News - The Most Zombie Kills One Game (warzone 2 Zombies)

most kills in one game

What a weak spot! Let's see if we can't find a turbine circuit here. Come on, there we go. That's one that's two actually in another self-revive. Super useful what about another one here? Perfect all in all, what contracts do we have? We have a Tier 2 Outlast all the way over here, but that's a terrible spot.

Let's just go to this XFI so we can make up our minds. This is like the only Outlast I've seen spawn in Tier 2 since season 2 started. I think that's their way of nerfing them without actually nerfing them, so let's see how much more zombies we can get from an XFI, because if we get so much more spawning at once here compared to our Outlast contract, then maybe it's worth it to grind it even with that little cooldown.

But we do get manglers and disciples now, and the disciples will make all these other zombies stronger and harder to kill on top of them already being tanky as it is, but they can also spawn zombies of their own, so maybe it's worth it. I definitely think if I want to stay in Tier 2, though, I should go get Pack 3.

most kills in one game mw3 zombies

It'll make getting these kills so much faster because Pack 2's working, but we could be working even better, and I'm getting way fewer ammo spawns over here. Tier 1's definitely better for that. Okay, we just cleared that axilla. Besides, one mangler out of here, where's Pack-a-Punch 3? Right over here, this is perfect.

We'll go there's an Outlast contract in Tier 3, but there's not, but there is a deadbolt turret over there, so if that Outlast contract ever respawns, we can throw our turret circuits in there and get to work, so tell me if you've got any zombies over here. Like seeming, but it seems like it's kind of inconsistent; they're just spawning from, like, down the stairs, and then when I go down the stairs they Spawn from up here, they're avoiding me, but either way.

most kills mw3

I need to get out of this before I accidentally end the contract. All right, we'll see how this works. I'm going to make my way over this hill and see if these guys follow. I don't think they're following. I'm still going to start this, though, and then I can go up here. I think I'm trying too hard to optimize this; I'm overthinking it, but I can throw a turret circuit in this and let it take out these zombies, and then I go back to the end of the tunnel, and maybe it'll just kill all the zombies that spawn at this xfill because I'm still getting kills over here, and now I'm back near the P&D and we're getting our spawns, so maybe I'm cooking.

Or maybe I'm dumb. You may never know. I'm thinking maybe if I had another player, they might be able to run down, activate the xill, and run back, but I'm overcomplicating things, and I always hear people talking about getting it to 90%, then canceling it, and you'll still get infinite spawns. But I don't know if now is the time to test that because we have a good thing going right here.

most kills mw3 zombies

I don't want to throw it away if I have to give out a prediction. I'll say realistic prediction, maybe about 4, 000 for this game; optimistic prediction, 6, 000. Wait a second, is this a stronghold too? This is a sweet spot, like it just all of a sudden became a stronghold. This was not a stronghold 20 seconds ago.

That's crazy i've never been in an area where one spawned. I need to take these cysts out, though I do not have a gas mask and I cannot breathe in here. There it is; we cleared it. This has actually been so satisfying—just slaying hordes of zombies the entire game—and here comes our storm. We're at the 15-minute warning.

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We really just need a feast on that final xill. No, there's a team converging on me. Get out of here, scaddle. Actually, I think more people at Final X means more zombies, so I guess you guys can just come and leave my Outlast alone. Don't take my spawn. I think they're already all over it. Leave me be; don't you know I'm doing a very specific self-imposed.

most zombie kills

Challenge the audacity of these people they left I scared them off okay we're getting close to only 5 minutes left where's the storm it's getting kind of close so I'm going to try to get this contract up to 90%, and cancel it we'll try out the method cuz we're going to have to leave this area anyways we might as well see if it works I wish I could see how much ammo I've shot this entire game like if it gave me the stat cuz I have not stopped shooting basically since the game started, and I accidentally finished the contract, [ __ ] well so much for testing that well Storm's just about here anyways we got to go set up our final.

Is going to be I probably could have stayed at that Outlast just a little bit longer cuz there's barely any zombies here right now that's cuz they're all right here actually got here at the perfect time it's got to get crazier than this there's barely any. I was really hoping for a game where everyone just left once the storm started moving.

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You know what I should have done? I should have come in here with the golden enigma on this so I could start working towards weapon mastery. We would have easily cleaned it up, man. These guys are just clearing the zombies. I thought we'd have way more to go after we're in the final 10 seconds, five.

most zombie kills mw3

4 3 2 over time, I'll still get these kills before the helicopter takes off and we're out of ammo. Let's see how many we get. I'm going to be so disappointed if it's less than what we had before what it is less. 2, 85 i guess it was a little bit more I don't know numbers that is very disappointing and it didn't even update our highest kill game I guess it does say allow 1 to two minutes for your most recent match stats to process jeez one to two minutes for me to process the words on the screen now it updated that's more like a game that last game that was just a warm up I was just getting a feel for it now that I got a strat we're going to break 3K this game guaranteed, cuz I'm just going to stay at one Outlast the entire, game maybe because I'm fresh out of any better Pack-a-Punch, crystals than pack one, but maybe all that moving around took away some potential kills from us so let's see how many we can get staying in the same spot the entire game the only thing I changed up this time around is I actually brought in a dog bone so I'll be using that and since I don't have any more golden armor plates I switch to frenzy guard that way I can restore my armor if need be.

mw3 fast zombies kills

And it'll attract the zombies to me. I swear the game knows what I'm trying to do because it's not spawning. If zombies are in the same spot, I'll go to where they're spawning, and then it just changes. I'm trying to fight the urge to go to another Outlast. So just add time and take it away from us, Kills, and I accidentally finished it, so I guess we have no choice where's another Outlast.

We make an attempt at the world record for kills in one game of Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
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