News - Earn Fast Weapon Xp & Rank Up Guns Easily Warzone. Warzone Weapon Xp Tips

And it finds it a lot quicker and easier to do. Obviously, if you wanted to, you could go ahead and do it on the Battle Royale, but that is totally up to you. By winning the Battle Royale as well, you do get additional XP for your weapon. Just make sure you always have your weapon out of what you are currently wanting to level up, and also when you are in the pre-lobby of War Zone.

modern warfare 3 weapon xp tips

While you're getting kills, that is also additional XP for both yourself and your weapon, so don't use that just to sit there and wait and go to the toilet or eat a bag of Cris while you're waiting for the game to start. What you want to be doing is getting as many possible kills as you can in pregame.

Lobby, because while you are getting these kills, you're getting additional XP for yourself and for your weapon. That is one of the best ways to take full advantage if you know you're not a fantastic war zone player and you get an odd win here and there or you don't necessarily get like 5 or 10 kills or get all the contracts completed.

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Then, at least in the waiting lobby, you can try and attempt to get as many kills as there's lots of people that are AFK. In those waiting lobbies, and if you are one of those guys that normally AFK, do not be AFK unless you really need to go to the toilet or you really need to eat that bag of chis, but make sure you do take full advantage of that.

modern warfare iii

That is pretty much everything. In regards to how you can probably farm the XP in the game currently, I will try and find other methods where you can probably farm the XP as well. Miss yesterday's article, I would highly recommend going out and checking that out as well. It will help you get into some easier LOB, which will also be a bonus on ranking up your weapons as quick as you can because that'll be a lot less XP and a lot less you'll have to do in regards to trying very hard to get the XP.

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