News - How To Kill Everyone You See Warzone 2. Best Tips Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay


Now, if you're playing solo, if you're playing in a team, if you're playing with randoms and a team mix of anything, it doesn't matter if you guys have map control. You're on it you're doing good all right and the pretty much you just kind of need to know where the enemies are going to be even if you're playing solo, just know where the enemies are going to be and this comes naturally after playing a little while you kind of learn it on every single map you know where enemies are going to be and stuff and just hold certain Advantage points and just shoot off all the enemies in those areas once you kind of know this the game just becomes a lot easier so if you know where they're going to be spawning, perfect for you could go pick off a lot of kills if you know that they're coming behind you better for you could again pick a lot of kills so it's going to be better for you guys to just know all those things and I wanted to kind of just say that quickly, get it out of the way right the way before we move into the first tip and the first might not sound.

Amazing, but I got to tell you guys to rush, like, crazy okay, and I'm not saying rush around the map like a headless chicken or anything like that; you don't want to do that; you don't want to just run around and not know where you're going or anything. Kind of rush. But know where the enemies are.


On the right side, where your teammates are, it's just going to work out better for you, so always pay attention to that mini map; it gives a lot of clues. Even without the red dots being visible, now number three knows. When to rotate, and I'm not talking about rotating hard points or, in Domination, rotating the flag and stuff like that, which, by the way, quickly I'll say this isn't one of the tips, but if you're playing Domination, for the love of God, if you have a and b, don't go for C; there's no point; you're just going to flip the spawns; you're going to make the game confusing and stuff; just keep A and B; don't go for anything else unless you're trying to get streaks and stuff without kills, and go for it, but if you have amb.

I just hate it when people push for the other flag. You'll win the game just by holding two. Just offend those two and you'll win the game, but what I want to go back to is. No when to rotate on the map itself, so, like, what kind of thing was I just saying? If you kill a lot of people on the left side, rotate to the right side.

Try to kill a lot of people there; once you kill a lot of people there, they're going to know you're there; they're going to know exactly where you are; rotate back to the left side; and I realized on screen you guys are watching me; I'm doing right when it's left and stuff. Go back to the left side all right, and this way the enemies never let them know exactly where you are, and that's going to work out a lot in your favor, okay?

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Because once the enemies know where you are, or at least they think they know where you are, you could kind of play with their minds a lot. They're going to be angry; they're going to be seeking revenge and stuff, and you're just going to go after them, and you're just going to make it easy; they're going to make it easy for you; they're not going to be focusing; they're going to be just thinking about getting revenge, and they're going to be trash, so just go for it; it's psychological at the end of the day.

Tip number four: always peak and pre-aim corners. Okay, don't sprint around corners; don't do that. The sprint of fire first of all in this game is so slow that if that makes any sense, just sitting there, aiming down sights at that corner waiting for you, you're dead N9 out of 10 times. So what I like to do is just kind of aim a corner as you're turning, turn with the corner, and if that makes any sense, just kind of do that, and she's going to work out in your favor a lot more than it's not.

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You're probably still going to die a lot because turning corners is always dangerous, especially when there's a camper. While they're off guard while they're not expecting it and a lot of these tips that I've mentioned so far up until this one kind of tie in together you can use all of those together but we're going to move on to other tips right after this one that are completely, different and don't really follow the same pattern we've been going off so far but for this one push the enemies, when they're off guard okay when they don't expect it maybe push their spawn, but don't go all the way deep into their spawn like if you go all the way deep into their spawn you're just going to flip it and stuff but just push a little bit so that once they actually do respawn in that area they won't expect an enemy to be there right away and you could just pop drop them and all that kind of stuff now I'm not saying spawn trap unless you want to, but I'm just saying kind of get them where they don't expect you to be from which is why I always try to flank flanking is when you go around to the back of the enemies, and it's just it always works.

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Somehow in your favor when you catch them off guard. When they're looking in a completely different direction, they'll never expect you behind them, so always do that kind of stuff. Don't go head-on and run into a lane that you know enemies are looking down. They know you're coming from there. Catch them off guard.


It's going to work out a lot in your favor now, number six. You want to use attachments. That give you sprint to fire I would say Sprint to fire is the most important, thing in this game okay Sprint of fire is amazing and it's something you always want to get but ads is also nice as well now what I like to do is I like to use rear grips and stocks for anything Sprint to Fire and ads related sometimes I'll go for recoil control on those but for the most part they give you the best ads and Sprint to fire so run rear grips and stocks to give you those and if you want a recoil control, or anything like that or range on your weapons and stuff that's where you're going to go focus on barrels muzzles under barrels those you're going to focus on r and recoil, stocks and rear grips focus on ads and Sprint to Fire and you're going to have a well balanced class you're going to have a laser of a gun that's still pretty fast in the Sprint of fire field and still pretty quick in the ads as well Sprint of fire in this game is probably at base.

I would say I don't know the exact numbers, but it's probably the slowest or one of the slowest sprints of fire in any Cod, so you want to get attachments. That will make it easier for you now. As for number seven, I said this one was probably going to be the most important one, and that is if you could play this game.

Welcome back to another Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 BEST Tips and Tricks video to get more kills and stop dying in COD MW3 Multiplayer.
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