News - Fastest Way To Max Out Weapons Warzone 2

fastest way to level up guns in mw3

Today I'm going to show you the fastest way to max out your weapons in MW3. To get started, there are two things that you're going to need: Your tactical weapon is going to need to be a decoy grenade. The decoy grenade is crucial because every time you throw it and your teammates get kills on enemies that are distracted, it goes towards your weapon XP, and the next thing you're going to need is the Dos.

Now every player that you do, that XP also goes towards your weapon level at the time we're recording this. We do have meat 24/7; otherwise, shipment 24/7 is a good one to do this on as well. It works fantastic without a double-weapon XP token, but if you want to throw on a double-weapon XP token, be my guest because the more XP, the better.

But without further ado, let's jump into it all, right guys? So we are loaded into a game; we're just going to equip this Ram Seven, unfortunately. Well, this game did kind of just start, so hopefully we get the full amount we're just going for. That's a great way to start, all right, guys? So you're going to want to take these decoy grenades, and you're going to want to throw them into high-traffic areas so then your teammates can get kills.

fastest way to max out weapons in modern warfare 3

And then you can get kills on top of it that hurt, so we're just going to keep chucking these into their spawns on the Hardo. Anywhere we know that enemies are going to be that our teammates can get a kill, Point, this boy was looking for me. You see, the laser man was looking heavy, but he got me all right.

Enemies are on the hard point, so we'll definitely Chuck them in there and hit this dos. Again, rack up some XP. I'm not a fan of this Ram 7 Level 18 already; we already went up one level, and we've only been in here for a few minutes. And keep in mind, guys, that the higher levels that you get, the more XP is needed to level up your weapon, so this is going to show you how effective this method really is.

Keep track of them. Decoys Dos is almost charged up, and Dos does have a pretty fast charge. Boom, you're just going to spawn me right next to these guys, and if you die, it's okay, like we're not going for KD here, like we're going to level up our weapons, so every time we die. I get a camo. Every time we die, we just get more decoys to throw.

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We do not have the Munitions box unfortunately because we need to run the Dos for this, so it's okay to die a lot. I didn't even throw decoys there; I completely forgot decoys. Please, this Ram 7 is trash. Yeah, the Ram 7 is a terrible weapon, in my opinion. Let's get rid of that, business, dos is halfway, Decoy, all right, ladies and gentlemen.

What's up everybody! In this video I show you step by step the fastest way to level up and max out your weapons in mw3.
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