News - Best" Solo Tombstone Dupe Glitch. After Patch. Duplication, Essence Warzone 2 Zombies. The Ultimate Guide

best solo tombstone dupe glitch after patch duplication

I'll be showing you guys how you can set up a Tombstone glitch in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 zombies, and I'll also be showing you guys how you can duplicate all of your items as well as go over the 10 out of 10 stash limit. 50% off Cod points and cheap Cod redeem code, they have new service up and schematics, and consumers unlock them.

They are trusted by thousands of untrusting pilots. So the first thing that you want to do is get yourself a strike team with a larger backpack so you can carry more items. I'm going to just use the smaller backpack we're going to need to get ourselves some items so you can, either, go to your schematic, craft up a few Flawless.

best tombstone glitch

Crystal legendary tools, or whatever item you want to carry with you—Ray Gun, etc. ETA, just get all of them, right in your backpack just like you can see the these items right here in my backpack, now once you have all the items in your backpack make sure that you don't carry a weapon because if you're setting up a tombstone for the first time you will need to die and you will lose your insured weapon slot so ensure that you don't have any equip, definitely carry decoy because sometimes you're going to need them to, distract the, zombies and from here the most important thing that we need to make sure is activate is our act for can check so this bad signal is the most important thing when doing Tombstone so make sure that you have it activate but if you completed it like you can see I'm, 100% so if you complete it you won't need to activate it you can just skip this process but if you.

Don't complete it; you will then need to activate it each and every single game that you go into. You can now go in the game, and if you have a tombstone perk, you can carry it as well, but let's just ignore that for now and just go in. So once you are in the game for the first time, you want to make sure that you don't have an existing tombstone lying anywhere around, so you want to bring up your map Zoom all the way out and just look around.

duplicate items

As you can see, I have a tombstone for this example, so I want to go over to my tombstone, take everything from it, and let it break so we can then set up a new one. Tombstone all right, so let's actually dig into my tombstone. Grab all our items; these are the same items; I think I duplicated them all right, so now we have destroyed them.

Our Tombstone, so we don't have any Tombstone laying around in the map, and pretty much we are going to need to set up the brand new Tombstone, so from here guys, we want to at least get ourselves 2, 000, so we can at least purchase a tombstone perk. So let's go for the easy contract, which will be this one right here: the delivery cargo is all right, the first delivery contract is complete, and we got like 3K.


So we pretty much don't need to do another one because we're just going to be setting up our tombstone, and we only need 2K, which should be enough. Way more than enough, so basically, if you guys want to have more. ENT Sav in your tombstone, then you can continue doing more cont check, and you know, ramp up some money and just save it in, and you can just keep doing it until you're maxed out pretty much that's a way how you can actually maxed out, but from here now since we have the 2K, actually got three, let's actually find ourselves a tombstone, perk machine, so let's go ahead, and I did see one up here there it is.

We're going to make our way over there. We're going to buy a tombstone perk, and then we will be able to set up our tombstone for the first time. So let's make our way over there, all right? So here is the tombstone soda machine. You can see it's only $2, 000, so let's go ahead and drink that. And from here, now that we got our tombstone.

Perk, and we drank it, we now want to go ahead and go to Act 4, which we activated early on, and that's why I said it's super important to make sure that you have it activated, because we're going to need to go straight down to Act 4. This is the Act 4 bed signal, if you guys didn't know. It's actually a mission; it's not an Xville; it's a mission, but you can glitch it and, you know, close your game in time.

essence mw3 zombies the ultimate guide

That's what we're going to be using to do the glitch, so if there's a ton of zombies here, this is why decoy is pretty important. Go ahead and interact with it, and once you interact with it, you want to go into the water. Go all the way down and look on your left. You should see your bread meter on the left.

You're going to wait until it hits the red, then you're going to go ahead and vote. Yes, boom, just like that vote. Yes, now you should be on a 10-second countdown. Just like that, just go ahead and let it do its thing. Boom, now you will get eliminated, but now you should see that we are going into the portal, and you want to close once you see the black screen.

For PC users, you can use alt and F4 to close the game, and for console users, you want to just go ahead and close the game application once you see the perp, Transition. If you go to zombies and go to gear, you should see all of your items over here if you do it correctly. These are all the items that I had.

how to setup tombstone

So you should see them right here, and these items are duplicated items, so you can unequip them, and you should be able to go over your stash limit. If you have a 10 out of 10 problem over here and the stash limit, you should now be able to go over it with the duplicate items. So basically our tombstone is now set so we can go in the game, and these items will be available for us each and every time, and I'm going to just go back in and show you how to keep doing it and actually not lose your tombstone.

Ever, let's go back into the game once more. If you haven't completed the bed signal, go to the ACT, and go to the bad signal. Just go ahead and activate it. Make sure that you do that; that's super important as we are loading in. As you guys will see, you have your Tombstone displayed on your screen.


And if you don't see it, because at times you probably won't see it, it should be on your map, so just bring up your map. Zoom all the way out, and you should see your tombstone right up here by the graveyard, and this is where your tombstone will always be. With this Tombstone method, you pretty much don't get to Actually, you can set your tombstone wherever you like, but the only thing it will be is a bit inconvenient because you'll have to keep doing it over and over, and you won't be able to duplicate your items.

That's the only difference, but let's actually make our way over to a tombstone, grab all the items in there, and we're going to duplicate their items once more, but okay guys, so once you made it back to your tombstone, go ahead and take everything, make sure that your tombstone crumbled just like that, and once your tombstone is crumbled now you want to go ahead and do the same process over you will need to go ahead and if you don't have enough money, do some.

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