News - Massive Aiming Buffs, Health Regen Improved, Much More. Warzone 2 Season 2 Update Details

Spawn adjustments?

Spawn adjustments?


Next up, one of the biggest issues I've had with the game recently has been the spawn design. The spawns have been in a horrible state, at least for Domination, which is my preferred game mode. I'm sure other modes are struggling with spawns as well and in the patch notes they mentioned just a couple spawn adjustments they made so with high-rise there were a couple adjustments as well as terminal in the security area, this is something I also asked about in a Creator call that we had with the developers, a couple days ago on Monday, where they went over a lot of these details and we had a little Q&A session after my big question was are you going to work on spawns, and their response to this was there will be some spawn adjustments with this and they are constantly working on spawns and will continue to be working on spawns as time goes on so I'm hoping there's more than just these couple specific adjustments that they've made here and they've actually made some general logic adjustments.

But this is the type of thing that takes some time to really get a feel for, so we're definitely going to need at least a few days to get a good feel for whether or not the spawns have changed in general.

Killfeed adjustment

After that, in the patch notes, they mentioned a few changes to the kill feed: the line duration went from 10 seconds down to 5 seconds, and the line fade duration went from 1 second to 5 seconds.

This is primarily going to be a change that affects, like, the snipers out there who are trying to get the biggest feeds possible. I think for the average player out there, this probably won't make too much of a difference.

Fov and slide bug fixes

Fov and slide bug fixes

It appears they've also finally fixed the bug where your field of view can be set way higher than intended after you infill into a match, and another key bug they apparently fixed here is that players that have the slide-only option set with their controller settings should no longer be diving unintentionally when they meant to slide now.

For both of these issues, I haven't experienced either of them myself, so I'd love to hear from you guys if you guys have been experiencing these issues since the game launched.

New stat comparison feature


Next, let's get into a new feature they added. This is with the advanced stats. You can now look at the advanced stats of the gun while you're in the weapon selection menu rather than the gunsmith section, and what this allows you to do is compare guns to each other so you can look at the current gun you have activated, and you can just scroll through and hover on top of all the other guns, and you'll see the exact differences between your current gun that you have selected and the gun that you're hovering over.

Attachment unlock bug fix

After that, there were several pre-patched attachments that just couldn't be unlocked. You could see them in the menus, but there was no apparent method of unlocking them, and some of the examples here are a couple of the barrels on the Ram 7 with the Longbow Sniper rifle. We have the iron sight optic with the XRK Sniper; these are the no-stock attachments.

And for some people, the Jack BFB muzzle was also locked. Now it appears that for all of these, they've added a path to unlocking them by just making them an armory credit unlock, so check those out if there's an attachment you previously were unable to unlock. Have a look at it. Now you may be able to activate an armory unlock for those and get them unlocked finally.

Stormender launcher fixed!

Stormender launcher fixed!

As for the next bug fix that came through with this, the Storm Ender launcher is now working properly against all of the streaks. Now it should be working fine with all of them, so that's good news. You can once again pick off those cruise missiles, as well as helicopters and valls.

Field upgrade changes/fixes

After that, for both the Medbox and Munitions box field upgrades, they decreased the time to deploy from 1.9 seconds down to 1.3 seconds. Looking at them side by side, this definitely doesn't appear to be that much of an improvement. If anything, it looks like it's maybe just a few frames faster now post-patch compared to pre-patch, but even then, I would say this is just not a noticeable change at all based on my testing.


On top of that, for field upgrades, it does look like they fixed the ACs. I made a article talking about this a little while ago, but essentially, with the ACs, it had an infinite vertical capture area, so if you put the ACs underneath or on top of a domination flag, even if it was a level above or below that flag, it didn't matter; you could still cap the objective with the ACs.

With the season 2 update, they have fixed that, so the ACs actually have to be on the objective. Additionally, they resolved an exploit with a tactical camera that allowed players to see through certain areas of the environment. With the deployable cover, apparently there was an exploit that allowed players to become invisible.

This is the first I've heard of it, but I'm glad to hear that has been taken care of as well before it became really widespread, and then finally, for field upgrades, with the Dead Silence field upgrade, they resolved an issue causing the activation sounds to be more audible to other players than intended, and that's something I ran into a few times with my testing as well; it was very inconsistent. But sometimes you would hear that really loud beeping sound with dead silence, and then other times you wouldn't hear it at all.

New ranked restrictions & map rotation

New ranked restrictions & map rotation

Now, finally, with today's article, when it comes to the important changes that were made with the season 2 updates, let's talk a little bit about ranks. Play first off for Search and Destroy.

They removed Skid Row from the rotation and added Rio to the rotation. For a hardpoint, they removed Terminal from rotation, but they added Rio, and they brought back subbase with a fix to the subbase hardpoint location, and then on top of this, they brought in the weapon restrictions that they mentioned a couple weeks ago, so you can no longer use several of the guns that you could previously use in ranked play, as well as the Jack BFB muzzle that is now restricted, and they've also restricted the new BP50 assault rifle Ram 9 SMG and the new ninja vest.

Final thoughts & wrap up

And with that, that's finally going to wrap it up for today's article on just a bunch of the really important miscellaneous changes that were made with the season 2 update in Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer. As for my thoughts on this, keeping in mind that this is just on paper, I haven't had any time to actually dive in and play the update since I've just been testing the updates.

Season 2 of Modern Warfare III is here and this one came with some very big and important changes that will affect moment to moment gameplay including a massive improvement to aiming idle sway, a health regeneration buff, and more! Today, I wanted to cover all of the important miscellaneous changes in great detail and tomorrow, I'll dive into the weapon balancing.
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