News - Max Any Gun 30 Minutes - Most Broken Weapon Xp Method Warzone 2 Season 1. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2



Here is currently the most broken way to level up your weapons, incredible fast in Modare 3 and War Zone season 1, with some of these methods getting your weapons to max level as quickly as half an hour or less, so it's definitely worth staying tuned for the latest weapon XP methods as they do change quite a lot.

If you go on to find this article useful, be sure to drop a like on the article and check out my other season one articles like how to level the battle pass fast, zombie guides, camera guides, war zone guides, and that kind of thing. Without further ado, let's dive straight into the tips. I'm going to focus on Mona 3 Zombies in this article, but if you want to check out War Zone or.

Mw3 zombies class setup

best way to level up guns in

Multiplayer, methods, then do check out my separate guide for that like I say in this article I'm going to focus on zombies so what you want to do in Zombies first of all is grab the weapon you want to level up as your insured weapon and if you have two insured weapon slots I'd actually recommend putting on two different weapons you want to level up if you do it'll be more efficient and I'll explain in a minute how that's going to work then you want to put on a field upgrade, such as an energy mine as it's useful to thin zombie herds and it gets you weapon XP as well you then also want to put on a SX grenade or another piece of lethal equipment as well as a stem or some decoy grenades, and finally, if you've got a double weapon XP token make sure you activate one to speed up the Grind Time okay so what you want to do when you jump into mod 3 Zombies is there's about four different main methods.

Right now, that works well for leveling up your weapons quickly in zombies. We'll go through them quickly now, and like I said, they have changed a bit, so do stick around so you don't miss out before we get into the article. If you're looking to permanently unlock the new mod 3 Mastery Camos, including Interstella and Borealis, or play in bot lobbies to max out your guns and unlock camos quickly, or even get your hands on an instant delivery pre-made account, then be sure to check out Mitch Cactus.

Method 1 - mw3 zombies weapon xp fast!

Method 1 - mw3 zombies weapon xp fast!

fast weapon xp

These are tactical equipment that you place down near the zombie spores it sends out a pulse and it temporarily disrupts that outer Frozen shell so that you can shoot the Spore and basically what you do is you want to put one of those Inhibitors down at each of the spores there're six in toal also put those six Inhibitors, now when you put these Inhibitors down it will cause zombies to spawn, around the area near the zombie eggs and if you were to keep shooting the spores you'd finish the contract and it would be simple as that but you can trick the game to spawn unlimited zombies basically you want to put all these Inhibitors down and then what I'd recommend doing is picking them back all up again so put all six down then pick them up and what that's going to do is it's going to cause the zombies to still spawn in and they'll keep spawning in unlimited, amounts throughout the whole match which is fantastic cuz it gives you unlimited zombies unlimited weapon XP but if you keep the Inhibitors down the thing is that if you accidentally shoot it or if you cause damage or even unfortunately, other people can come along, and shoot the spores.

fast weapon xp mw3

Then that will cause them to be destroyed and if you have all of them destroyed the contract will finish and you don't want that so to avoid ending the contract I would recommend literally just picking them back all up cuz that zombies spawning will stay locked in so they'll keep spawning even though you haven't got the Inhibitors, there and you literally just want to keep staying around the area and kill the Zombies it's really easy and really simple I would recommend doing it in a match on your own so turn Squad full off otherwise teammates might come along and try and help you they might think they're being use full trying to help you do the contract when actually they're being a hindrance because they're shooting the spores and then it stops you from doing it I've had that with other random players so do turn Squad full off I would recommend, if you are in a game with other teammates or other random.

Friends are trying to come along and help. Just pick up all the inhibitors so they can't put any down, and then you should be fine so they can't progress the contract, so basically, just keep doing that throughout the whole match. Use your gun and any lethal equipment. Any kill streaks and your field upgrade will all count towards weapon XP, and using, you know, gun lethals, all that stuff will charge up your field upgrade, which you can then throw down again that energy mine, which will then get you zombie kills and XP, and like I said, this all counts towards weapon XP, so it's fantastic.

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Now I would recommend avoiding the nuke powerups. This will wipe out a lot of zombies without getting weapon XP, and I would make more use of other useful powerups such as instakill as you can quickly mow down all the zombies in the area and save yourself lots of bullets and time, so that's the first thing I'd recommend, but the thing is that is actually limited, so there's a cap of about seven weapon levels, or I think about 14 weapon levels with double weapon XP after that point, which is about 700 or 750.

Mw3 zombies weapon xp cap

Mw3 zombies weapon xp cap

Zombie kills after that point, there'll be a cap, and the XP earn rate will go dramatically down. So what you want to do is either finish the game, or I would recommend going onto another method, or you can even swap to your other weapon. So I did say bring two weapons in, and that's because the cap seems to only apply to that weapon in particular, so if you swap to your other weapon, you can then keep getting weapon XP, and it should be just as fast as it was for the first weapon after the first 700 750.

Also read:

Zombie kills with that contract. Swap to the other weapon or do something else, and that will avoid the cap now once you've either swapped your other weapon or, if you want to avoid that all together and go on something else with just one weapon, don't worry because I've got a few other methods for you guys.

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