News - Soooo. New Warzone 3 Is Here. But Does It Suck

It is going to be very boring. Insert good movement. Insert a good map and insert a longer time to kill. All of a sudden, we can be doing some things in solos; we can be sliding around corners; we can be jumping over to get a head shot. Things like this are very good for the war zone, and with the implementation, they feel really good now.

modern warfare 3

I've heard some people say that this feels slower than Modern Warfare 3, and I don't think that's necessarily true. I think it's more of a case that you've been playing Modern Warfare 3 for a month. This map's bigger; there's more places to go, so it's going to feel slower. I think that's what's going on there, but I'm going to have to do some more testing now, something that I like but don't think many people will agree with.

I think the pacing of War Zone 3 is really, really good; they made the overall game length shorter. I believe it's like 20 minutes and 20 seconds or something along those lines, and it feels quick. It constantly feels like the zone's moving in quickly, and I have to be making decisions, moving from area to area, and making rotations.


I do think the player count could be a little bit higher, maybe like 120. Players i don't think it needs to go up to 150; however, that could be fun for an LTM or see how it feels, and maybe they implement it, but pacing as a whole, even though we're playing on a big battle royale map, almost feels a little bit more like a Resurgence game mode just because those zones are closing faster than we previously saw, especially in war zone 2, and yes, it's a bigger map; it's the second biggest war zone map of all time, but because the zones close faster, there's more action and more rotations, and in my opinion, with that faster movement, it just feels faster and better.

Another thing that I love about this is a smaller one. I'm not going to go much smaller than this, but I actually really like this goog now. That could be because in my few hours of playing yesterday, I didn't lose a single goog. I've never been that good at Google, so that might be part of it, but I like how small it is.

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I like the fact that when you kill someone, you can run around, pick up some stuff, loot a little bit, and bring that back with you. I like that there are events in the game where you can get another try or come back fully loaded with a weapon and full armor. I like those additions; they add a little bit of randomness and a little bit of battle royal to the goog.


and you're rewarded for actually winning a little bit more, which, in my opinion, is a very good improvement to the Google Remember how I talked about the bad goo in War Zone 2? This is a good iteration, at least in my opinion, but this is where my problem lies with War Zone 3. I really like it. I think it is really good; in other words, it does not suck.

However. I have a big problem with it this, we would just be so similar not exactly but very similar to war zone 1, this feels like what war zone 2 should have been and if it were to have been this we would just be so much further ahead in war zone and as a game as a whole than we are now we got held back for an entire year because of war zone 2 and this next iteration of it just doesn't feel like it's advanced, as it should be because of War Zone 2, so am I mad at War Zone 3 because of it?

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No I'm just a tad bit frustrated because it makes me wonder where War Zone could be as a game now if Infinity Ward didn't really mess up War Zone 2, and I could be in some minority here where you guys watching this really enjoyed War Zone 2. However, it just wasn't my cup, so if I am giving this as a breakdown to you guys, I give War Zone 3 a solid.

new 3

78 out of 10, you fix the footsteps and add some better weapon balancing. This goes up to like an 8.8.8, and I put the original war zone at like a nine, so we are right on par. We are getting there, and they add some cool new things and maybe address some of the camping issues that I think we're going to have with this map.

Maybe we could have something better than war, but hey, if you disagree with me, feel free. That's what these types of articles are for. Turn notifications on as always. Peace, we are the stars, but making this, you are, and I wonder where you

Today we take our first look at the NEW Call of Duty Warzone and the new update. There are a ton of massive changes so lets call it Call of Duty Warzone 3.
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