News - Top 5 "new" Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2. Best Class Setup Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay


I can't get enough of it. Some people hate it, but for some reason I love the gun. I don't know what it is about it. It's just so fun to play with, all right, but let's get into the ram. This is class number one, and the lights behind me are going to change with every camo that we throw on the gun as well.

So every time we have a different camo, those lights are going to change too. Let's get into the ram. So the first attachment is going to be the SL. Razor hawk light now, I've never actually used this one; it's actually something that I've never touched. I've never thought about a class or anything like that, but it's really good.

If you look at it, you get walking steadiness. You get tax stand spread Sprint to fire speed and ads: you're getting 15 Sprint to fire, 10 ads, and you're getting tactical sand spread 15. There are no other cons; like that, it's actually insane. It's such a good class now. The only cons are that your flashlight is visible, which is not a con because it could work in your favor, and your laser is visible in ads as well, which again could work in your favor somewhat, but that's going to be it right there.

best class

The second attachment is going to be the stock, and this is going to be the HVS. 3.4, pad, you're going to get gun kick control with this aim walking setting this firing aimil ability and recoil control. You're going to lose some sprint to fire at 3%, but you're getting 13 recoil gun kicks. You're getting five horizontals and five verticals.

It's actually pretty good. It's a good trade-off, in my opinion. I would definitely run that for the comb. We're going to go ahead and put on the Recon comb right here to get some more Sprint to fire back some more ads, and all that kind of stuff we're getting. Sprint to fire like this class is unfair.

You're really fast-fit, and then you're getting ads at three as well. You're losing six ads for movement speed, but you're not losing any recoil or range. It's worth throwing on to your class right there, and then we're going to go to the rear grip and we're going to put on the retort. Now the retort is amazing because, look at all this, you're getting 10 recoil gun kicks, seven horizontal and seven vertical.

best class setup

There's no cons. There's literally no downside to this. The only con is aiming idle sway, but once you start shooting, that aiming idle sway disappears anyway, so definitely go ahead and throw on the retort right there. Now, the last attachment is going to be an optional one. You could throw on a bigger magazine if you want.

best gun

I don't recommend doing it, but you could definitely do it if you want. I recommend going and putting on the FTAc MSP 98 hand stop for vertical recoil and gun kick control. And movement speed and aim walking speed all that kind of stuff now you're going to lose a little bit of horizontal recoil but it's not that bad you're getting Mobility, really nice and you're getting recoil gun kick at five and vertical at seven so it's really good if you go into the firing range with this class you guys will see exactly what I'm talking about the recoil, is so easy to control at close and mid when you get to that long range that's when it kind of like struggles a little bit I wouldn't really recommend this class for long range, but you could definitely still hit your shots it's just a lot harder as you guys can see right there I wouldn't recommend it for long range this is an SMG it's built for close range, so don't try to use it at those ranges it's not going to work it's not one of those classes, but it's still really quick you guys can see right there the Sprint of fire look how it's kind of instant.

It's really, really fast, and overall, it's one of my favorite classes right now in this season to use, but let's move on to the next weapon, and that's going to be my absolute favorite, the battle 27, on the battle 27 which, by the way. I love the lights. For this one, you're going to go and use the Lone Fire Comp Barrel.

best guns

Now, this one's going to actually give you recoil control and gun kick control. It's going to take away quite a bit of advertising. It's going to take away 22 ads, which is kind of crazy, but that vertical recoil control at 25% and that horizontal at 16 are kind of worth throwing on, and then you get gun kick control at six, and the only thing you lose in terms of range is six, which is actually not even six 5% bullet velocity, which is honestly not bad whatsoever.

I'm going to definitely keep this attachment on, and then we got the Dr6 hand stop because we want some speed involved with this class as well, so you're going to get ad speed, you're going to get AWA speed, you're going to get Sprint to Fire speed, and you're going to get movement speed with this right here.

It's really worth it; your mobility goes up like crazy, and your ads are up seven; your Sprint to Fire is up eight; so definitely worth it. Running on right here now, I wouldn't recommend an optic on this one. I would actually go to the magazine and throw on the 60. This gun shoots pretty fast, so I really recommend throwing that on as well.


This stock is going to be the Ardent attack stock. This is going to give you gun kick control; it's going to give you firing aim ability; and it's going to give you recoil control. 29% recoil gun kick horizontal and vertical both at seven definitely worth throwing on and then the rear grip is going to be the final one and that's going to be the channel M grip for even more recoil control and gun kit control you're going to get 10, of everything right there in The Recoil control so really worth it you go into the fire range I'm going to show you guys this gun this one's pretty fast still even though we lost a lot of ads and Sprint the fire, it's still pretty fast so we'll Sprint and then we'll shoot, that's a little slower but if you play with this gun right and you actually hold areas down, you're going to do really good it's not a gun that you want to rush like crazy with it's not a gun that you want to just like act like it's an SMG and stuff you could definitely do that with the right class but this class right here is literally built for all ranges I don't know how I missed my shots there I pulled down too hard thinking that the recoil was going to be crazy and I went two down but anyways, it's really nice this class is really good to use and it's the one I've been using for the longest time now so definitely go ahead and use it here's the class as you guys can see on screen I'm not sure if I showed you guys this class in full on screen but this is it right here as well in case you guys want to go ahead and get that there it is right there now let's move on to another weapon, and I think the next one that we're going to do is going to be the bp50.

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