News - How Rare Is Rare. I Completed 100 Tier 3 Contracts, And The Results Are In. Warzone 2 Zombies

I'm not saying by any means that you can't get a higher reward in that very first loot box whenever you get a reward, but what I'm saying is that the odds of that happening are extremely low and kind of picture them all as like slot machine windows, so your odds may be 1% to get a legendary item in that very first reward box, but then you get on to the second reward box, and now maybe your odds are a little bit better; maybe now they're 3%.

And then you get to the third box, and maybe they're 5%, and then in box four, you know, maybe they're just a little bit higher. I hope that theory is kind of making a little bit of sense to you because it does kind of feel like that is how some of these things tend to come out in result whenever you get these rewards inside of the Tier 3 Zone, and I don't think there's some big complicated algorithm.

I think it's just pulling from a list of things, like, say, you know, if it's going to reward you with a perk, it's just going to grab a perk at random using RNG, and then that's the perk you're going to get. Same thing when it comes to schematics, Wonder Weapons, and legendary tools, Flawless Crystals.

Those sorts of things, if you're going to get a legendary item, it may pull and say. Well, you're going to get a wonder weapon, a legendary Flawless Crystal, or a schematic; you're going to get one of those, and then it just kind of picks it up that way much, the same as a slot machine uses their RNG to gather it, and then each box as you progress in the reward box gives you a higher and higher chance of getting one of the more rare items, with the exception of Box 4, which seems to be nothing but sigils and schematics.

Across these 100 contracts that we did nothing in box 4 ever dropped besides a sigle or a schematic, so generally you're just dealing with boxes one, two, and three, and obviously there is a chance that you know, like if you're playing rette and it hits zero or double zero well, then you get no reward in box three, which is sometimes why you only get two rewards and they may crap be crap rewards, like your tier one rewards, like you might get, you know, a rare ether tool and a two-plate vest or something, because obviously those have a much higher chance of dropping.

I think that's going to be about doing it for this article. Obviously, you're going to have good days, and you're going to have bad days, good weeks, and bad weeks. It's all RNG at the end of the day, but I hope you got at least some value out of this. Get a little bit more insight into just how frequently you can expect some of these rewards to be dropping when you're in the Tier 3 Zone.

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Tier 3Zombies