News - Unlock New "one Trick" Prestige Camo Fast. Get Fast Weapon Xp Warzone & Warzone 2

New one trick weapon prestige camo explained

New one trick weapon prestige camo explained

150, 000, Weapon XP. After you do that, this camo will unlock. This is the first of several Prestige camos that are going to debut over the following seasons, but with that. I wanted to sort of revisit some weapon XP tips here so that you guys can go through and unlock your one trick camo as fast as possible, or if you're just simply trying to level up some weapons quickly.

I got you covered with that too.

New details on weapon prestige camos in mw3 & warzone

New details on weapon prestige camos in mw3 & warzone

First things first, when it comes to the one trick camo, in specific, in all future camos. Sledgehammer did expand on the criteria; here a little bit, basically, they said max weapon level is the only prerequisite to one trick future weapon. Prestige camos will require those from previous seasons to be unlocked first, but don't worry, they are available to unlock at any time now.

Here's the thing: they say that max weapon level is one of the prerequisites for this, but when I went through, I was leveling up my ball to 27. And from the second I unlocked it from Level Zero, or, I guess, Level One, all the way through, I think Max is 19. I was getting weapon XP towards the one trick camo, so I think in order to actually fully unlock the camo, you'd have to have your weapon at max level, but there's not a single gun in the game that takes over 150, 000 XP to max level, so you'll get it.

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No worries there, so long as you're getting the XP. The thing that's important here though is that they did confirm via the menus already that season 4, season 5, and season 6 are going to introduce other brand new weapon prestige camos too, and in order to get those, you're going to have to have the other ones done, so for instance, in the season 4 weapon prestige camo, you're going to have to have one trick unlocked first before you can do that on any given gun.

For season 5, you'll need season 3, so one trick in season 4 is Prestige Camos, so on and so forth. So if you're someone who's planning on getting all of these, you're going to want to be grinding every gun that you can right now so that you're also ready for the future. Weapon prestige camos 2o So just a little bit of a PSA there to kick things off, but with that out of the way, let's talk weapon XP and the best methods to get as much of it as fast as possible, as we are going through all the tips and tricks here.

Fast weapon xp guide for mw3 & warzone

Fast weapon xp guide for mw3 & warzone

To guarantee you are always up to date, but when it comes to weapon XP, obviously there's different methods depending on what type of player you are.

If you have the premium game and you play multiplayer, there are specific things to do there. If you have the premium game and you play zombies, there are specific things to do there. If you are a free-to-play player and you just play War Zone, there are specific things to do there in general, though the most basic and upfront thing when it comes to weapon XP that matters the most is to get as many kills as possible.

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It does not matter how many things you stack on top of this or how many other things you are trying to go out of your way to do; the most efficient way to get the most weapon XP in the least amount of time is to get as many kills as possible, so things like shipment in multiplayer. Going to be really good for that, some of those other small maps where you can drop 50, 60, 70, 80, plus kills in a game are going to be incredibly efficient.

If you can drop 10 or 15 kills in a match of War Zone, that's going to be pretty efficient. Zombie is a little bit tricky. Yes, kills are going to be the most direct way to earn XP, but there's also XP limits in zombies. In specific, it seems like after a certain amount of kills or after a certain amount of time, your XP earns a rate for weapons.

does seem to dwindle some. This was a thing back at the start of the year when everyone was going through and leveling up their weapons, and it certainly seems to still be present in the game, so zombies will start here briefly in terms of the other excess things you can do outside of getting kills, which really is just contract spam now.

Best weapon xp method for zombies

Best weapon xp method for zombies

This will still eventually push you towards hitting that XP cap quote unquote, but it's also a much more efficient way to do weapon XP. You know, crewing is faster than just going out and trying to kill as many zombies as you can, so you want to spam as many contracts as possible. As much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can, that just means going through the faster contracts.

You don't want to do some of those more time-consuming ones, like the escort ones and whatnot, with Wall-E; those take a little bit longer. Yeah, it'll spawn zombies, but in terms of overall time, if you could spam bounties or quick things like that, it's going to be really ideal. You just have to make sure the weapon that you want to get XP for is out and in your hands when you complete the contract.

The weapon that's in your hands when you complete it will be awarded that bonus XP if you will for doing that contract, so that's the most direct and straightforward way to get weapon XP fast in zombies. Jumping over to multiplayer, obviously, just getting as many kills as you can in any given game is going to be the most direct way to level up your weapons quickly, but there's also one method in particular that I find to be the absolute best in multiplayer.

Best weapon xp method for mw3 multiplayer

Best weapon xp method for mw3 multiplayer

And that is playing kill confirmed and spamming decoy grenades.

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So basically, within this, you still want to be going for kills you want to do as well as you can in this match, but you also, every time you spawn, want to throw decoy grenades. This works great on some of the smaller maps, like rust shipment, so on and so forth, because there's always going to be enemies in the vicinity of your decoys, but every time you throw a decoy and it actually interacts with an enemy and does the decoy.

I don't know what the correct terminology is, but when the enemies are quote-unquote confused by it, you're getting XP for that, and if your weapon's out in your hands, it's also getting XP for that, so by spamming those decoys, you're going to get a sort of bonus XP if you will every single life and every time you respawn with new decoys.

how to max level weapons fast in mw3

Chuck them out, then get back to killing, but then with the kill confirmed. It's so important to go for as many tags as you can. There will be games that I play where I finish with maybe 35 kills, but I've got 70 tags collected because I am just hunting down tags. It's so easy; you don't even have to kill anyone for it.

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