News - Proof Warzone 2 Season 1 Will Be Ruined By Sbmm

If you can't get into lobbies that are more casual, it's nearly impossible. If you're vying with people of your similar skill, you are going to have to play extraordinarily defensively and never touch the object you have to you have to because when you go out, you subject yourself to even extraordinarily competitive gunfights, which drastically.

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Freaking destroys the odds of you getting things like AC130s. Chopper gunners shoot even nukes, which is over half the population. Whoever plays Call of Duty can't get it anymore. This isn't about the top tier. Pub Stompers This isn't about 5K players; this is about every player out there who enjoys Call of Duty.

You could be a 1kd, or you could have less than a 1kd. It doesn't matter if the game does not optimize itself to give you variety in gameplay; it hyper-focuses you into one group of sweaty individuals who are in your tier, and you are constantly cycled through that group over and over and over and over again, where it shouldn't be like that classic Cod again.

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You were exposed to the whole community, so sometimes you got destroyed, railed endless streaks against you, other times it was competitive, and other times you were able to drop crazy streaks. You were able to do everything across the board, but that's what made casual play in COD fun. Again, ranked competitive play in COD is enjoyable, but when you hop into casual, you don't expect to do that every game of your life, but that's what the game is optimized for, and this right here is proof of that case, if less than 4%.

If less than 4% of the players who play Mod Warfare 3 have hit Level 55, then where is the other 96%? And if less than 4% is considered tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of players, then where are the other millions? Because if it's only 4% who hit Level 55, then where's the rest of them?

Players want a variety of gameplay, and they don't mind being optimized and forced into a group of individuals, but you have to let them opt into that. Experience, Allow them to go through ranked when they're ready to do that, but don't force casuals into that mindset. People don't have time for that style of gaming.

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But ladies and gentlemen, if you see nothing but a bunch of level 55s in your lobby, then just know that, like I said, you're facing less than 4% of everybody who's enjoying this game, and if that's all you see, just know that, like I said, 96% of the population is locked away from you. Literally, The casual side of cod is locked, and the funniest thing about it is that a lot of those casual players as well are probably locked into their own little micro, you know, versions as well.

You know, the system just keeps going on and on and on. I cannot wait for Sledgehammer to come out and expose a little bit more about what skill matchmaking is. I'm sure they're not going to expose anything honestly, and I don't think it's going to be Sledgehammer. I think it's actually, you know, the Call of Duty team.

So we'll see what they go ahead and talk about. I'm hoping that they dive deep into some really useful information, and maybe we can see some positive changes. I'm not holding my breath, though I'm truthfully not holding my breath, but this right here will really hurt season 1 when it comes to Moder Warfare 3 season 1.

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Like I said, I see tons of potential, and I think it's going to be fun again. If you guys want to check it out, I am going to be streaming it today, so make sure you tune to my stream. It seems like Sledgehammer is planning on keeping this game updated with a bunch of, you know, free updates and stuff of that sort of content and events.

Aftermarket parts have a lot of grindable features for people who don't want to have to pay $50 for a bundle within the store. If you hated it, don't forget to subscribe. Hit that bell if you want to be notified for more content just like this, and like I said before, I will be streaming over on Kick.

Do you think this information is not accurate? Do you think it's not good enough to, you know, do anything with, you know, form any ideas? At the end of the day, I think it is honestly I think this is enough proof to showcase that, you know, the mass majority of players who are playing this game are locked away.

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If it's 4% of the player base on Xbox and PC right now who are Level 55, then, like I said, where is the 96%? Don't forget to subscribe. Hit that bell. WE Post daily here at 800 in the morning Eastern time, and like I said earlier, if you guys want to catch my stream, I'll be live today over on Kick starting around 1 p.m.

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