News - I Spectated The Best Warzone 2 Solo Player

warzone 2

I'm going to go ahead and get a little bit of a high ground position to see if you can't see anyone below. I haven't seen anything right off the bat yet, but so far, it's looking clear from behind. Make the rotation up here toward the safe zone. I'm going to make sure he's going to clear out a few of these buildings; here's another dead player; right here, see if he can't go ahead and get some loot from these guys.

I'm not too sure if he is able to carry in any streaks with him or not; it doesn't look that way, and he does know that there could potentially be another player to his left over there in the tents for when he was originally going for. I can't remember his name, but whenever he was fighting, a few shots from the right and the instant dolphin dive with the stem, this guy is a war zone one pro throwing, the grenade behind him spotting.

warzone 2 gameplay

The player is here, and here come the akimbos. easily taken out by my man. Spartan Broad: Here is another player, towards the left, and he was able to see that here comes the EBR shot. Going down range, and ladies and gentlemen, this might be the brand new meta for Warzone right now. He's now free here with 18 kills on the leaderboard and two more kills, and he's going to go ahead and drop that big 20 bomb using one of the weapons that we have yet to see here, and he's still going to go back for that loading, now picking up the AK-74u.

warzone 2 loadouts

I'm not too sure if he did get his EBR back out as well; I didn't really check. EBR is still in play, and if I were a bad man, my money would be going for this guy right now. In solo spots, another player using a sniper shot down range, not being able to tell if he was able to make anything connect or not, says, "I'm going to see if he can cross this road and go ahead and get an early rotation, so that way he knows that this guy's going to have to rotate towards him especially." With the zone now moving and making sure no one's from behind, you definitely don't want to get caught off guard in this game because the ttk instantly slays the Foster player right there, shots down range knocking shields, and that guy is down as well, making it 19 kills, here for free, and here comes some shooting towards him from the building trying to see if he can't get into a position to possibly show back up and get a few shots on him as well.

This player definitely wasn't pushy; he didn't want to take any risk in trying to get Free here out of the game now, leaving Free in a position to absolutely slay, and look at this guy right here. Definitely a newer player towards Call of Duty: Free is Here, pushing that guy completely. I didn't expect to see that happen, but unfortunately.

Free is getting taken out with the Call of Duty timing by Tomahawk, who only has six kill-four players left to go, and Tomahawk has some big shoes to fill from what we were just watching. You know Free's got to be mad because the Call of Duty timing came in at such a bad time for him when he decided to pick up some loot now.

warzone 2 solo spectating

One thing that I noticed, and one thing especially that I've been trying to work on, is that in these later games, the only time you should really be picking up loot from anybody is if you want to make sure that you don't have a precision or if you don't have any kind of kill streaks. It's really the only time that I really lose bodies in this game towards the end zone, and that was definitely caught free here in a bad position, but I meant Tomahawk.

Now able to take out Blaze, here we are now putting him up to seven kills, so it's now a 1v1 situation. He has absolutely no idea where the other player is. He does have a baby, but unfortunately, we're not able to see anything now. If he can try to get an early rotation here and just kind of hold down that circle to make sure that he can see him actually being able to spot the player, here come a few shots with the AK, but not able to make anything connect, go ahead and reload instead of going straight that direction, he's going to see if he can't get a little head glitch, and it's going to put him in a bad situation.

warzone 2 solos

He does have a self-revive as well as a gas mask. He's in the storm. This other guy is going to be able to get that early rotation. I'd be really curious to see if Tomahawk's going to be able to pull this off, but I gotta tell you, ladies and gentlemen, it's not looking good for my man here. He doesn't have a stem.

The gas is slowly ticking away, and it is moving again. Shots are coming down raging, unfortunately, and Tomahawk is going to get taken out here, and our man with no name that we weren't able to see is going to take home the W here in a war zone, ladies and gentlemen. No way, no, freaking way; just out of context.

This guy's murmuring absolutely turned me on. If you kill me, I hate you. I see you. Hey, I'm not going to kill you. I'll drop my goon right now. All right, I promise I won't do it. I got a bad speed. I need to get it leveled up. I don't have the battle pass. You don't have the battle pass; don't do it; hey, you said not to do it.

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