News - After 80 Hours Of Testing. These Are Best Graphic Settings (warzone 2)

best graphic settings for warzone 2

All right After 80 hours of testing, I think I have finally found the best Call of Duty graphics settings for PC players. I'm going to give you all the setups, and we're definitely not talking about DLSS that really makes your stuff mean anything, and we're definitely not talking about DLSS that really makes your stuff look blurry; we're talking about raw game performance that actually looks good with a high frame rate.

Alright, let's start off with war; let's drop into it, so we're going to start off with the airplane dropping into a war zone. This is going to give us the best idea of what kind of FPS you can get. Also, keep in mind that I'm playing in 1440p, so if you're playing in 1080p, yours will be better.

I have found the perfect mix of awesomeness and a high refresh rate. I promise, it does not get better than this. I have been doing this for a very long time, and it feels like I have finally found it, so let's drop; we're going to go straight down here; let's see if you look up; we're currently pulling 160 frames per second, literally dropping from the sky; let's drop down more; and let's land; as you run around and look around, you can see the graphic quality is absolutely fantastic; okay.

best graphics settings for warzone

I was not expecting I was not expecting someone to actually be there, but you get the idea; let's go into the gulag. This is actually perfect because I want to test this anyway in the gulag. We're currently pulling 160 to 170 frames per second, and keep in mind that this is not the lowest quality setting; this is 1440p.

At the same time, the GPU temperature is also looking good at 63 degrees, well under operating temperature. It's looking fantastic, alright; let's check out multiplayer. So keep in mind here that the only way you're going to pull over 200 frames per second playing this game without making it look like it's running at 240p is, which sucks so bad it makes the game look so bad, or by having a 40/90, maybe a 40/82.

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I haven't seen a lot of tests with the 4080, but if you look, we're pulling 160, pretty consistently at 170 at the highs. Run around a little bit to get a feel for it. I have been testing these quality settings for quite some time. I have been trying to figure it out; we don't talk about that. But I stream in 1440p, I record in 1440p, and I play in 1440p all the while.

best graphics settings for warzone 2

At the same time, I've been trying to find the best possible settings that allow me to do all that, and I have finally found them after a lot of testing. The benchmark is not good; it is not good at all, so don't think that is happening because it's not the benchmark sucking; don't follow it. That is about 40 to 50 frames higher than the regular one, and your temperatures will drop a little bit too now.

Let's look at the next step. This is DLSS in performance. As you can see, we dropped about 10 to 15 frames; we're still pulling right over 200 frames per second, but I'm sure when you move it'll be even less so. Let's go on to the next one. This is nicely balanced; as you can see, the frame rate is pretty similar, but the image quality is better.

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I'm going to try and zoom in on a part here so you guys can see the actual quality difference, though. The frame rate for this one seems to be pretty similar to that of Performance. There might not be a trade-off for you if you do want to use DLSS. Balanced might be the best one; let's go to the best version of DLSS that is possible now; this is DLSS at its peak performance.

180 to 190 frames per second. It's all right, but compared to the native 1440p settings that I've given you without DLSS, it looks off and is still blurry. I'm editing this, and as I see it, it is going to be difficult for you to see the difference between the DLSS and the FPS. You are going to want to test this DLSS stuff on your own on your big screen so you can see the actual difference.

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I promise the DLSS is noticeably worse and looks so bad compared, The settings I'm about to give you don't require DLSS, but I just wanted to put that as a disclaimer. And here are the settings, so these are the graphic settings you want. I'm going to go through all of it just for you, first and foremost in the display mode; that's the only thing that's important on this page.

best warzone 2 graphics settings

Obviously, but full-screen exclusive You have to run full screen exclusively. This has been helping my game run a lot better, and I promise you want to run it. So, let's start off with this render resolution of 100; we're not making our game look like a pixel mess; that is not the plan second. You're going to run Filmic, why?

Other than that, it looks so bad in the shadows, and I know you might be able to get better performance if you change it, but don't do this; it will make your game look good. Run, normal anti-aliasing. Quality I'm not even going to go into these because I've just been there. This is going to be very dependent on what GPU you have.

I highly recommend messing with this, especially if you're crashing. That'll take a little bit of testing. I have found my perfect number to be 80. Your number could be different. Who actually knows the texture resolution? As you guys can see, the texture resolution actually being low doesn't make it look bad.

best warzone 2 settings

I'll tell you it looks a hundred times better than DLSS, which really isn't hard to do, but it looks a hundred times better with this texture filter. anisotropic, normal nearby level of detail, low, distant level of detail low flutter, short draw distance, and short particle quality low particle quality level, low bullet quality, and impact sprays I'm not sure why I have this on.

Turn that off. Don't even use it. I don't know why that's on unless I accidentally click on it. Shader quality low tessellations near, terrain memory Max This is how you're going to keep your game looking good. This setting is very important; keep it on Max to match your texture streaming. I know I butchered that a little bit.

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streaming quality at normal volume, magic quality at low deferred physics quality, and water caustics off. Shadow map resolution: very low screen space Shadows off spot shadow quality low-spot cash low-particle lighting: low ambient, inclusion off-screen, pace space Reflections off static quality are low, and weather grid volumes are low.

best warzone 2 settings pc

Nvidia Okay, the rest of this is good. Turn off the film. Graham, I don't know why this is even the game; it makes it look so bad. The rest of these are going to be up to you; the depth of field I think looks nice, but when you're trying to do other stuff, it makes it look bad. But drop a like on this article; I'd really appreciate it.

After 80 hours of extensive testing, I have finally found the BEST Call of Duty Warzone 2 settings. I have also finally found the BEST Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 settings. You will not find better Warzone 2 graphic settings or Modern Warfare 2 graphic settings that give you amazing graphics and high FPS.
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