News - Is Warzone 2 Still Trash 2024
You know, guys, the chances of me recording a article for you guys today were actually extremely low. Now, I'm just going to be straight up: I don't really have it in me. I don't really have the motivation or inspiration to do so, especially not when it comes to Call of Duty. I know there are people who want me to delve into other games like Hell Divers 2, for example, but when you make Call of Duty content, you don't just delve into random games, even if they're popping.
Just over the fact that they're popping, and I know there are some people that do cross over into other games and compare them to Call of Duty even though there's literally no similarities between the two games anyways, but that's a topic for a different day, guys. Today, I decided to actually make a article because I remembered one thing about myself, and that's the fact that I like to talk.
all right It's not necessarily about Call of Duty being at its peak. It's not the fact that Call of Duty is at its lowest peak right now, which with a game like MW 29 Part 3. I simply don't think that's the case, and I've never said that was, but more importantly, guys. Kendrick Lamar put Drake on blacked.
All right, let's just be honest, okay, and just listening to it just motivated me to talk [__] for the sake of talking [__] also speaking of Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Here Comes Call of Duty's main Twitter account is talking about herds. Some beef needs to get settled, and we've got the place for it.
Look at these clout-chasing weirdos. shut the [ __ ] up, [ __ ] And before we go any further. I know there's a lot of people that really do not like the way that I talk, and I'm not as palatable as some of your favorite content creators out there. I'll admit it right now. I know I have the nastiest potty mouth on the [__] platform in this community.
Taste it and what's crazy is that I have some pretty decent things to say about Call of Duty, but the community, you guys, can still eat my [__] balls, and so today I present to you guys one very simple Call of Duty-related question: MW 2019 Part 3. Right now, at the time that I'm recording this, it's May 1st, 2024.
MW 2019, part 3, is still absolutely garbage in 2024. And I mentioned this today because there's been a lot of people who simply don't make Call of Duty content anymore. There are so many people who don't care about Call of Duty anymore. There's so many people that are out here click baiting on some other That's not a call of duty that they weren't doing before, and even for people like myself, there are some of us out here who have other priorities.
All right, YouTube is not our end all. Beall, Call of Duty is certainly not that either, so for people like myself and others around me, has this game improved? whatsoever, And with season 3 Reloaded coming out very soon and with rumors about Black Ops 6 coming out in the future, why not kick-start this with a [__]] Banger coming out of Charlie?
Intel, the least biased Call of Duty fan on the planet, definitely does not like [__] in the ass. He says Modern Warfare 2019 Part 3 multiplayer has had the most content added post-launch so far in the War Zone era of Call of Duty: lots of multiplayer maps, weapon camo grinds, weekly challenges. Aftermarket Parts playlist, variations, and more, and there's still three more seasons to go.
This is going to become a staple on the channel because there's a lot of people out here that genuinely take gu licking to a different level, like these guys are actually a bunch of throat zillas. Right, like Tiana Trump got nothing on some of these people out here on the internet, and you know, while I do have my critiques of Charlie Intel and ridiculous tweets like this.
I will say to answer the first part of my question and to Sledgehammer Games credit I've mentioned this in the past, but MW 2019 Part 3 has been improving, at least in quantity and content. Right, you guys know all of the critiques that I've had in the past. Even if you look at last year's game, one of the biggest pieces of criticism that I had for MW 2019 Part Two was that there was damn near no content; goddamn ever, that game launched with what, like, seven maps.
I think, and then we get to a game like this and the game launches with zero original content. Yes, that is an issue, but Sledgehammer Games since then, especially towards season 3, has actually been keeping up with the content a lot more; they've been providing a lot more updates. They've been balancing a lot more things, and the best part about all of this, in my opinion, is the fact that they're actually adding original maps and not just two or three of them.
I mean, these [__] truly dropped six maps on us for this season, including the reloaded update, and so yes, while Charlie Intel and a lot of other gu lickers are busy gobbling some [__] nuts. I actually do think Sledgehammer Games deserves at least a little bit of props for this. Something else that I really want to applaud Sledgehammer Games for is something like this.
There will be new weapon prestige camos for each season, and the games menu confirms there will be a sixth season for MW 2019 Part 3, and War Zone guys, new camo grinds are always accepted here for the scad master all right now. I'm not going to lie, all right. I don't have the Mastery Camo in this game simply because I refuse to keep playing pubs in a game with no original content.
At least that's what I would have been saying for the last five or so months until we actually started getting content, but hold that thought, guys. I'll get back to that very soon, but now that there's other crap to grind for and there's actually original content in the game, maybe there is a slight incentive to start playing pubs again.
So to those of you guys who have quit and those of you guys who don't want to give this game a chance anymore, maybe there's more of a potential to hop on the game for like 15 to 20 minutes and see what's going on. I don't know for me personally. I haven't played this game for about 2 weeks straight, and that's actually very common for me.
You guys know I get my game plays in bulk, and then I just spread them out for the next month or two. Moving on, there's a couple of new weapons coming out in this reloaded update. Advanced Warfare's battle 27 has returned now. I know I haven't talked about this much, but I played Advanced Warfare pretty religiously back in the day.