News - Pack-a-punching The New "ram 9" Warzone 2 Zombies

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We need to try and get Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch if we can as well, which would obviously be the best possible outcome for this, and it just seems to be that the ram seems to actually be very good. The ram seems to be doing some damage to the zombie. It seems to be doing a nice bit of damage. Actually, I melt through them pretty easily.

Of course, I've got the turret outside as well, which, if you know about this Outlast contract, this turret location is a very nice bit of placement. As soon as you get into a bit of trouble, you just sort of run over here. The turret takes care of the majority of the zombies. You can then just get yourself plated back up, get reloads popped, or whatever else you might need to go ahead and do just to take care of the majority of the zombies.

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It's very easy to just stand there. Like I said, it's going to go through a disciple. No problem it is a very good position. My teammate has now rolled up as well, which is perfect, so we're in a very good spot. Get this done, get a bit of cash together, and we should be very close to Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch in this as well.

I mean, as you can see, it doesn't really struggle to take down any of the zombies in this sort of situation where tier three packs are tier three. Zone with Tier 2 Pack-A-Punch Legendary at all, this gun just melts through the zombies. There's no real problem with it whatsoever; it seems to definitely be able to cope with the zombies that are here with no problem whatsoever, so we can get another self, which I will take.

We managed to get Jug, which is perfect, and I can Stow that as well. We got our stamina up, sweet. We got a few of our perks back, basically the main ones. I need stamina up and jug, so that is a Big W, and then we're also very close now to having this up to Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch, which is perfect CU.

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That's a little bit of time left in the game to really start trying this gun out. As you can see, even against the mangler, it's going to do some nice damage. Against the Mangler It's tier 2 Pack-A-Punch against the tier 3 Mangler; it's really not doing too bad at all so far. So we have got enough to tier three pack-punch.

I'm going to straight in tier three, and then we can see what this gun is going to be like, like the legendary F2 tier three pack-punch. This is where this gun's going to start absolutely shining. As you can see, it's going to melt through anything that comes in our way at close range. This thing is an absolute beamer.

I just realized I've somehow managed to lose my AA blade by picking up a thermite, which is a bit of an L, but it is what it is. I think we'll be okay. We still should be able to manage. I'm a little bit annoyed by that, but it's not the end of the world. This gun just feels very, very good against these zombies.

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I have a mangler next to us. Let's pop a quick reload. We'll let it shoot it thing so it does no damage to me, and then we can really start testing out against the Mangler. How fast is it going to take this mangler down? It shouldn't be too bad at all. There we go. It wasn't too bad. It wasn't the fastest thing I've ever done in my life, but again, it wasn't terrible.

But as you can see up close against zombies, this thing just melts through them with no problem whatsoever. It's a very, very solid gun, so we got mimics rolling up. This gun just seems to be able to take care of all of it. Like, look at how good this gun is. It's a very, very strong gun. Mimics are no problem armored zombies.

Normal zes doesn't matter what we're coming up against; this gun is going to absolutely melt through everything that is nearby, manglers, absolutely wiped out from close range. This gun is a very, very strong gun. I'm not going to lie to you guys; it is a very, very strong gun. But maybe, as there is a mega-abomination here, we do try and take it out and see how good it is going to be against the mega-abomination.

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We tried it earlier at tier 2 Pack-A-Punch; it wasn't really good enough, but we can now see what it's going to be like at tier 3 Pack-a-Punch; that's one head on the mega Abomination gone already, which is exactly what I wanted to see in that sort of situation. If he's going to try charging at us, we can dodge that pretty easily.

It looks like it's just going to run around near us for a little bit, which shouldn't be too bad. We should be okay. See if we can do a little bit of that. My game's just crashed. I don't believe what I've seen. Okay guys, as you saw, unfortunately, my game did crash, but let me try and show you the RAM that I was using.

I would go into another game, but I've got no legendary a to or anything like that to take into a game because I've used my schematics up, so unfortunately. I'm not going to be a to get into the game if I remember correctly. However, the class I was running for the ramp if you wanted to try out the exact class that I was using was the FSS ol laser, the 50 round mag, the optic was the slate reflector, and of course you guys can put on whatever optic you want the stock I believe I went for the ultra light stock, and then for the rear grip.

modern warfare zombies

I was going for the RoR 90 grip tape, so that's the class I was using for the Ram 9. It genuinely felt very powerful at Tier 3, with legendary tools. It genuinely felt very powerful when you saw the damage it was doing. It was taking out zombies with no problem, mimicking manglers. It was taking down the boss, Zom IES, pretty well, and even at the end, I know we didn't get to finish off the mega-abomination.

But it took that first head out pretty quickly; it was doing decent damage. I think we had the mega bomb down to about half of Health already, which was not bad going. Again, this is built as an SMG. You could build this out like a ram seven; you could go ahead and Chuck one of the longer barrels on so it's got better damage range and stuff like that, but at that point, you might as well use the ram 7; this is a ram 9 SMG.

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So this is why the gun is so good up close. You saw how powerful it was. I definitely recommend you guys go ahead and try this one out for yourselves. If you haven't already, go and unlock it. I tried this class I was using, and I genuinely think you guys are going to enjoy it. I had a bit of fun with that gun there; it didn't feel too bad at all, and I definitely want to give it another chance at some point.

Like I said earlier, if you guys want to check out any more zombie content or the BP50 article uploaded yesterday, you can do so by going on to the channel and checking that out.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the ram 9 in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the ram 9 in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the ram 9 in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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