News - Is Warzone 2 Worth Playing 2024


Mr noob Tu gamer, today we're playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in 2024. 13 years later, the game will definitely still have a lot of players in 2024. So you don't have to worry about them; they're not like anybody if you try to get into a match, so that's good. That's honestly the most important thing when we're talking about these old-ass games in 2024.

Is not necessarily the game play not necessarily. How does it hold up? Has it aged well? Whatever it's really, are people still playing? The answer is yes, although not as many as in Modern Warfare 2, which. I honestly don't think this is very surprising considering that Modern Warfare 3 is just a simple copy and paste of Modern Warfare 2, just with better balancing, obviously because MW2 was crazy with the One Army danger close to Last Stand.

all that [__], like it was, it was pretty bad, so you know there's some people who actually prefer Modern Warfare 3 over Modern Warfare 2 just because of how much the balancing has improved dramatically even though there's still some [__] in there like the IMs, and even though they took out Last Stand, they replaced it with Final Stand, which wasn't much better, but yeah.


I think it's still fun in 2024. Obviously, the graphics don't look as good. As a modern Call of Duty game, if we're comparing the old Modern Warfare 3 to the new Modern Warfare 3, obviously the new Modern Warfare 3 looks a lot better, but does it play better? Definitely not i still think that the old classic Call of Duty games are the best Call of Duty experience that you can have even to this day, and Modern Warfare 3 is no different, even though it's not my favorite.

I would say that of all the classic games from the Golden Age of Call of Duty, which most people consider Call of Duty 4 to Black Ops 2 MW3, it's by far my least favorite of all of them, but that's not to say that I still don't have fun, playing from time to time. I always had a very hard time playing this game for the longest time because of the matchmaking with backward compatibility, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with.

warzone 2

It was up for a very, very long time, but now it is fixed. It got fixed multiple times, but, you know, every now and then it gets messed up again, but it still works a lot better than it did for the longest time. I think that's just because of Microsoft. Since they're running Call of Duty now, they're actually fixing some things, which is great, but I need to make this clear: This is the only version of Modern Warfare 3 that you should even consider playing in 2024.

Is it the Xbox version, not the PC or PS3 version? They are not worth your time now. The PC version of MW3 does have a hacker-free version because if you play the original vanilla experience, you will run into hackers, and some of them will probably be able to steal your personal information. Although it's very unlikely, it's still possible, so I stay very clear from the steam version.

But there's Plutonium, which is a custom client that you guys may be familiar with, but I don't really [__] with these custom clients on PC. It's a common experience across all these games that it just isn't the same game that the original was; it just has like all these custom [__] things in it: a lot of snipers when you have a keyboard and mouse and a PC, everybody is sniping, and it's obnoxious as hell, and it's also not 6v6; it's always like 18-20, 24 player servers.

And not even like the vanilla game, it has all these custom maps and weapons, and [__] where just it's not MW3, some people may like that, but I hate it so much, and then with the fov and all that, [__] it just looks wanky as hell. I'm not a fan of the PC version the PC experience in Modern Warfare 3; it's just not a good PS3 version.

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Is also not good. More specifically, if you have not played Modern Warfare 3 before January 2019, that's when the PSN name change feature rolled out, and it [__] up a lot of online Call of Duty games and just a lot of games in general, but the PS3 got hit really hard by servers just not working properly, so even if your PSN account was created before 2019, it doesn't matter if you didn't log into Modern Warfare 3 before that time; you will not be able to connect to the server at all.

At least in Modern Warfare 2, you could connect on the PS3, but you couldn't rank up well when you ranked up, and then if you logged back in, your entire progress was reset, and you know that was bad enough. Now you can't even get into the game at all on PS3, and it doesn't seem like there's any workaround.

I looked it up and I couldn't find anything, so yeah, stay away from PS3. Stay away from PCs. Xbox is the only viable option, in my opinion, if you want the original True Modern Warfare 3 experience with no hackers and no server problems. Nothing like that; it plays very well in 2024. Granted, the player base is very small; it's mostly confined to Team Deathmatch, but I think you know that's just part of the course with these older games; it's not really a surprise, and you kind of know what you're getting into when you're playing a game from 2011 on the Xbox 360.

Even if it's backwards compatible, it's like, yeah, not everyone's going to be playing that [__]. Still, you know, like most of the classic Call of Duty games on 360, people are still playing the DLC maps. Now, be careful if you want to buy the DLC because there is only one map pack. I forget which one it is because it's like collections 1, 2, 3, and 4.

One of the map packs is all 2v2, FaceofMaps, which, I'm sorry, wasn't a big fan of Face Off and W3. They were really trying so hard to make it like the next big thing in COD, and it kind of did become a thing later on, like Modern Warfare 2019 sort of brought it back, but back in 2011, nobody gave a And yeah, that whole DLC is just 2v2 maps; nobody bought it, including me.

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That's the one DLC pack in all of Call of Duty that I have never purchased, but three out of four of the map packs have regular 6v6, and they're pretty good maps, and people will still play them in 2024. As you can see in the gameplay, both of the maps that I played for this article were DLC, even though this version of Modern Warfare 3 doesn't have zombies.

It has its own survival mode, which is actually probably the best non-zombies game mode that has ever existed in Call of Duty. As far as Co-op is concerned, yeah, I'd say MW3 survival mode is the second best thing that they have ever come up with aside from zombies, and the single player is great.

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