News - Getting The Best Loot Just Got Easier Warzone 2 Zombies Dark Aether Solo

I'm actually really happy to see this cuz a bunch of times that I've done this recently. I've gotten a bunch of just-ray guns and wonder wafs just again and again and again, so I'm really happy to finally see a scorcher. Case in here, it kind of got to the point where I was taking ray guns and wonder wafs into matches and just dropping them for people because I didn't want to have them in my stash, and I'd rather do that than just delete them, but with that, we're going to head on up to the Xville and check out our loot.


What We Gather throughout the match here, and not bad at all, guys. I really do think that Treyarch has buffed up the loot that we've been getting from the matches here after the Season One update; we're getting better loot from Tier 3; we're getting better loot from killing the mega Abominations; and I also think that the dark ether has been buffed up a lot, not only in the better loot that we're getting from contracts but like the zombies and everything else that has been kind of buffed up in here.

I think maybe just to give us a little bit of an extra challenge. Understand, and for a lot of people, it's what makes this game mode fun, and for a lot of them, it's kind of what's keeping it alive, so I think this is definitely one of the best ways that you guys can be farming up some of the rarest loot and acquisitions that are in the game right now.


I definitely think this has been buffed up. I really do think that they made some good changes with this update, but then again, I think they also made some questionable ones like always, but that is going to wrap up the article. I appreciate everybody who stopped by today.

Today were checking out the Dark Aether after the season reloaded update. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Previous Video.
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