News - Don't Miss. Fastest Way To Level Up Guns Warzone 2 Season 2. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2

That way, lots of zombies are going to be spawning and chasing you, and at that point, what you want to do is just hold down the Y button on Xbox or the triangle button on PlayStation, and basically just want to cancel the contract once you open up the map or the inventory, at about 90 to 95%. So get to that percentage.

fastest weapon xp mw3

Cancel it and what's going to happen is the game's going to get glitched and even though you've canceled the contract there's going to be zombies spawning in over and over again in that zone if you to leave the zone and go a little while away and come back they'll despawn, so don't leave too fast stay roughly, in that area but yes they're going to keep spawning over and over again throughout the whole game so cancel contract Zombies going to keep coming and keep just killing them over and over again and use the methods, that we've kind of always said in zombies so you know use your weapon to get XP, use your lethals, like seex to get more kills use the instakill, powerups, don't use the nuke powerups.

Use kill streaks like Sentry turrets and stuff; put them down; they'll help you get more kills that will help recharge your field upgrade, and then once your field upgrade is charged, put that down in a pile of zombies; it will destroy them all, and then do the same thing over and over again basically, and it's going to get a lot of weapon XP.

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You're going to go through weapon levels quite quickly, which is good. It's not the most efficient way, but it's still quite good, but there's a few other methods in zombies that work well, and what I'd say is that there are. I believe there's still a cap on zombies, so whatever the cap is, it kind of depends; it's normally between 7 and 14.

level up guns fast in

Weapon levels: once it gets to that point and you suddenly notice that the weapon levels drop off and it's taking a massive amount of time and you're not getting any weapon levels, then at that point you've reached the cap for that game and you'd have to kind of start another game. There is something you can do later on, and I'll talk about that in a minute, but basically, you've kind of reached the cap, and you'd have to right-start another game now.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 2

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 2

The other thing you can do instead of that Outlast contract is, obviously, just grind other contracts, whether that's Outlast or not.

Spore control deliver cargo contracts are quite good hvt contracts that kind of thing just get through them as quickly as you can if you've got like a good weapon Rarity and you've pack-a-punched it or something you can easily get through like hvt contracts really fast the Bounty contract so just do whatever ones you want just go through those you should get at least a weapon level for each one normally the third thing you can do is you can kind of farm xils, obviously they're not as packed as they were pre-season.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 3

level up guns fast in mw3

One but they are still not too bad so there's still a fair amount of zombies they've buffed it since season 1 and there's also some bosses as well basically like manglers and stuff so definitely, try and farm those for at least one round if you can it's quite good it gives you some kills and XP so that that's definitely worth the leveling up your weapon as well what I'd say is when you've done other stuff in the match and you want to leave obviously do your round of xville, and then you can just leave the match and kind of repeat and do it over again so definitely xville for at least one round if not more just get a weapon XP hit the cap leave the game and kind of do the same thing over and over again there is a fourth thing you can do as well in zombies.

Mw3 weapon xp fast zombies - method 4

level up guns fast mw3

And it's, as I've said before, the Act One tier 7 extraction. Mission now this I believe has a separate XP, cap so basically what you could do is you could do like the Outlast, contract or you could do some of the other contracts or whatever method or XO farming and then once you've done that you can then do this act one tier 7 extraction mission in the same game and there like a separate, cap for that so it's definitely worth pairing if you can but if not it's not the end of the world it just makes it a little bit more efficient, so for this Mission what you want to do is obviously the Act One TI 7 extraction Mission you want to have already unlocked that so you can do it and if you've already done it you can do it again so it doesn't matter put that mission on and then basically load up the mission spawn into, zombies, and wait for the special xfill.

Point to spawn in the map once you know where it's spawning head towards it, call in the helicopter, board it, and basically go to Dr. Jansen's location, then it'll bring you into a new small area of the map, and what you want to do is you want to pick up deadbolt, turret, and ammo mod circuit board so there's going to be one once you jump off the helicopter.

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On the roof, pick that one up, then kind of go around the edge of the map and go to Dr. Jansson's office there's going to be one in the corridor, opposite her office, on like some barrels or something, and once the percentage bar gets to 100%, her office is going to open. There'll be a turbine circuit board in there as well.

level up guns fast mw3 season 2

There's also going to be one in the shed outside her office, and there's going to be one upstairs, in the office area, where you escort her to the rooftop helipad. Once you've picked them up, you can pick up as many as you like. Each one's going to get you 2 minutes on the dead bolt turbine, so as many minutes as you can get.

Basically, what you want to do is go to the roof, and you're going to call in the helicopter. Now, once it lands, don't get in; otherwise, you'll fill and it will leave the map, and what you want to do is basically stay on the roof and then do what Jensson will be kind of waiting to get into the helicopter.

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You want to load up the deadbolt turret, which is on the helip patch, and put in as many circuit boards as you want, ideally at least four. That's going to get you at least 8 minutes of turret use. Basically, the turret is going to instantly kill any zombies in FS, so you can kind of just you can either just sit on the helipad.

level up guns fast season 2

Or you can kind of run around that will attract more zombies to jump up and therefore get more kills, or you can go around looking elsewhere for zombie kills while it's doing it; it's up to you, but I'd recommend staying on the helipad, running rounds so that zombies are going to jump up onto the helipad and therefore get killed by the turret more quickly, so just do that for a few minutes, and that's going to get you quite a few weapon levels very quickly, and like I say, it's a separate cap from the other contracts. So definitely worth doing this towards the end of the match if you can, then, when you finish basically, hop onto the helicopter and Xville and kind of restart the process.

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