News - Does It Suck. Honest Impressions Warzone 2 Season 2 (new Maps, New Guns, Big Update)

mw3 multiplayer

They have a magic about them, like they're pretty good at putting out these DLC maps like the ones that we've gotten so far. Meat, I think, is good; Rio is fantastic; grease is. It's okay I don't love it and I don't hate it grease is fine and then so far it's very early First Impressions but I think Vista is wonderful and departures haven't really played enough of it but departur is a gorgeous map and I definitely want to play more of that map in the future, it seems like Sledgehammer Games is really good at what they're doing right now when it comes to putting out new maps and designing, entirely new layouts not only that but taking those new layouts and making them beautiful and making them fun to play on As compared to Infinity Ward who just wants to put you in a gray green and brown Rubble filled Middle Eastern town like that's all Infinity board seems to ever do when it comes to their creativity Sledgehammer, is being very creative of these Maps they are gorgeous to look at and they play pretty well but think about this man we already have rust, we have scrapyard which scrapyard is kind of on the fence but rust scrapyard.

mw3 new guns

Shipment meat stash House Doss House is coming back; it just seems like a large percentage of the maps that they're putting in the game right now are these, like, shoot them up maps, like, you know what I mean by these. I call them like junk food maps, whereas a map like Rio is a very healthy map for you; it's very good for you, but if you just play on Stash House all the time, it's the equivalent of just pounding junk food, and by the end of it, you're just going to kind of feel sick because the map itself is just, it's a kill house that's Bas; it's a kill box in fact wasn't that sled Hammer's last game wasn't killbox, one of the memes from that, that's what sash house is to me, do I understand why people like it, yes, do I understand why Sledgehammer put into the game, yes, do I have to like it as a result, no.

mw3 new maps

I like maps where my own input as a player. Can help determine the outcome of a game but you know like when I play on shipment I turn my brain off because I understand it shipment it's stupid it's nonsense you're there to level up or do challenges or whatever and Stash House is the same thing I'm just getting kind of burn out of so many Maps coming out that are kind of in that same vein, when it comes to map design where it's almost kind of catering to the lowest common denominator, a little bit it's like you don't have to think why you play on this map just run around and play shoot them up and see if you can get 50 kills despite the fact that most of your kills are as a result of the bad spawns on this tiny ass map I just I don't know I'm not a fan of it so far Vista, however is beautiful and like all maps when we first experience them our first impressions are one thing it's going to take a week or so for the Cod Community to really kind of understand the maps learn the flow.

mw3 new update

Learn the routes, the spawn system, and things like that, and then eventually, over time, we can kind of come to a conclusion, a consensus, together as a community. As to whether or not these maps are good, I mean, right now, they do feel pretty nice. I do enjoy Vista, and I do enjoy departures. I'm just wondering if they're going to withstand the test of time or if right now in like that honeymoon phase where it's like this map is beautiful and I had a couple of good games on it right away it must be a great map it's going to take time to determine how good the maps really are even the weapons themselves again I don't even have access to them right now but I got to say going full circle here back to the very beginning of the article, so far season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 feels really good having the new guns is fantastic for a lot of players having new maps to play on being able to level up again and then of course having the new battle pass we have new weekly challenges, which right now I believe the reward is going to be a conversion, kit for the Longbow which is going to make the long bow a bit harder hitting I suppose.

That could be interesting; I don't know. I do enjoy going for and getting these different aftermarket parts because they fundamentally change the gun's feel and add a little bit of replay value to the game overall. Of course, we have the zombie event going on right now. Just in general, season 2 feels pretty good, and it goes back to what I was saying in the previous article.

mw3 season 2

I think they're going really hard right now when it comes to post-launch content because Modern Warfare 3 did not sell very well when it first came out, and as a result of that, whereas normally when a Cod comes out, it's like the best-selling game ever, and it's just killing it, and everyone's buying it and everyone's playing it.

It seems like once they get all their money from the initial sales, they kind of put the game on autopilot for the remainder of the game's life cycle. Not here with Modern Warfare 3. I feel like they're really doubling down on post-launch support because they still want to make back the money that they missed when Modern Warfare 3 was down 38% in sales as compared to Modern Warfare 2, so for the community as a whole, that's actually pretty good news, but not only did they add in things like the new guns and the new maps and things like that today, they also released a pretty substantial IAL patch.

mw3 season 2 review

I don't want to go over every single thing here, but I do want to highlight some important changes that are fundamentally going to change how Modern Warfare 3 plays going forward. First up ads idle sway basically the long and the short of this is the idle sway that they have within the game, is there to make it so people don't just sit there hard scoping or aiming down sights all the time and encourages people to move a little bit more because idle sway can be annoying to deal with well now they added like a 5 millisecond, long delay and that's going to change based on the weapons to when you aim on sites and when Idol s starts and the reason why they wanted to do that was because a lot of people on keyboard mouse are always complaining about aim assist, and this is going to help those keyboard mouse players a little bit more because when they aim in it's not going to initially have that idle sway that may throw off their aim and help them lose to people that are using controller and therefore have aimlessness so we're going to have to wait and see if keyboard and mouse players enjoy that change, here we have the hipfire.

mw3 season two

Crosshair sway As you move around really quickly, your hipfire crosshairs will sway back and forth and sometimes cause your weapon to be very inaccurate. Well, they're kind of changing that, basically. Wherever your crosshairs are where your bullets are going to go when you're hip firing and they see at the bottom these changes reward skillful aim simply put where you're aiming is where your bullets will go that's nice here we have another one they actually did something that I've wanted them to do for a very long time they have decrease the delay before Health regeneration, begins from 4 seconds to 3 seconds which is nice and then they increase the health regeneration rate from 40 HP a second to 75, hp a second, which is going to make it so you get your health back faster, after you win a gunfight which is something I've won for a long time like how often do you miss that quick fix perk when you're playing Modern Warfare 3 where you win a gunfight but maybe you're low on health and then you have to like kind of just lay there for like 7 Seconds it feels like before you finally get all of your health back, and it's really hard to win two gunfights in a row because the first person probably got you down to half Health the other person's probably going to get you the other half the way down.

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