News - How To Get Free Safeguard Operator Skin Warzone 2. Secret Warzone Event Now Live - Warzone 2

Secret warzone event now live!

Secret warzone event now live!

Welcome back to a brand new article today. What I got for you guys is that we're going to talk about a secret event that's currently taking place in Call of Duty's war zone, and apparently this is an event that is actually live at the moment, and this can get you the brand new Safeguard operator skin as well as a couple of other rewards.

I'm going to show you guys how you'll be able to access the secret event, what you can do for it, and how to complete the challenges, so that way you can get this free operator skin for yourself. As a quick reminder. I did post a article yesterday where we went over the War Zone fourth-year anniversary event and the free rewards you're going to be able to get from that, and the article before went over all the season 2 reloaded operator bundles, so if you've been missing out on any of those articles.

I highly recommend you check them out.

New update, event, modes & weekly challenges early preview

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Even so, I want to let you know that tomorrow we do have an update that's going to go live. This is going to be a set of playlists, new weekly challenges, as well as a brand new event. The different types of rewards already known are going to be in Warhammer 40K.

We talked about and discussed all the different types of rewards already, but along with the Jugger, LTM will be making its debut. This is going to be a third-person playlist where you can be either the Space Marines or the Blood Marines, and you'll be on a team. Regardless of which side you're on, you're pretty much supposed to eliminate players like a regular TDM type of match; it definitely feels different than the standard Call of Duty.

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Every player has a health bar above their head; it's in third person; you're able to use weapons like melees and grenades; and then there's a chainsaw that spawns in the middle of the match that can hit players. It's definitely a mode that we don't see very often in Call of Duty, and I definitely think you should give it a try.

free safeguard operator skin

It should be going live with the Warhammer, an event that's going to be going live tomorrow at 10:00 a. M pacific Standard Time On top of that, there will also be a new set of weekly challenges that you'll be able to complete across multiplayer, zombies, and War Zone, and these are going to probably give you some sort of aftermarket.

I believe it's going to be for the bass B lever action, if I'm not mistaken. I got early footage, and thanks to Bob, it could end up being a completely different aftermarket, but the BBY lever action is scheduled for sometime during the reloaded update. Regardless, by completing the weekly challenge, you'll be one step closer to getting that animated, rotten Inferno camo.

But these are just the little minor updates that we are going to be receiving this upcoming week, and then on Thursday there's also going to be that war zone playlist, and I'll go ahead and show you guys what the war zone playlist is going to be for that week. But anyway, that's pretty much everything you need to know about that current update. There's something else going on right now in Call of Duty.

New warzone welcome missions event challenges & rewards

New warzone welcome missions event challenges & rewards

Sort of behind the scenes, this is an update event that they're not really talking about, but it's starting to pop up for many players. And this is called the War Zone Welcome Missions. We originally thought this was going to be a part of the War Zone Mobile Day Zero Launch Event.

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When War Zone Mobile officially launches, you'll be able to participate in this event. In it, it looks like that's not the case because players are starting to report that they're getting this event popping up on their menu. And this is not titled the Day Zero Launch Event; it's actually titled the War Zone Welcome Missions.

There are three stages of challenges that you will need to complete. Each stage will unlock a different reward. We did talk about this in the past, but just a quick reminder. The first set will unlock you a large decal; the challenges are to log into the game and complete a resurgence, match Get one assist, get one kill, and open one supply box in the war zone.

In the second set, we also have challenges for that one, and that's going to be editing a custom loadout. Pick up, load out, drop in Battle Royale or Resurgence, and buy any item from a buy station in the war zone. Change your operator once in the war zone, Complete a battle royale match, and that unlocks a brand new sticker.

The last stage is for an operator skin; it says to complete 10 total matches in any war zone mode, Equip five attachment weapons in any war zone mode, Complete any one contract in the war zone. Add one friend in war zone and buy back a teammate in a buy station once in war zone, and that will unlock the new Safeguard and operator skins. Now let's talk about how you can get.

How to access warzone welcome mission event & rewards

How to access warzone welcome mission event & rewards

This event is for yourself. The first thing I want to clarify is that this has nothing to do with War Zone Mobile. This is specifically for War Zone on console and PC. As you saw from the screenshots, these are not coming from War Zone Mobile, so this has nothing to do with it.

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What has to do with it is a different event called Day01. I originally thought it was this event right here, but this one's called the War Zone Welcome Missions, and Day 01 is going to have its own different sets of challenges and rewards, and that one will be tied to War Zone Mobile. I have another article to talk about and discuss, but for this one, it's as simple as just logging into your game and checking to see if it pops up for you.

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As of right now, it's completely RNG. Based on the majority of players who have gotten it, they simply logged into the game, and they ended up getting this popup. It said war zone welcome missions, and it said complete training missions in any war zone mode to instantly earn free rewards. Earn XP events by completing standard missions and finishing an entire stage for rewards that include operator skins and more.

Complete all three stages to unlock the three Ultimate Rewards. And at first they were appearing for lower level accounts only, so people who are around, like level 20 or level 30, who don't play Call of Duty as often ended up getting this, and it seemed like it was only exclusive to them at the start, but then players who are level 450.

I actually ended up starting to see this message myself; I haven't seen it yet, but players are reporting that they are getting it and they are starting to be at higher levels, and as you can see here from the screenshot, he was able to do them, and he was at level 450. So it doesn't seem like this is exclusive to newer accounts.

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