News - Most Broken Weapon Xp Method Warzone 2 Season 3 (level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2 Season 3)



so here is the fastest way to level up your weapons in Model for 2 and Warzone season 3 right now. Most methods will get you to max weapon level in under 20 to 30 minutes, so it's really quick. Just be sure to leave a like if you find this article useful and check out my other season 3 guides like how to level up the battle pass fast rules, tips on how to unlock weapons, and all that kind of stuff.

Class setup

Let's start off with the perks. For the tier one perks. I recommend putting on extra tactical and then either scavenger, which allows you to resupply ammo from dead players, or tracker, which allows you to see an enemy footprint trail. I'll explain in a minute why being extra tactical is so important.

best way to level up guns in

For tier 2, we've got fast hands to help you load faster, and for tier 3, you can put on an overclock to earn your fill up way faster. For the tactical equipment, we've got the decoy and grenades, and this is really important because these count towards weapon XP. I'll explain in a minute why that's also important for the lethal equipment; we've got semtexes.

Just so you know, if you throw these, they will actually count towards weapon XP as well, so if you can't get a kill with your weapon for whatever reason, chuck one of these in and you'll still get some weapon XP. This is really, really decent for the field upgrade, and I would recommend putting on the DDOS.

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This is because it's better than other ones like the smoke air drop, it's easier to activate recharge, it's a lot quicker, and it's simple to use, and if you're on smaller maps like shipment, you get hundreds of XP for doing this each time you use it; if you're on bigger maps, you won't get quite as much, but it's still really, really good, and then finally, for the score streaks, make sure the r score sheets are not kill streaks because that way, doing things like going for the objective will get you a score.

To help get these streaks. I recommend putting on a UV account and then another option, such as the century turret vtel or whatever, as all of these will actually count towards your weapon XP, so UV and category will help you define enemies and stop them from doing as well, and so on, the third one will.

Just to help you get kills or whatever, you can also put on an advanced UAV, but obviously that's more difficult to go for. If you put it in a century turret, that's quite good because if you put it in a high flow area, lots of people will run past you. You'll get lots of kills of the century, and this will help you level up your weapon.

Mw2 mp tips

Mw2 mp tips

Now, it's important to note that having your weapon out in itself will get you XP, so obviously make sure you've always got the weapon you want to level up in your hand, as this will get you some passive XP along the way, although it's obviously much smaller.

than the other amounts of XP, but it still all adds up. So let's quickly talk about modes. So the best mode will be Close Quarters, Combat Mosh Pit for season three; whatever that will be, it will likely have peleos. Lighthouse, which I think is a remake of the estate map, and then also Black Gold, which I think is a night vision map.

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I'm not convinced that's going to be very good, but we'll see if it might be good. That's going to be the core mosh pit if that's good, and it's quite close quarters, obviously. Play that; obviously, because we haven't played it yet, we don't know what it's going to be like. If it's not good, go for modes.

fastest way to level up guns in

We can get other close-quarters combat maps, like shipment and things like that, in the rotation, but, obviously, when shipment happens, 24-7 will shoot the ship or whatever. Pit is back; that will be the best one to go for, as I'm sure most people know, but if not, go for something else. Of course, getting kills is an important part of weapon XP, so do push for as much as you can.

If you put on the extra tactical perk spawn, I'd throw them into high-flow areas and try to space them out a little bit so you're more likely to get assists. If you were on shipment, obviously you'd put one in the center lane, one in the left lane, one in the right lane, or something like that. If you're on another map, generally they're all three-lane maps.

fastest weapon xp mw2

So, put one in the center, one maybe down the right flank, and one down the left, something like that, or wherever you think is going to be popular. Don't throw it in areas where there aren't going to be enemies, because that's not going to be helpful for you. It needs to be going off near someone so that it can help, but the radius isn't super sensitive; it's not like a semtex where it has to be right next to someone to go off.

It can be slightly further away, as long as they can hear it within a reasonable distance. It'll be fine anyway. If you show me three of these, you'll see loads of decoy assist XP popping up normally, up to, I would say, 260. The XP per spawn from the three decoy grenades is obviously larger. Maps will have less XP than the smaller maps, but it's all still good now this will get you many thousands, of XP by the end of the match so keep popping these out whenever you can it should be the first thing you do when you spawn in you then want to also keep rushing around and getting kills, and when your DDOS field upgrade is charged and the meter feels black with at least one bar to show devices are in range you want to activate your DDOS and this will give you at least I would say 60 to 100 XP if not more.

level guns fast in mw2

This recharges very quickly thanks to the overclock perk, which you've put on due to my suggestion, and the fast base recharge. Time, so it recharges quickly anyway, so you can call this in many times throughout the match. Keep getting that XP over and over again, and it's very easy to use; it takes around a second to activate, and luckily, you can actually still shoot your weapon while you're using it if there are enemies nearby.

level up guns fast

This is better than other field upgrades, like the smoke airdrop, which has a slightly higher XP rate but a much slower recharge. Time takes longer to use, you're at risk of dying, and your whole field of view is obscured. Because you've got a tablet in front of your face and it's not very helpful so this is the best way to go because you can still stay active I would say finally, if you're doing this mode you want to go for the objective, as much as you can as this will actually get you more XP, too so, people think it's all about just getting kills of a weapon it's not obviously, it uses decoys, this and so on make sure you've got the weapon that you want to level up in your hand while you're getting these kills and while you're going for the objective otherwise.

MOST BROKEN WEAPON XP METHOD In Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 Level Up Guns Fast MW2 Season 3.
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