News - The Most Zombie Kills One Game (warzone 2 Zombies)

mw3 most zombie kills

Please be one in tier one. Did I just screw myself? I might have [__]] I'll go to an xfill until I see one spawn that was an astronomical fumble. Another Outlast hasn't even spawned. I just need to leave this game. Restart, lame last game was also a warm-up this is the one that counts for sure and we have an Outlast right here perfect the only downside to this run besides me not having my dog and not having my scorcher, is that we don't got Speed Cola I think we'll still be all right cuz Storm's on the complete opposite side of the map so final xfill more than likely would be close to us so we can stay here the whole game as long as I don't accidentally ended again so let's give it a try this is so rhythmic it's like almost putting me to sleep and here comes the storm, final 15 minutes if I don't have over 3, 000 kills this game I'm going be sick this just giv me Vanguard PTSD I've almost fallen asleep sitting here.

mw3 world record

Playing i'm fighting my demons and the storm is almost here is the final xell going to be at military base cuz if it's not we need to start moving yeah it is cool only 3 minutes left and I'm going to make this count I'm going to start slow slowly inching my way over there I feel like my mouse is going to be in pain after this game I'm going need to ice it up I've been clicking down the entire game and here comes the storm we got to go, our Outlast is now stuck over there, damn it feels so quiet after just shooting for so long it's almost tranquil and I think I'm the last person left in this whole game so we'll get the entire final xfill to ourselves we're now approaching the final minute this is absolutely absurd and I am scared that we did not get over 3 , 000 somehow Lily did nothing but sit at that Outlast for the last hour and we're out of here just after I get a little bit more kills throw the Aether blade did it get anybody nope okay please be a good amount of kills we made 60, 000 only killing zombies no contracts completed.

4,282 kills; that's 85, 000 XP, 94, 000 total. I know what I'm doing next time they drop an XP event. I am sitting in an outlast and not moving. We blew our previous record out of the water. I really thought $10,000 was possible. I don't know if it is, and our record still hasn't updated. Let's give it a second.

Also read:

There it is: 4,285 kills, and I don't think any weapon is overtaking our swarm anytime soon, but I'm going to go ahead and end it here.

We make an attempt at the world record for kills in one game of Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
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