News - Some Pc Players Are Mad At Me. Remove Crossplay & Aim Assist Vs Mouse & Keyboard - Cw & Warzone 2

I was always around a 2KD player; some games I was a little higher, some games I was a little lower, like Advanced Warfare. I think I was like 1.4, 1.5 KD, or something like that. I don't check a lot either, so I'm foggy on some of this, but I remember in Black Ops 2 I was like a 2.5, or some [__]] like that, maybe getting closer to a three.

controller vs keyboard mouse

In Black Ops 3, I was a little over two again, just running and gunning, not trying. Harding, that's where I've always been, and when I get out here in these true sbmm. Lobbies, I'm in there with a bunch of K&M guys, and I'm looking around at other dudes on controller that are just as good as me.

We're looking at these K&M dudes, and they're doing [__]. We have there's no chance in hell we're doing the [__]] that they're doing on the keyboard and mouse the same [__]]. crying about an assist every single day they're spinning around doing 360 Bunny Hop Drop Shots: all-head-shot laser, lethal.

Precision, all headshots, zero recoil, not missing a [__]] bullet, like this is what they're doing on the keyboard and mouse. We're looking at them. Whatever skill-based matchmaking bracket we're in, we're on controllers. We're not garbage players; we're solid. We ain't great, but we're solid. We can hold our own.

We can't do the [__]] that we see these K&M players doing, and even still, even though I think K&M is some straight-up cheese and it's laughable, y'all cry about amosys. Well, I know some of you don't appreciate all y'all that don't cry about amosys, but there's a lot of you out here that do cry about amosys.

crossplay rant

That's not the reason I want Crossplay gone. I want crossplay with PC gone to reduce some of the cheaters. Again, yes, there are cheaters on the console, but there are way more cheaters on the PC. We want to get rid of them. When we turn off crossplay on the PlayStation, we're sitting there for minutes, which is way too long for me and my schedule to try to fight a game.

I'm just hopping on to get one or two quick games in maybe three games. Tops, it's just a headache with the crossplay, and with the toxic matchmaking they have in Call of Duty, it sucks for us as customers no matter how you spin it now. I know we have a bunch of PC players, and these are the PC players that I'm cool with who don't cheat and don't cry about aiming to assist every single goddamn day of their lives.

These people, like, they're just chill; they're just gamers, man; they're gamers like a lot of us, but it seems to me there are a whole lot of hypocrites playing on PC. That's all I got for this one.

Apparently call of duty PC players hate playing with console controller players. They're the ones getting mad anytime you suggest removing crossplay with PC.
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