News - The Importance Of Switching Roles Mid Game (warzone 2 Ranked Play)

What can we do? By just staying down the hill, there's a guy in front of me. Take him out. There's one there are so many people around me right now. I need some support. Watch over me. Oh, what a kill from that guy! There's no way he gets a two there, right? There's no way that's a huge 20; we cannot be giving them that 20, Honest, so right there what you saw is I get the first kill.

I see the second guy in the middle of the map. As soon as I saw him, I expected him to push me, so we tried to stun, and we were able to go through and get the two pieces, so that was a pretty good kill from us. Nobody's watching over me, but I'll sit on Hill no problem, going Chuck a nade across there to make sure no one comes to my top.

Third, there are many angles they could come from, to be honest. Yeah, I see someone watching over me, man. I see someone watching over me, making sure I have a bit around me, but no one's really doing that. To be honest, I actually don't mind seeing on the hill; it's just about whether I can have somebody watching over me.

It doesn't look like that's the case, right? Now, as you said, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to watch the guy I'm going watch the guy on the top cuz they always come through. Top, that's fine again. We keep them trapped in the spawn absolutely fine, but now that it's about the rotation down by 10, let's start setting up for P3.

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I know they're going to be coming through junk here, so they might come from the top or bottom. Either way, we have to be prepared for both. I personally am very happy with the spot I'm in. My teammate can push out, which would be great. Make sure no one comes behind us again. It's all about timing, right?

Now no, he actually pushes me there, man. Good play for me, good play for him and my teammates around me, so I wasn't expecting the push. I kind of thought they had that, but yeah, unfortunately, they didn't. Middle Middle's clear, literally just going to be about the trades there, So unlucky, man, so unlucky.

25 seconds left, man. I'm actually going to look this one up. I'm on 97 F 97. I'm going to CH this one up. I'm getting up top here, and yeah, let's see what we can do with the P1. basically an even game going to the rotation; remove my ping right there; it's trolling me standby just in case he pinches the stairs, so someone's actually up top here, which is interesting; they don't know I'm here.

He just made the brain-dead play of jumping off, which is what you never want to do in that scenario. It looks like they're spawning kind of all over the place, to be honest with you. Yeah, no, man. I didn't want him to see my head right there. I tried backing off. I tried backing off. Let's keep going through.

Let's keep going through. Last, that's three dead, three dead perfect. I'm actually going to start going red here. What a kill! That was a huge kill on the rotation there. I did not expect to get that kill. To be honest with you, now I can actually start to go through and start positioning for P2.

We just made the play. We literally just made the play. The last guy's going to be in the top third. We're going to we're going to leave them. We're going to see what passes. 13 seconds left; we're going to go through, and we should be good we should be good My teammate gets the last kill. Absolute no fried, where we're him right now, we're lit everything right now.

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No, I wanted to sneak on by. I wanted to slide across there. That was everything that played. If we could slide across to get to the back alley, we were literally chilling with a victory right there. See what we can do, okay? Teammate with me. Slide to the right. It's going to be the most broken head glitch on the map right there.

See those God steps. This guy has no shame. G is broken right now, but the teammate drops a Cru right on his head. But can we close the game now? We're definitely in a good spot. They cannot win the game here. What you want to do is keep an eye on the scoreboard and, at the same time, keep an eye on the rotation.

Get one absolutely fine right now. I think rotation has to be a priority. It really does. I'm going to back off and watch the right I really think they need to get top-left control. I can have the whole thing; they just need to watch. Left, this is it, man, this is it. 10 seconds left there's one start with one you know one's on the hill that's two down perfect, now they have to have a perfect wave of kills here so we have a lot of kind of equipment to stop them with, let's see what we can do, he gets one kill which is not what we.

Want, my teammate gets the assist there you go, so right now you can see, although I'm watching the right. I'm not just watching the right. I'm watching both lanes. My job isn't to kill them; my job is to stop them from pushing right. That's all—like, that's all my team cares about. Can I stop them from pushing to the right?

Kills are honestly irrelevant. You can see we're doing such a good job; we're basically in them through the middle, another trophy goes down, and this is the perfect hard point towards the end of this. My teammate spawns right what we do. We watch the middle, making sure no one pushes through the 7 seconds left by this guy right there, and really, really good way of ending the game there.

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I think that was the perfect hard point towards the end. YouTube 35 kills, 22 deaths You guys know the drill. Drop a like on the article if you guys are still here. Honestly, I think at the end, that was just a perfect rotation. We had 20 seconds left. I decided to choke it up and hold the right-hand side as I was standing there.

My teammate was on the left and died. We went through watching the middle, and yeah, I think the overall play was really good. Make sure to drop a like. I'll catch you guys for another article tomorrow.

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