News - Should You Purchase Warzone 2i Zombies. I Day 1 Impressions

But honestly, another of the mode's biggest issues is the fact that it isn't free to play. If Modern Warfare 3 zombies were released as a free add-on that players could download and play, then all this would be a completely different story. But because the game demands a $70 price tag. I have to rate the mode as such, and for $70, this mode is nothing more than DMZ with zombies thrown into the mix, which is a real shame as I feel there's a ton of potential with the idea, but the 1-hour timer combined with the weird two-step forward, one-step back gameplay approach seems to leave me scratching my head as to who this game is exactly built for and what it's trying to achieve.

The undead are insanely aggressive, and the mode is built upon repeated run-throughs with very little room for error, so I can see casual play players facing a steep learning curve from the game. For DMZ players, the mode feels like a natural extension of the game mode, and going from PvP to PVE was a great decision for zombie players.

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There's very little substance here besides the usual Undead Juggernog and Ray Gun, and the game playay hardly plays how you would expect, offering players a unique experience. And finally, there's the hardcore players, who I don't believe will find all too much enjoyment here but will be the ones to most likely experience the most out of the game mode has to offer because of their ability and expertise to survive encounters.

Overall, Modern Warfare 3: Zombies is a weird little game mode that hardly justifies the price of admission. Much like my review of Donon Fong, it's difficult to recommend Modern Warfare 3 based on this experience alone, and based on my day-one thoughts, it's highly advised to wait till a price drop or free weekend to try it out for yourself.

Of course not, but if you're a fan of DMZ and you were already looking to pick up the game, then I recommend that you give it a shot. But if you're a zombie player looking for a spin on a classic formula, you might find some of that in this mode, but it does so in such a way that any of Try's iconicism doesn't feel natural at all.

And I believe this isn't exactly what many people might hope it could actually be, but I still remain optimistic, and I'm going to review this game mode over the current year, and by the end of it. I would love to see how it starts and ends.

Hello there fellow zombie slayers! My name is Stanley557, and after spending some time with Modern Warfare 3 Zombies I decided to put together a little video describing my thoughts on the mode and what players should expect. This is not a review and should only be considered a day 1 look at the mode.
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