News - New Walking Dead Event Rewards & Barbed Camo Early Showcase. Free Camo & More. Warzone 2

Walking dead event update early first look!

Walking dead event update early first look!

Welcome back to a brand new article today. What I got for you guys is an early look at the Walking Dead event, the rewards, and how you'll be able to get them. I got a full showcase and a guy to be able to unlock them in the fastest way possible. Also, be sure to check out the other article that I posted earlier today; it covers eight free operator skins and bundles that you can now unlock.

Be sure to check that out after you finish this article, and if you missed out on the season 2 reloaded news that I've been covering over the last couple days.

Mw3 walking dead fear the living event & rewards showcase

As well, the brand new Walking Dead event is going to start this coming Wednesday at 10:00 a. M pacific Standard Time: This will be an XP-based event, meaning that you simply need to play the game in order to be able to get these rewards.

cod mw3

I'll talk about the fastest way that you can gain XP. First, let me go ahead and showcase the different types of rewards you're going to get. The first one that you will unlock is a brand new weapon sticker. This one is called the brave man. It looks like you're going to need to gain around 10, 000 XP in order to get this brand new weapon sticker.

The second reward is going to be a 1-hour double XP token at 23,600 XP. The third one that we have is going to be called the red machete large decal unlocked at 42, 1 100 XP. The XP amount may be a little bit off because we are going based on a leak and this event is yet to go live, so they may differentiate by a couple of numbers.

The third, or fourth, reward is going to be a double weapon. XP token for 1 hour at 67, 2.50 XP The next reward that you unlock is a brand new weapon charm. This one is called Lucille, which is Negan's bat. I'm surprised that they're making references to the OG Walking Dead considering this crossover has to do with the new show and these characters are not there you also need.

10,460 XP to get this reward. The next one is going to be called Carl's Favorite, which will be a large decal, and it says chocolate pudding, and you need 148, 000 XP. Following that, you unlock the Sheriff Deputy Rick hat, which is going to be coming in the form of an embl, and that's going to be at 21, 300 XP.

The next reward is called Don't Open Dead. The inside calling card doesn't look like it's going to be animated, given that you have a 1-hour double battle pass XP token. 44, 50, and XP, and the last and final reward that you're going to be able to unlock is the barbed camo, which will be the Mastery reward camo that you'll unlock by completing the entire event and getting the maximum amount of XP that you can.

This is early showcasing credit to Austin 6 for the footage; unfortunately, it's not animated; it doesn't look like it'll have any sort of effects or anything like that going on with it, but it's still a free camo nonetheless, and if you equip the Michonne operator bundle, you will unlock an XP boost, which is.

I believe, around 1, 000 to 2, 500 XP per match.

Michonne operator bundle & finishing move early showcase

Michonne operator bundle & finishing move early showcase

The Michael operator, I'm going to guess, will probably drop this Tuesday at around 10 a. M pacific Standard Time, a day before the event goes live, is usually when they like to do these types of things. If not the latest, this bundle will arrive on Wednesday, but here's a showcase of everything you'll be able to get.

The first thing is going to be the Michonne operator's skin. The good thing is that apparently it's been confirmed that the voice actress is actually going to be voicing her, so she will have the proper voice lines. Hopefully they're not generic voice lines and things just taken and cut straight from the show anyway.

Along with the new operator, you get a new set of finishing moves, and the finishing move is called Dead Cuts. I'm going to showcase all the different forms of it, crediting Austin 6 for the early footage on this as well. Other than this, you also get three different weapon blueprints. The first weapon blueprint is going to be for the MCW, called The Lone Survivor.

cod mw3 michonne

This comes in with not only a tracer impact round called the death and Decay tracers but a death effect called Michonne specialty. The second weapon blueprint comes in for the longbow, called the Walker Waster. The same exact tracer rounds and effects don't look like it has a sniper scope, but it looks like it has some sort of Elo and red dot on it.

This is what it looks like, and then there is the third weapon blueprint, so this is actually coming in with three. You have the killer Kodachis, which comes in for the dual Kodachis. We really wanted to see a sword that would have made so much sense, but it doesn't seem like they're going to be doing that this time around, and then it also has a death effect.

The final set of items is going to be a weapon sticker as well as a large decal, a weapon charm, and then the finishing move, which I already showcased anyway. This will be the last event going live before the season 2 reloaded update, meaning that you only have one week to complete this event.

Fastest way to complete walking dead event!

Fastest way to complete walking dead event!

It's going to start this coming Wednesday, and it will end the next Wednesday after that, so you're going to need to really grind if you want to maximize and get all that XP.

The fastest way that I have noticed to be able to gain XP is to play longer base modes; my go-to is war zone. No matter what, if you play Resurgence in War Zone, chances are you're probably going to play a longer duration match than you were to play in, like a team death match, and you're going to gain a lot more XP, especially if you're able to get kills, open up crates, and do contracts.

You'll be able to get a lot more XP than a person, or you could play a shorter-paced match and gain a little bit of XP and then have to waste their time in a pregame. Lobby is looking for the next match. This is one of those events where you simply have to play the game, grind out the weapons that you're leveling up, or just whatever you usually do, continuously play that, and you'll be able to unlock all the rewards.

cod mw3 rewards

New playlist update, mortem free operator skin & more content

On top of that, we will also receive a new playlist update the day after, which is going to be on Thursday. This brings in your ring play, Resurgence, which stays the same at trios; you have Battle Royale; and you stand. This is going to be available in solos, trios, and quads. You have Mini Royale, which is going to be extended, and that's going to be on the USIC stand.

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