News - Are Headshots Useless Warzone 2. Best Guns For Headshots



All, so let's move on to the next category of guns, and these are the lmgs, and with the lmgs. None of the Modern Warfare 2 lmgs benefit from a single head shot mixed in with body shots, so don't even bother going for a head shot with Modern Warfare 2 lmgs. However, with Modern Warfare 3 lmgs, the pull meat will benefit from a single head shot that's with or without the Bullpup aftermarket kit as well, and on top of that, the Hoger 26 also benefits greatly from one single head shot mixed in with those body shots, so with both of those lmgs.

I highly encourage you to make sure you're mixing that headshot in whenever viable.

Marksman rifles


Next, let's get into the Marksman rifle category, and this is where things get pretty interesting. There are actually five marksman rifles that are normally a two-shot kill that are able to get a one-shot kill with a head shot, and these are the KVD enforcer, the MCW 6.8., and the MTZ Interceptor for the Modern Warfare 3 marksman rifles, and then for the Modern Warfare 2 marksman rifles, we have the Lockwood Mark 2 and the TAC M So with all of those, you definitely want to be going for that headshot because you can get a literal instant kill with them.

However. I did want to point out that, of course, guns like the sa50, the spr, or even the crossbow can get a one-shot kill to the head as well, but they also have the potential to get a one-shot kill to the upper torso, and therefore it is a bit of a waste to actively aim for the head when you could just get a one-shot kill to the upper torso, and that's why they're not included on this list.


Additionally, there are still two more marksman rifles that benefit from a headshot, but they don't get a one-shot kill with a headshot, and these are the EBR and the LMS. With both of these, they're typically a three-shot kill to the body, but if you mix one body shot in with one head shot now, you can get a two-shot kill, so it's still beneficial to go for headshots with those two guns even though you don't get that amazing one-shot kill.



And with that, this just leaves us with the sidearm category.

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Obviously. I'm skipping over sniper rifles because literally every sniper rifle in the game can get a one-shot kill to the head, and most of them can even get a one-shot kill to the body, but with the sidearm category, unfortunately, head shots aren't really all that useful for most of the Modern Warfare 3 handguns.


I will say that with the TI, or tire—I don't know how you pronounce that one—you can get a one-shot kill to the head, but just like with the Sab and the SP, you can also get a one-shot kill to the upper torso, so you're generally better off just aiming for the upper torso. Also I want to point out with a retti technically one head shot mixed in with body shots up close will reduce the number of shots to kill, but since this is a burst gun it's still going to take you two bursts to kill so in my opinion you're better off just aiming Center Mass and hitting as many shots as possible to ensure that you're getting a consistent two burst kill cuz if you start aiming for the head you're more likely to miss and end up having to take three bursts to kill and this just leaves us with two handguns that benefit greatly from one single head shot mixed in with body shots and these are the P89, which is typically a three- shot kill to the body but you can get a two- shot kill if you mix one head shot in as well as the 50gs. Which is normally a two-shot kill to the body but you can get a one-shot kill to the head or the neck as well, and therefore the 50gs, is incredible to go for those head shots, and it's actually quite forgiving cuz if you're a little bit off on the head shot and you hit the neck, you'll still get a one-shot kill.

Wrap up & final thoughts

Wrap up & final thoughts

And there we go. That's going to wrap up the list of all of the guns that benefit most from landing a head shot mixed in with body shots. Again, this is just designed to be a general rule of thumb. I'll talk to you guys

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One big change with Modern Warfare III has been a general reduction to Headshot damage and I've seen many claiming that headshots are useless as a result of this. Today, I wanted to share a list of every gun in the game that benefits from a single headshot mixed in with body shots within its maximum damage range.
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