News - Entire Warzone 2 Holiday Event Leaked. Mastery Rewards, Challenges & All Content



Let's break down the entire Modern Warfare 3 holiday event from all the event challenges, map reskins, new game modes, operator rewards we're getting, and much more.

Mw3 holiday event release times & download

But first up here, let's go through the event release itself. It's releasing on Wednesday, December 20th, in a little over 4 days from now.

At these times up on screen, it's a pretty standard event. Of course, we've been getting many updates the past couple days, which are a couple gigabytes per update, which includes some of the content for this holiday event, but we'll get one final, decently sized update next week that gives us the rest of the content, so of course, be sure to have all of that.

I don't know if we're going to get any preloads; from that, it's not a major seasonal update.


New mw3 holiday bundle just released early!

New mw3 holiday bundle just released early!

Which will preview. Right here, it looks pretty unique. I mean, obviously, it's literally like a reindeer's head there, which is kind of funny. You got the tongue hanging out as well. That's pretty interesting, but it's a unique operator skin. You might be kind of easy to see across the map.

I feel like this is very recognizable skin. If you want to be hidden on the map, this is probably not the best operator skin to use, but it's a cool vibe for the holiday season. We have a PMAT of 762. Lmg, weapon blueprint called gift wrapped here a pretty interesting skin we'll preview this one as well get rid of all of that so it's pretty cool you got the black with the snowflakes, and then a little gift wrap type of vibe here with the red the bow it's a solid Vibe overall is it the most vibrant camo no but it doesn't have to be vibrant you have the holiday theme without being too crazy cuz again some people like more of the lowkey, looks on these camos and that definitely, has that lowkey Vibe I would say this one here a little more vibrant some more color aav inhibitor sniper rifle blueprint we'll preview this as well that's not a preview one okay so that's cool we got the green got the red got a little gold as well okay solid vibe there unfortunately there's no tracers I know this is not a tracer bundle buffer 2400 Cod points.

I feel like if you're spending $20 on a bundle, it should always come with tracers, man. That's just my opinion. You know, some cool red and green tracers on this, maybe some gold tracers as well, maybe like a blue ice snowflake, type of vibe with the tracers and the dismemberment effect. Some of those operators would honestly be sick to see in the game, so maybe we'll get those Eds in the future with a weapon sticker.

Full early preview of the mw3 santa gnaws operator bundle

Full early preview of the mw3 santa gnaws operator bundle

Okay and an emblem pretty festive as well I kind of like this one so a solid bundle there I didn't expect this again to release earlier before the event but it's here now it's not a glitch it's available you know in the store legitimately, so be sure to pick this up if you guys do want that and we'll go through all the other new holiday bundles releasing over the next couple of weeks on the channel so stay tuned for that so all stuff there but now let's look at the Santa NS Ultra skin here's a look at the bundle, menu this looks super cool it's of course a class operator skin called Undead Saint it comes with a suplex Deluxe finishing move which we'll look at in a second we can't scroll through this here this is just an early image but you can see it's a tracer pack Ultra skin so we're going to have a bunch of cool tracers which we'll look at some gameplay of in a second for two weapons here we have a zombie.

modern warfare 3

Acquisitions in this as well some cosmetics, colon card emblem weapon charm standard stuff there of course the operator is an ultra skin as well which means as you get kills it'll continue to animate and glow really cool stuff here for this bundle now we got some images here of this operator in different settings, this is also going to be a boss in war zone as well now the boss might look slightly different but we're going to focus more on the operator himself, what you're getting in this bundle and all that good stuff a better look here at these weapon blueprints we have one for the MCW.

There is a standard weapon there that makes complete sense. We have horrifying holiday tracers, grayed out in this picture here, but we'll look at some gameplay in a second to see if they're actually pretty vibrant and cool, and we have another weapon blueprint here for the AR9. So two decent weapons here to have a part of this bundle now for some gameplay here of the operator, in the menu, this guy's just scrolling around looking at him doing a full inspection.


It's a solid operator and definitely really cool. I don't know if we will have gameplay of its Ultra effects when it's in its final form, but I can imagine it's jusitbrighter and more animated; it's probably going to look fairly solid. Most of the ultra skins they release, I feel, look pretty good, so I don't think the Santa Na operator will be any different now.

Here for a closer look at these weapon blueprints. Here, they're solid, but they're not that vibrant. The tracers are pretty cool, more of an icy effect with a little blood as well. Again, the zombie Santa theme is a mixture of, I guess, a. Vibe and a Horror Vibe, which is solid; the tracks are solid, but I definitely would rather see probably.

mw3 2023

More vibrant camos—at least something that looks a bit more interesting and pops a bit more—more of a holay theme, like I like the vibe of the bundle, but I don't know. I feel like a camo that had a bit more flare to it, like if this was also a Mastercraft bundle as well, that would be even better, but you know, maybe that's too much for them to do an ultra skin tracer and a Mastercraft all in the same bundle.

I guess they would consider that a $30 bundle, whatever they did last year, so we'll see what they ended up doing, but Sol stuff there overall the weapon blueprints and the tracers look pretty good. Another look here at the Santa Claus operator in the War Zone menu, looking pretty cool. He's in the infill cut scene in The War Zone as well as walking out again.

I think it's a really cool operator. I'll look at the finishing move as well. A couple previews of that. It's a solid one. There isn't anything too crazy. No, not really, but it's definitely a respectable Hol bundle, for sure. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be picking this one up in a couple days.

The Santa na one should be dropping next Wednesday, right when the event goes live, but there could be other hidden ones that drop right around Christmas time, maybe a bit after, so I'll be sure to update you guys on if we get you more bundles for this event.

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