News - New" How To Unlock All New Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies (full Walk-through)

I do watch this little sneaky one in the back as well. That has always been the biggest pain for people to find, but as you can see, all we're doing is just shooting all of these as fast as we can. It doesn't matter; I don't think we're time-gated at all. It took a very long time to figure out how to do this, so I think we're fine.

Then this is going to be the last one right here, and I failed to understand. Hey, that's the reward. So we're going to go ahead and keep shooting zombies. You can't kill that zombie yet, but boom, it just spawned right there. Now all I need to do is get my butt back up there to grab the final upgrade.

mw3 zombies new schematics

So boom, we just got our final upgrade. Now it's time to go and rinse and repeat all of this again, but put our items in the portal. Now that we are at the portal, we luckily found a six-man to do this, and this is going to make it 10 times easier if you guys want to try a six-man. I'm definitely down for it.

If you guys want to try to queue up and join my stream, definitely do that all you guys need to do is put all three of those items on the little plates then from here you will need a Elder sigil an elder sigil will drop or you need to obtain one beforehand, that is going to be how you open the portal you're going to see here in a second that this guy actually went and opened the portal for us big props to these guys coming and helping us but the portal is open so now all we need to do is start the mission but unfortunately it is not going to pull us in right away, you're going to have to kill a boss.

mw3 zombies new schematics guide

Now, once we are in, this is going to be the easy part for us. All we need to do is find the three secret bunnies. Once we are in the new Rift, you're going to see on screen right here that there's going to be three bunnies that magically disappear, and you have no idea where they went. You can do one of two things: try to find them or listen for them.

Now the first one is going to be over here in the kitchen. I'm going to show you guys on the map here in a second; it's going to be in the back left area; it's going to be on the second floor; once you get that, all you need to do is go in kit light boss and it will change game to game. We figured out it changed from me.

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Abominations to deciples to all sorts of different things, so every time you guys go in here, it will be a new boss. But we just got our rewards, and our first one was the keys to the new vehicle, so we're going to go ahead and snag that schematic, and we just got the mags of holding and acquisition, so we're definitely going to throw that away.

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded

The second one is going to be on top of the roof, over in this area. I'm going to show you guys on the map here in a second and show you what the bunny looks like as well. You can see right here we're picking it up, and it's going to be in the middle of the map, kind of towards the left side on top of the roof, so boom, we got our bunny.

Now all we need to do is complete our mission. Once we get to the Outlast Mission, we'll show you guys what to do. It's pretty self-explanatory. Go ahead and stay alive. Kill the zombies, and you're going to get your second set of rewards. On this one, we ended up getting the vr11, case an elder Sr for us to go back in, and a mags of holding once again; it's not guaranteed drops.

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded easter egg

It's going to be a random drop so RNG Gods you got to give the Cod Community some love and give us all the new schematics please but you can see right here we're throwing everything away and let's show you where the third one is, so moving on to the third one you're going to see that it is at the mall and somebody unfortunately grabbed it before I could so I made my way to make it as easy as possible to show you guys where it would be it's actually going to be on the tippity top of the mall and I'm going to show you guys on the map here in a second, right there in the Middle where the glasses is where the last bunny is going to be now once you go ahead and activate that this one you're actually timed for about 3 minutes so the more people it's going to be the easier to do it all you need to do is activate all the missiles, and then you're going to get your final set of rewards.

We ended up getting another key in Eldersigil, so we did not get the mags of holding schematics, unfortunately. But we ended up rinsing and repeating and getting it later on, so the more times you do it, probably the better luck. Just Call of Duty being Call of Duty at this point, but we're going to go ahead and stow all of these away, and then we're going to show you guys how to actually exit out of the portal and keep all of your items or unlock them.

mw3 zombies update

So for the last part, it's just getting out. Now all you can see is that we're trying to figure out how to get out, and it's actually going to be his ping on the map, so I'm going to believe it is in the top right corner. I kind of just ran as fast as we could because we were running out of time I believe it's up to about 2 to 3 minutes, left on the timer and we have a long way to go and I'm kind of a broke boy and have no scorcher on me so everybody else got to Scorch or fly I unfortunately had to walk the whole way there now you can see on screen there is a lot of zombies following me and the storm is kind of coming so what I mean by that is the storm is moving and I need to stay in the that specific Circle, or I'm going to take damage so make sure you guys do bring a gas mask with you if you don't have one as you can see the storm is running away super fast because these guys are pulling it when they're running away from me, but I managed to stay in there as much as I could.

new aether mw3

Our only goal from here is to run as fast as we can to get out and go through the portal. Try not to use any of the rocks for climbing in Call of Duty. Logical rocks will hurt you; they don't help you in any way. But all we need to do is hit that portal to keep all of our new items. Hopefully, this was helpful.

Don't forget to drop a like, don't forget to subscribe, and I'll catch you guys in the next one. As you can see on screen, we are hitting the rift, and we are going to get that activity complete icon. We're going to get a whole bunch of new rewards, and we have the reef completed so we can go back and rinse and repeat.

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And lastly, but not least, we got the new awesome items. I love you guys. Peace.

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NEW How to Unlock All NEW Schematics in MW3 Zombies FULL WALK-THROUGH.
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