News - Rio Warzone 2 Pro Player Callout Guide

Red lobby, p3, red escalators, red steps, red street, ice cream, palm tree, zig, connector, p1

Red lobby, p3, red escalators, red steps, red street, ice cream, palm tree, zig, connector, p1

YouTube what is going on crowder here AKA Atlanta's head coach, and I'm here to show you the new map. Rio's callouts phase edition, let's go okay, so we're going to be starting on Rio by opening these doors right here, and you can see that the area of just like around here and the walls and some of the space in the walls here are all painted red, so we call this red Lobby the third hardpoint of the game, so you can call this P3, but we also like to call this for search and destroy purposes red Lobby or red staircase.

And then you have the red escalators, and the reason why we're calling this red is that its entire area is outlined by red painted walls, so you can call this P3, which is the third hill of the game, or just red Lobby Red Esies. And then you have the red stairs and then over here the P5 Street you can call this like kind of like the red Street as well some people were calling it ice cream just cuz there's like a you know a gelato shop right here like ice cream Street, palm tree there's a bunch of different things that you can call this and as you know this is a very new map so a lot of these call outs might be different between teams and all that so just having the basic ones are really important so again we have P3 or red escalators and then this connector right here, we have been calling this Zig or zigzag just because it's kind of like a zig connector that goes to the P4 area out here and then obviously the P P2 area out there so this call out's pretty important we've been calling that Zig and now moving on more towards the middle of the map this big area right here is just going to be P1 we call it their side of P1 or red side of P1, and then the blue side of P1 cuz we're going to be calling that blue Lobby we'll get there in a second so we calling this P1.

Vending, bench, u, top bridge, blue escalators, blue steps, blue lobby, blue entrance, firetruck, blue street, bridge steps

Vending, bench, u, top bridge, blue escalators, blue steps, blue lobby, blue entrance, firetruck, blue street, bridge steps

Vending machine corner or just vending corner the soda machines right here this is a pretty big head glitch behind the bench the middle bench if you really need to be specific, and then to the left over here by P1 we call this area U so we're calling this U and then we're going towards top Bridge which is also going to be top P5 so that is the middle of the map kind of covered you have top P1 U vending corner and then blue escalators.

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And then the blue staircase right here is going to be this Lobby, which is blue Lobby if you want to call it this way, and this is just because all these walls are painted blue, so you have the blue staircase over here. Escalators. You can call this area the blue lobby entrance if you want; just like the lobby entrance or blue entrance, it doesn't really matter, or you can kind of just call it Firet. Tru, whatever you know kind of floats your boat for that one, they'll kind of probably understand the gist of that, and then the P5 Street here again, you can call this more towards the blue Street or this like the truck Street, the LTV Street, these have the kind of the ltvs on them, and then that could be ice cream or red, and then going up the bridge stairs on the red or blue side is kind of just pretty simple to go from there, and then again and we're back towards the top bridge, but if we keep moving forward this way, a big spawn point, especially for the P2, sometimes is back over here, which we were just calling this back surf, kind of calling this like a surf shop, even though this is a cafe.

Back surf, cafe, back lobby, secret alley, back alley, stair alley, short, blue connector, p2, hot dog, pillars, truck plat

Back surf, cafe, back lobby, secret alley, back alley, stair alley, short, blue connector, p2, hot dog, pillars, truck plat

You can kind of call it whatever you want, but Cafe Back Shop Back Surf Cafe probably makes the most sense here, but for some reason we've been calling it Surf, and then it's going to be over here, kind of towards the back lobby, and now you know more about this P2 area. You're going to have a couple different alleyways, so you have this alley right here.

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You have this entrance or alley right here, and then you have back here, which is also another alley, so the way we kind of break this down is that we're calling this back alley right here, and we're going to call this secret alley, so this is a secret alley. If you have like the really deep back alley spawn, you can say, like, going back alley to like towards like a secret alley, but again, this alley is kind of useless because you don't see it used.

atlanta faze callouts

Too much other than the spawn, I think on the P5, so you have the back alley. If you go back this way, it's a secret. If you come up this way, we've just called this alley or the stair stase head like stairs alley. You know, just like the people play this head glitch, it's pretty freaking crazy, but we have this one as an alley, and then this one right here we are calling this short, so you have.

Alley, back. Alley, back. Secret. And then over here. They're coming from like the short connector right here, so short. And then, if you remember, the other side had a zigzag; this is just going to be a connector or blue connector, so a blue connector for this one, which is kind of like the other zigzag; the callout for the other side of the map we call this blue connector; this would be like the short, short staircase.

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This would just be the alley or alley staircase that would be secret again, just to make sure we're really on top of these things in this area. Right here is just P2 because this is the second hardpoint of the game. This is a hot dog stand, so if they are behind the hot dog stand in P2, you can say that this left side right here is going to be called pillars.

This one is called the top truck platform. People can call us like, you know, top phones or top a phone right here just because of the white truck area. People are calling it the top white truck too, just because.

P2 street, van, cop car, p4, garage, top plat, dumpster heady, yellow, useless, back tree

P2 street, van, cop car, p4, garage, top plat, dumpster heady, yellow, useless, back tree

This is an entrance to P2 and/or P4, so moving over here this white truck or the white van, this would be P2 Street, this would be like the white van right here, that's the cop car, and then getting towards the P4. People are kind of just calling this area P4 there is a white van right there in here we're calling garage which is pretty simple, and then of course we're back over this way which I just showed you guys the blue connector This is also Zig, like I was saying earlier in the game, so you have Zig right now, and then up here is what we've been calling top plat or the top plat hop up.

MW3 Ranked Play Callout Guide | Rio. Season 2 brought us a new map to go over for Ranked Play.
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