News - Do This Now. Showcase Glitch Is Back. How To Copy Items From Other Players Showcase. Warzone 2 Glitch

Do not put a camo on it unless your buddies have camos, because anybody trying to save a gun will wipe, and it won't save it if you have a camo on it. So when you're setting up your showcase gun, do not put a camo on it. You can put charms on it and gun screens in it so your buddies can get your gun screens.

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Maybe you want to share with your buddy a doom gun screen, or large stickers and large decals, and all of that stuff. It does not matter, and those can be on it. The only thing that you cannot put on it is a camo that your buddy won't have because then they can't save the gun, okay, and you have to build it off a base gun, not off a blueprint, and then you will have an awesome gun you can go along with and put on.

Let's go down there if you haven't already. Subscribe if you're not already, let's get in and show you guys the group. The social media for this right here is here, so what you guys want to do is: I don't know what the game's up to there, Social. Come across our groups, and you'll see them here.

Bman YouTube, now we'll find one that's not fully full for you guys to join. How many are in this one? That's not nearly 5, 000 members. If you are in this, that's what these are good for. You can just go along. You can find someone here. What you do is view player details, and then you go to their showcase.


You go to here, and you can just go to here, and then, if you're in a private match, when you come to here, you'll be able to save the gun. If you're not in a private match, you will not be able to save the gun from here. When you come to your showcase and into the groups and into the showcase with your friends and stuff, you need to make sure that you're in a private match.

Okay, so if you don't have multiplayer, private matches, you can do this as well with War Zone, but you need to go to Resurgence, so you come in and create a private match, right? Then, solos don't matter. Going just like this now that you're on a private match, you can come across social groups in any of the groups.

This one here, I don't know how many are in it; this one's only got a thousand in it, and I don't know its limit, so it might be able to join. You guys might be able to join this one; come across player details; come across their showcase; inspect; come to here, and as you see, there's the option to save their mod.


We can just go along and save it, so if you don't have multiplayer, you can also do this in War Zone private matches. You just go to the private match area, and then you can do the same with your guns. If you want to just come into War Zone and you don't have multiplayer, you can just come into the Custom Games part of the private match.

Create a private match. Set up your guns fully in here with aftermarket parts and everything, and again, you can just save it from here. Okay, so again, it's absolutely game-breaking. You don't need banned accounts; you don't need anything; you can just go along and save custom blueprints and everything in War Zone private match and use them in War Zone and multiplayer; in private match and use them; and you can save them from your buddy showcases and everything, as long as you are in private match when you try and save it.

how to save private class weapons

Guys, with that said, guys, that's going to complete today's article. I appreciate you a lot. Share this article with all your friends and guys if you haven't already. Here are the groups that I have set up: If you want to join any of these groups, you can see the names over there, so just pause the article and come back and try to join one of them.

Search for one of these, as you see here. If you get into any of these, you'll have a lot of other people in them. You'll be able to use this to go through and just find someone and browse through the showcases. And maybe you'll find a cool weapon or something; somebody's holding a weapon just like this.

With that said, I appreciate you guys a lot, and I'll catch you in the next one.

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