News - Best Mtz-762 Setups Warzone 2. Jak Heretic Carbine Kit Breakdown



Our base movement speed and sprint movement speed are just standard for battle rifles. It's the same as the Sidewinder and the Bass B; however, our aim walking speed is the slowest out of these three battle rifles at 2.6 M/s. And there we go, with RS set up for all of the base stats of the MTZ 762.

However, like I said at the beginning, we do have an aftermarket part for this, and this is the Jack Heretic carbon kit , and let's just dive right into it once again.

Jak heretic carbine kit

We have totally different damage profiles whether we're in full auto or semi-auto, so let's cover this kit in full auto first.

modern warfare 3

And with this in full auto, we deal the same amount of damage anywhere in the body; for a four- to five-shot kill, we only get a four-shot kill in the maximum damage range. And it turns out that these headshots are effectively useless in the second damage range. Technically, you could mix two head shots in with body shots, and that would help, but that's not something you typically want to go for since this isn't the most accurate gun.

We definitely lose some recoil control compared to the base version of this gun. Here there's a lot more horizontal deviation, and it does tend to zigzag a little bit more than the base recoil, so it's not the most accurate gun out there. However, we do get a rate of fire increase up to 600 rounds per minute, and what this means is that we can now kill in 300 milliseconds with that four-shot kill up close, which is a more competitive time to kill than the base version of this gun.

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However, it will drop off to a 400 millisecond time to kill when we get into the five-shot kill ranges. On top of all of this, the carbon kit will improve some of our handling stats, and it also gives us a 30-round mag by default rather than the standard 20-round mag. As for using this kit in semi-auto mode, we get a totally different damage profile, and now body multipliers really matter here.

modern warfare iii

You definitely want to make sure you're hitting those torso and upper arm shots, and if you manage to do that, you can get a three-shot kill up close to the body, and it will just drop off to a four-shot kill at range. However, with this, it appears the rate of fire cap has been dropped to around 500 rounds per minute.

I was unable to get above 500 rounds per minute, and this means our time to kill potential is still very fast with a three-shot kill at 240 milliseconds, but this is slower than what you would get without using this kit if you were using the MTZ 762 in semi-auto. Additionally, just like in full auto mode, our recoil is a little worse when using this carbine kit, even when you're in semi-auto.


However, one interesting quirk I noticed with this kit is that it completely eliminates your idle sway, like there's literally none; your gun doesn't move when you aim down sights, even if you stack attachments that harm idle sway, and that's just a nice thing to know while creating your builds. If you are using this kit, you don't have to worry about attachments that harm your aiming idle sway, but then finally, let's have a look at a range comparison here in both full auto and semi-auto with the Jack heretic kit, and as you can see, this kit will actually boost our maximum damage range here up to about 28 M, which is a nice benefit over the base version of this gun.

Now, on saying that we do lose some bullet velocity, it's now 621 m/s. And overall. I would say I generally prefer this gun without this kit in saying that though if I am planning on playing a little bit more Close Quarters. I think the kit is a perfectly viable assault rifle-style build when used in full auto mode. I wouldn't recommend using this kit in semi-auto mode, but in full auto, it's pretty good for close to mid-range fights, but it really starts to fall off at longer ranges.

Mtz-762 - accuracy build

Mtz-762 - accuracy build

And there we go, wrapping it up for the kit. Now let's finally get into some excellent attachment combinations. The first one I'm going to share with you guys is my accuracy build, and with this.

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I found the sack tread 40 muzzle was the best for this particular setup combined with the SL skeletal vertical under Barrel, the Mark II reflector optic, the axf close quarter stock, and then finally the MTZ. Factory rear grip. Now with this, we can see our accuracy has improved very nicely with this gun, although there is still going to be some randomness mixed in there.

It's all tightened up nicely, so you shouldn't notice it nearly as much, and we're really only sacrificing in the handling department here, and it's still reasonable for a longer range build, so our aim-down sight speed is 313 milliseconds. Not great but also not terrible by any means for a long-range build, and our Sprint out time is only very slightly slower than the base, so overall, not a bad setup at all.


It is quite versatile, and it really holds its own quite well at those longer ranges.

Mtz-762 - stealth build

Now let's get into my second build, which is a bit more versatile for the 6v6 maps. This is my stealth build, so with this, we're using the shadow strike suppressor. We once again have that SL skeletal vertical under Barrel.

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That one just works really well with this gun since we do tend to have that pretty big jump with the initial shots fired vertically. This time we're using the MCW Blackjack stock. I did a bunch of recoil testing, and for this particular build, that stock worked a little bit better, and then finally we have the Mark III reflector optic on this, and with this one, well, it's not quite as accurate as my accuracy build, but it's still noticeably more accurate than the base.


As you can see, things are tightening up, especially horizontally. They're tightened up a lot, which really helps out a lot. Here, our aimed-on sight speed is a little bit better at 264 milliseconds. Our Sprint out times have also very slightly improved, and of course we're staying off the radar with this one, which is just excellent for 6v6.

Mtz-762 - carbine kit build

Mtz-762 - carbine kit build

And this just leaves us with one last build I wanted to share for you guys, and I did want to share a build using that Jack heretic carbine kit, and with this one, just a heads up, we're staying in full auto with it, and outside of the kit, we're also using the T4 LR saber compensator, the SL skeletal vertical under Barrel, the MTZ Factory rear grip, and the Exf Close Quarters stock, and with this, you can see we've really tightened up the accuracy on this, especially horizontally; there's not nearly as much horizontal deviation, which is excellent.


Our aim-down sight speed is essentially the same as the base version of this gun, at 279 milliseconds. However, our sprint-out time is massively improved at 154 milliseconds. We also get a very big improvement to our maximum damage range, and just as a reminder, there is literally zero idle sway with this gun, so when you aim down sight, you will be pinpoint accurate, and honestly, this is a solid setup, especially if you're playing on smaller or more close-quarters maps.

Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the MTZ-762.
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