News - The Great Shadow Ban Crisis To End 2023 - Warzone 2 & Warzone Season 1 Worst Season Launch Yet

Then I saw some other I don't know why the dude in the article called the guy a cheater; it could have just been broke. The game could just be broken. That's very possible as well, but this was moving in on him in the gole while the timer was still counting down for him. He was stuck, like he had like 5 seconds left on the counter, like he couldn't move.

mw3 season 1 sucks

He was frozen there, getting ready to move up and go engage the enemy, and was already standing in front of him while he was still having the countdown and just taking him out while he couldn't even shoot his gun. So this is cheating. I've seen hackers do this [__], like in Black Ops 2. If you were going to jump on Black Ops 2 right now, you'll find dudes doing this all the time, like the game is countdown to start, and they're already in your spawn, killing everybody like out of Spawn Man.

We know hackers have the power to do this type of [__], but is that cheating? in the war zone, or is it just the goolag, or whatever war zone it is, is it just broken? That is entirely possible. Who knows, man, but I see two busted-ass clips already on War Zone just before I turn on this mic, and I'm not even looking because of their anti-che.

It stinks; I know I'm not a big channel to begin with. I don't have a very loud voice out here on YouTube. I know people tell me and remind me on a daily basis how suppressed my channel is. Even from them, they'll be subscribed with all notifications turned on, and they still don't know. Sometimes when I'm uploading articles and [__] we know the problems that I've been going through with YouTube for a while on this channel.

mw3 shadow ban

Maybe it's because of the way I talk and the way I handle myself—I don't really have a filter. I don't know what it is, but we know my channel's suppressed, and I'm not a big channel to begin with, but I'm at a point right now where I'm just trying to make a little bit of noise about what I think is important.

For Microsoft, maybe somebody with a bigger follower, maybe somebody with a channel that people listen to, or whatever, maybe they might see my article and they'll make their own article on that topic. We'll make some more noise about it, and we'll get more people talking about it. Because this shadow banning [__], and we know it's been going on for a long time now at this point, is straight up unacceptable.

Now, if it's back B net or whatever that is glitching out either way, whatever it is, it needs to be fixed. How does a billion-dollar company not fix this [__] immediately? And that's just where I'm at with it, man. We're just trying to make noise about what's important in the moment. Fixed; hopefully Microsoft hears about it because they really need to upgrade this [__].

mw3 shadow ban crisis

man Ricochet, it ain't working; it doesn't work for Call of Duty. We see cheaters still all over the place this [__]. It stinks; it doesn't work. Get rid of it. Get an antiche in here that actually works. The man put in the money, paid the money all right, and got a proper antiche. People actually come to your game to have fun and enjoy themselves; they don't have to deal with this.

There are a few other things I wanted to talk about in this article, but we ran out of time. I guess we'll have to save that for the next one.

So far season 1 is not looking too good. With all the initial problems I broke down yesterday with the launch of season 1. Now we are seeing a lot of people mostly on pc getting shadow banned immediately as soon as they sign on the game.
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