News - New "max Damage" Hrm-9 Class Warzone 2. Best Hrm 9 Class Setup



all right So in today's article, I'm going to be covering the max damage HRM 9 SMG here in Modern Warfare 3. I always like to cover both, like a max movement or aggression, and a max damage type of build here when new weapons come out, so it's time for us to cover the max damage personally. I'm definitely more of a fan of the up-close and personal approach to this weapon, but the max damage or longer range approach is also pretty good.

I think this could possibly be very good sniper support if you're someone who likes to run a sniper and a primary weapon, or Overkill, whatever you want to call it. I think this could be very good for that or possibly in a war zone. It has a very good damage range and pretty low recoil other than the original kick, but there's some attachments you can use to very much limit that recoil.

Let's get into it.

Max damage class

best class mw3

So starting us off here with the folding stock that's going to give you recoil control, gun kick control, and fire aiming stability I'm going to look at some statistics here for you guys. The gun kick control, or the original gun kick, is much higher than most SMGs in the game, so it's actually a lot more relevant.

The recoil of the weapon really isn't bad, but that original kit kicks quite a bit, so that's kind of what you want to target here, so as you can see, we're getting 99.3%. From the gun kit control 13.6 to the vertical and horizontal recoil controls, that's the best you're going to get when it comes down to stocks.

Over here in a magazine, they finally fixed my freaking magazines. I got the 50-round drum. You don't have to run this if you don't want to. You can go with the normal 30. If that's what you want to do, swap that out for a rear group or an optic. Whatever you want to do there for an underbarrel I went with the Breu heavy support grip to give me gun kick control, aiming idle sway horizontal recoil control, and fire aiming stability.

best class setup mw3

The big reason I chose it here is the gun kick control; it gives you 10.1%, but also. It's F; it's another 12% of the horizontal recoil control, so when this gun originally kicks, it's kind of up into the left, so that horizontal recoil also plays into that gun kick control for a muzzle. Here, I'm going with the L4R flash.

I've used this attachment in the past on this weapon in particular. It gives you 13% across the board for your gun kick control and recoil controls. It does hit your aim-down sight speed a bit, but nothing too crazy there. If you want a weapon or a build with virtually no recoil, you can always go with the Jack RFB muzzle, which is that one that kind of puts you on the radar like an advanced UAV.

Personally. I don't run that, but it does give you a ton in the form of recoil control, so if you want to run that, you can, but if you're somebody that's pretty good at controlling recoil like myself, then I highly recommend going with that L4R flash hider because you're just on the mini map like a normal compensator would be.

best hrm 9 class

In our final attachment, here is the princeps long barrel, giving you a large increase in both bullet velocity and damage range, along with fire aiming stability. You can see 25% in the damage range and 30% in the bullet velocity; at this point, it's virtually like a very fast-paced assault rifle.

I actually believe that weapons like the MTZ, 762. Are along the similar lines when it comes down to damage range so it's at 20.6 M now and 624. M/ second in the bullet velocity category like I said this is actually a very good like sniper support type weapon so if you run Overkill, this could very well be a very good option for you as always there's all your attachments on the screen if you guys did not get the chance to copy all those down as I was talking about it we got some game plays for you guys today that it's going to feature this thing very well as always there's the rest of my load out if you guys wanted to copy that one down like I said we're going to be featuring this weapon very well in the game plays we're going to be taking some close range medium range and in some circumstances, even some longrange fights because it is capable of doing so The recoil is a bit sporadic, of course, with that original gun kick, but once you get that recoil pattern down, this thing is an absolute monster.

As always, let's get into it.

Skidrow game 1

Skidrow game 1

I hope you guys enjoy it. So I'm using the max damage HRM 9, and personally, people wanted me to cover this because it's the growl iron sights, and whatever I like, my fast-paced build is better because this weapon has a good damage range, pretty much like stock. This extra damage range is cool and all.

But I don't think it's 100% necessary. You know what I mean. I don't think you need this to make the gun good. Now, it's not a bad thing. By any means, I just think that you could run the damage range barrel and be just, or, I'm sorry, the movement. Barrel would be just as effective if this guy was paying attention.

I think he was: point, taking fire, come on, teammate, save me, thank you. Yeah, I'm just rotating; I don't know where I'm supposed to be. Looking reloading, I got the Swarm; I'm going to hit the advanced UAV; and I'm just going to chase kills just for pure sanity and stuff. I'm definitely going.

best hrm 9 class mw3

Stuck, the other guy had a sniper, and I was not repainting that door. You couldn't give me enough money to repaint that door. That's the information I need. I'm on day 24; I still have a chopper to hit. Done wait, that guy just spawned there. What the hell was that? Even if I had my super aggressive HRM, I'm not really concerned, to be honest, but this weapon is like a mid-range close range.

I would consider that, if you were to consider it from a war zone perspective, it would be what's called sniper support. Sure, it definitely would be classified as sniper support, which is what I would call it. See what I mean? You have those long-range fights you can take, okay? That was a lucky turn at the end.

Second, let's get this out. I can be more aggressive now. I'm not so scared, obviously, to choke to death now, but you can see that the aim-down sight speed is not the fastest. Reloading i'll meet you at another time. I want this game to last longer, so I'm trying to get to that object, but it's not working as well as one would have hoped.

best hrm 9 class setup

Dr, Then I'm getting lit up. I mean, we're getting spawned. Trapped should have bought us some time. There we go. That grenade was godly holy crap; they think they won. It's always my favorite kind of win, though, to be honest, the guy's using an M16 that's on my list. That's on my list. Don't you guys worry.

I did say I'm going to do a bunch of MW2 weapons, and that one is 100% on the list because that guy's frying. Reloading Okay, well, we bought sometime, we're at 73 kills, they're going not, they shouldn't be spawning here anymore, they should be over here cuz my teammate NOP, my teammate died on top.

NEW MAX DAMAGE HRM-9 Class in MW3! Best HRM 9 Class Setup -Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
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