News - Best Console Graphics Settings For Warzone 2. Best Xbox, Ps4, Ps5 Graphics Settings Warzone 2 Fps

best console graphics settings for warzone 2

The time has come for War Zone 2, so let's make it look as beautiful as possible with the very best graphic settings out there. Right now, to start, we have on-demand texture; streaming is the default option for this, and you should absolutely keep it on this unless you're having some connection problems.

Next up, we have world motion blur absolutely; turn this off like many of the settings we're going to go through; they look kind of cool, but they're not going to help us in the game, and the same goes for weapon motion blur; they kind of look good. On campaigns, maybe keep them on, but when we're playing Warzone, it just makes it harder to actually see opponents; sometimes the same is true for film grain.

Turn this all the way down to zero depth of field and turn this off. This refers to when you're aiming and the surrounding area around your sights goes blurry again, which again looks cool, but by turning it off, we might be able to see someone that we might not have been able to if it was left on.

best warzone 2 graphics

But before we head into the rest of the settings, I just want to tell you about today's sponsor, {15}. 15} offers a way to get bot lobbying on Call of Duty, whether that's in War Zone 2 or Modern Warfare 2. They use a mix of VPN and geofencing technology to ensure you get the best chance to get easier lobbies, and the best thing about {15} is their service.

It works across PCs and consoles. The software they offer works by changing your skill-based matchmaking location to somewhere lower, but you'll still have low latency, so that means no lag when you're actually playing, and you can connect to servers in 28 different locations, first with their encrypted VPN and then with their geofencing technology.

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This lets you play in different parts of the world, which can help get easier lobbies by playing it off peak hours in other locations. You can do all of this with ease. You just have three steps to set it up, which cover installing, configuring your software, and then just loading into your easier lobby.

best warzone 2 graphics settings

They offer full support on all subscriptions, so they can help you out if you need it anyway. 15} even offers monthly subscriptions that you can cancel at any time, so you're not tied down for years. Back to the graphic settings for Fidelity FX Turn this on and turn it up all the way to 100. This ensures the game just looks as beautiful as possible, but if you are on an older-generation console or a lower-end PC and you start getting some visual problems and graphic glitches, just turn this down or even off if it gets really bad for the 120 hertz refresh rate.

If you do have the option on newer generation consoles, definitely put this on, and then we have a field of view, right? Rejoice, we do have a field of view slider for four consoles on Warzone currently; I've got mine on 110. This allows me to see plenty of things around me, but not so much that I can't actually see people who are far away, as that's the trade-off.

best warzone 2 settings

off to the right in the field of view If we have it on 120, we can see a very wide field of view around us and we can see more, but for that, we can't see things further away that well as they appear smaller than for the settings within the field of view we want affected, as our ads field of view setting makes it so when we're aiming in, it looks more like our standard field of view setting.

If you leave it on "Independent," you're going to be aiming at an ATV. This might help for killing people at longer distances, but you might miss someone flanking you around the sides, which the field of view setting gives us as an advantage, and then for the weapon field of view. I recommend putting this on wide because, as it says here, the weapon looks smaller, and the advantage of that is that it doesn't clog up as much of our screen, meaning we might be able to see something that we'd otherwise miss that might be some loot or it might be an enemy for the third-person field of view.


Crank this all the way up to 90 and we can just see more around us, and longer distances don't seem too bad in terms of them being far away. Next up, we've got camera movements. Put this on as low as it can go, which is 50 again. This is one of those settings that might look pretty cool, but it's quite distracting; some people even get motion sickness from it, and you might miss something on the screen in third person when you aim down your sights.

Now you have the option of writing in the first person or the third person. I recommend putting it in third person; it's less trippy and keeps more to a third-person setting, but it's entirely up to you, and some of these are subjective. The next one up is exactly that, the default spectator camera, and then as we go into brightness, I've actually got mine on 55, slightly higher than the default of 50.

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At the moment, our marsh feels very well lit compared to, say, the early days of the Dansk. There are no dark corners with people camping in them that you can see. It brightens up the area just a little, but not too much for a safe area. It's not super important just to get these arrows to the edge of your screen.

graphics settings

And we're not done just yet because if we head over to the interface, we have a few more settings that are quite important, one of which is the color customization. So, previously on console, to make the game look a little bit better, we'd mess around with the colorblind settings, and you can still do this here; the exact setting is up to you, but I recommend going on Filter 2 and applying that to both the interface and the world; leaving the intensity alone seems okay to me at the moment, and then down here we also have a hood color palette, which refers to those colorblind settings of protonopia and deuteronopia.

And tritonopia, they're not too important because it is just the hood, although some of them do look quite cool. Next up, we've got subtitles. I recommend leaving these on. I know they can be quite distracting sometimes, but on other occasions, they can actually give you some information that you otherwise wouldn't have found out.

how to make warzone 2 look better

For example, if an enemy is nearby and they're shooting, being shot at, or throwing equipment often, your subtitles will tell you that. Equally, if you're teaming up with some people that don't speak much, the subtitles will tell you if they're doing something as well. The mini-map shape Of course we want this on Square.

We can just see more with this setting, and that's actually the final important graphic setting. The rest on here are very subjective and aren't too important, but hopefully this article has helped you out, and if you want to level up your War Zone 2 game even more, be sure to check out one of these

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These are the best console graphics settings for Warzone 2. Try out BotLobbies.
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