News - All 37 Warzone 2i Weapons, Attachment Tuning, Detailed Stats, More

I was worried they were just going to be porting them straight over and not really changing much, and that could create some imbalances between the Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 guns.

No tuning?!

The next thing that's been really up in the air when it comes to weapons and the gunsmith is weapon tuning.

modern warfare 3

Is it going to be returning in Modern Warfare 3 or not? And they finally confirmed in today's blog that there will be no weapon tuning whatsoever in Modern Warfare 3, including on the Modern Warfare 2 weapons. And honestly I'm on board with this I've talked about this in the past a little bit I don't hate weapon tuning I just feel like it adds a little bit of unnecessary, complexity to the system that doesn't really add much to the gameplay experience at least to me and I think the amount of time and effort and resources it goes into creating that tuning system and then balancing it properly and rebalancing it throughout the year I'd rather see that development time spent elsewhere where it could have a more significant impact on the gameplay experience, so while I do know that some people will be disappointed to hear that news I for one am actually pretty happy to see that tuning is gone in Modern Warfare 3 and this brings me to the next thing that I'm very excited about we already knew this was coming but we didn't know how detailed it will be This is the detailed weapon stats that we can access in the gunsmith, and we got a little bit of a teaser here, just one screen showing the detailed stats while looking at one of the optics.

Detailed stats screen

Detailed stats screen

And with this, we have access to damage, although it looks like it's only going to be the maximum damage, so you're not going to see the damage at mid-range or long range here as far as we can tell, but I'm glad they also separated head shots, upper torso, and lower torso here, but we have Flinch values there, which are excellent.

We have an effective damage range, a minimum damage range, bullet velocity, rate of fire, and recoil stats, so gun kicks have horizontal recoil, vertical recoil, and nothing on center speed. I noticed that we're still going to have to do a lot of hand testing when it comes to recoil. We also have statistics on hip-fire minimum spread and maximum spread.

Flinch resistance well in hip fire rather than aiming down sights. We've got several mobility stats and movement speeds. Crouch movement speed Sprint speed tactical sprint speed and aim down sight movement speed, and then finally we have access to handling stats like our aim down sight reload quickness.

modern warfare iii

Sprint to fire and swap speeds. But then finally, for this article, they also pointed out a filter option when looking at the detailed stats here, so you can actually filter attachments by the stats that they have an impact on, like mobility and recoil control fire rate damage, and I think this could streamline things as well.

I do like the addition of this; it seems like you don't need to use it, but it's something if you want that extra functionality. You could absolutely use that to streamline your attachment choices a bit better , and with that, that's going to wrap it up for today's article.

Wrap up

Wrap up

So far, things are looking really good here, at least to me. I'm quite happy to see that the weapon count at launch is respectable on its own without having to rely on Modern Warfare 2 guns.

The detailed stats look incredible. Weapon tuning is gone, which could be a pro or con depending on who you are, I'd say, and overall, I'm excited to see more about the aftermarket parts that are coming down the road with the game now. Like I said, they also revealed essentially all of the other class items in a different blog post today, and unfortunately, I just can't squeeze that into this article.

Today we got a ton of information regarding the weapons and class items we can expect to see with the launch of Modern Warfare III next week! In today's video I'm going to be sharing a list of every one of the 37 MWIII weapons we get at launch as well as aftermarket parts, detailed stats, tuning, and more.
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