solid gun just because that recoil coil can be a little difficult to control.
However, once you start to build it right, once you build for recoil control, it turns out to be a really solid gun, especially if you understand that you have to mix that head shot in those Close Quarters engagements in order to get that four-shot kill. Also, I did want to point out that I am going to be skipping over the XRK stalker for now, just so I can get back into the flow of my gun guides.
I want to blast through the SMGs and the LMGs, for instance. I will end up getting back to sniper rifles, but that's an entirely different style of gun guide with a totally different template required, and I'm just not set up for that yet, and I'd much rather just get through all of the other gun guides first.
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