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I had a question that I needed to ask about how to set up the DNS. Because that's how you get the VPN, guys. You don't have to download anything; you just put the V as the primary and secondary. A DNS gives you the numbers to put in, and I was like, Okay, well, do I need to? I didn't give you the actual comment that I made.

But when you go into their U Discord, you create a ticket, and it tells you exactly what to do. Someone reached out to me in under 5 minutes. The question that I had was, do I need to put the DNS and primary and secondary DNS in my router and my PlayStation, or just my PlayStation? They reached out to me and said, No, Chuck, just put it on your PlayStation, and you're good to go.

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All I had to do to make this work was sign up for a free trial. Push the green button. Pick my server on the website, go to my Playstation, go into the settings, go to the router, excuse me, and put in the primary and secondary DNS. And it was good to go. That's it that's all you had to do, so once I figured out what I had to do, yeah, 30 seconds, you just type in the numbers.

Turn your PlayStation off and turn it back on. As long as your account is active on the website, you're good to go; you don't have to do any I didn't have to do anything to my router, guys. Nothing i didn't have to do a single thing. I didn't have to restart my router. I didn't have to reset it.

I didn't have to put anything in go in the settings do admin over, you know, run as administrator. I didn't have to do anything; it was just all on my PlayStation. And that's kind of like what we're alluding to here with this picture: if you have an Xbox primary secondary DNS in your network settings, activate the account with your free trial on the website, and boom, you're good to go.

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That's it if you have Steam or Battl Net, you just put that on your router that's connected to your PC, and then you're done. I like this product because I have looked at a couple of other VPNs before. And in order to get it to work on the console, I was going to have to order a third-party product, or whatever product they sell you.

You'd have to buy the product; they'll mail it to your house, and then you'd have to connect it through your connection to your console. And I'm telling you right now that anytime you have to hook an adapter up to something, your connection is going to get worse. Sometimes vpns can make your connection worse; they'll make your internet slower, but this does not.

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As you can see right here this whole match, I'm under 20 milliseconds pinging normally. I think I'm right at 15 or 16 for the entire match, and we're going to get this win here in a second. Will it get you a guaranteed win every single time? And this is kind of like the only thing that I'm going to throw out as a disclaimer, and it says it on the website: Is this going to guarantee you a win every time?

No, it is not. People still shoot their guns, guys; they're just not super sweaty. Try hard it's an even playing field; they're probably going to be people that are on your level, or maybe a little bit worse than you. There was nobody just standing there, AFK, or anything like that; everybody shot their gun back.

They just weren't very good, which is okay because I'm not very good either. If you're following me, you guys have watched me play. We're not out here trying to prove that we're the best Call of Duty player in the world, but I don't want to get out here and play Oppo every single match and go against guys that live their lives.

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On Call of Duty, so, in general, to end it up is Lobby God's. VPN is it worth it? Is it good? In my opinion, yes, it is. I think you should try it out. Do you think it's worth buying a subscription after you do the free trial? Well, that's up. That's for you to decide. I'm just going to tell you this: I don't really put my name on a lot of things, and I've turned stuff down, but I will use this product anytime that I play Call of Duty, and I recommend it.

So if you've made it this far in the article, first of all, if you've made it this far in the article, go sign up for a free trial on Lobby Gods. Come follow me on all things Call of Duty. I appreciate the support, guys. A big shout out to Lobby guys for allowing me to make this article and the sponsorship of this article, and like I said, guys, try it for yourself.

Come leave a comment on this article after you try it out. Say, Hey Chuck, it works, or you can say it's stupid and I'm crazy, or you can call me whatever you want, but bottom line: VPNs do work. I noticed a considerable difference. I will recommend it. Go ahead and try it out. Get a couple of wins.

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