News - My Response To Activision's Sbmm Matchmaking Blog Post. Call Of Duty Warzone 2

Nobody had any fun at a high school party with a bunch of parent chaperones. Monitoring every [__] situation in a dark corner, go mind your [__] business somewhere and let the kids be. When it was like that, Call of Duty was more fun. You have no business trying to match up a bunch of people of the same skill level to be a public match that [__] belongs in rank play; let people choose if they want to have that type of closely knit highly competitive match that [__] is very highly stressful; it's not relaxing; it's not enjoyable, and it's not what made us fall in love with Call of Duty in the first place.

modern warfare 3

That is the [__] that got people dropping like flies left and right, whether they were just regular Joes, content creators, or anybody in between. Call of Duty is doing worse now than it ever has, and it's because of this [__] matchmaking system that they. God, they claim is helping the game. Who is it helping?

They'll be gone next month anyway. When the next game comes out, why cater to the people who are just flying by night instead of the people who built this franchise? But who am I? Just another man with another opinion on the internet about how the [__] y'all feel about this [__] I'm out of time, and at the end of the blog post, they mentioned something about, you know, how they feel that sweaty lobbies are the best thing for the ecosystem and that they understand that we don't like it, and they are going to continue to try to work towards making it better for us.

modern warfare 3 sbmm

Somehow, I don't believe it sounds like a bunch of [__] to me. If you understand that we don't like the system because the lobbies are too sweaty, all you have to do is turn the [__] off. Turning it off turn it off it has only hurt the game; it ain't never helped [__] except maybe y'all's pocketbooks, and if that's the only thing that you care about, then say that in the blog post because you have killed all of the fun in the game.

Ask anybody who's still playing the game. Don't miss any of this Call of Duty. It's the murder; show [__] with me.

The Activision blog post about SBMM and the matchmaking in Call of Duty is full of B. and lies and is ruining Modern Warfare 3. FCK WIT ME.
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