News - Don't Miss. Fastest Way To Level Up Guns Warzone 2 Season 3. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 1

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 1

What about if you're playing zombies, in Zombies, before you start the game you want to put on the weapon you want to level up you want to put on a field upgrade such as the energy mine which can thin herds of zombies you want to put on something like a seex for the lethal decoy grenades or a stim for the Tactical equipment and then it's best to play on either a double weapon XP Weekend or use a double weapon XP token there's loads of ways to earn tokens, there's often events, battle pass doing certain missions in zombies doing certain campaign missions will get you tokens there's tons of ways to get tokens make sure you use those if you can then what you want to do is pop into a game of zombies and there's a few different things you can do first of all you can do the Outlast contract, head there activate the p& get it to about 90%.

fastest weapon xp mw3

Then cancel the contract, and there'll be a glitch going on where the zombies can keep spawning in even though you cancel the contract, so they'll keep spawning in. You get lots of kills, and you can level up your weapons quickly. That's one way to do it.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 2

The other thing you can do is grind contracts.

level up guns fast in

So my favorite ones are the bounty contracts and the delivery of cargo contracts. Bounty contracts are quicker if you've got a good weapon. I would highly recommend checking out my top 10 zombie loadouts. Guide to the most broken weapons in the game right now, make sure you use some of those; they're really good for killing zombies fast, and if you put that on Pack-a-Punch, it and put a ether tool on it you can melt the special zombies really quickly and you can keep grinding, these Bounty contracts and do so many of them in the game so one of my favorite things to do is just like do a bounty contract, kill them really quickly with your good weapon go to do another Bounty contract and keep doing over and over again ideally in the tier 2 Zone as you get a bit more XP and money but also, it's not as difficult as tier three in tier three there are some good contracts and you can grind for those but they're slower to do there's less contracts available it's a little bit more difficult you're more likely to die it's kind of better to do it in tier two I think but it's kind of up to you so keep grinding contracts is the other method the third main thing you can do, is kind of use the xville, zones to keep farming the X fills and get lots of kills lots more zombies spawn again now there's special zombies as well so keep using those get kills to get lots of weapon XP.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 3

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 3

Use your kill streaks, use your gun, and that kind of thing. Just bear in mind, obviously, that with the new containment levels in the game, if you don't get on the chopper. I think you lose the containment levels and you drop down to the next tier, so if you're worried about that, then obviously don't do Xville or farming, but it is something you can do regardless.

Also read:

Obviously, it's worth doing at the end of the game, as it will give you more XP. Now, generally, what will happen is that once you do all this stuff, you'll get to a certain cap. I think there are about seven levels in the game. Now in Zombies, you'll get to the cap, and then the XP earn rate is very, very slow.

Also read:

At that point, you'll kind of want to. Either carry on if you're doing something else, or otherwise, just finish the game and start again. It's kind of an annoying process, so at that point I'd recommend just X filling a leave of the game.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 4

level up guns fast in mw3

But there is something else you can do that has a separate XP cap, and that is Act One Tier 7 extraction, Mission, and the good thing is you can repeat this even if you've already done it.

So for this, you make sure you get to act one tier 7, select that mission, load up Mission, spawn into monop zombies, wait for that special XFI to come in, and board the helicopter to go to Dr. Janson's locations now, when spawning into this new small map area, you want to pick up a bunch of deadbolts, Turret ammo mod circuit boards; they'll be scattered around the map.

I'll show you where some of them are. Pick them up, then head to the office with Dr. Janson escort her up to the helip pad, load these circuit boards into the turret, and each one is going to give you 2 minutes, so pop a bunch in there. You're going to get about 15 minutes of time, and that will instantly kill the zombies.

level up guns fast mw3

I'd recommend just moving around the helip pad, as that will encourage more zombies to jump up; they'll be killed more quickly by the deadbolt. Turrets and therefore you can get lots of XP, that will count from the turret towards your weapon so definitely worth doing that don't board the helicopter, straight away and then obviously once that turret's, run out get in the chopper and finish the game but that's a really good way to do it and I think it's got a separate cap as well so you can do it kind of as a second part of the game once you've done the other methods to get the first seven levels or so there's also dark ether Rifts and things like that which you can do to get XP and so on there will probably be some other new methods in season 3 so I kind of flag that up as we go on with the season, cuz there'll probably be some new methods like I say but I would recommend.

Using containment levels, you'll have more cash to upgrade your stuff more quickly. That kind of thing is definitely worth doing containment levels, and if you want to find out how containment levels work and how to earn them quickly. I did make a dedicated guide to that, so feel free to check it out.

level up guns fast mw3 season 3

So that's it for zombies.

Fast weapon xp in warzone

Fast weapon xp in warzone

level up guns fast season 3

Now let's finally talk about war zones, as there's a few good modes for that. For the war zone, I'll keep it short and simple. Basically, there is rebirth. Which is coming to season 3, there will probably be modes like rebirth. Resurgence and hopefully there may be some good modes that have been in rebirth, before in the past but at the moment that's probably the one that's going to come aside from that there will definitely be plunder and there will hopefully be vondo lockdown as well those are kind of the two main modes you want to focus on like I said I'll make an updated, guide if there is a good rebirth mode but at the moment vond lockdown and plunder are the best ones to focus on normally it's an either or in the game either there's plunder or there's vond lockdown vond lockdown is a little bit better plunder is still pretty good and I'll explain both of them now very quickly so for plunder what you want to do is this three main parts of the weapon XP method you want to do contracts.

DON'T MISS! FASTEST WAY To Level Up Guns In Modern Warfare 3 Season 3! Level Up Guns Fast MW3. Here is currently the most broken weapon xp method in MW3 Season 3.
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