News - Activision Is Openly Taunting Us With Sbmm Warzone 2

You know what I'm saying here—me personally again. Like I said. I don't mind competition, and a lot of the time I'm playing with really good players as well as people with two, three, plus KDs in my squad, so when you stack that many players, you know it's only so much the matchmaking can do, but if you're playing solo, the experience is a nightmare.

For the mass majority of players out there, they can't get those experiences. For me and my whole squad of Squad Farms Advance UAVs, it's as simple as that. How can you possibly—that's the question of today how can you possibly not streak up when you have four Advanced UAVs back to back to back to back?

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It's easy, but when you're alone, you don't have teammates who are doing that for you; you have to rely on yourself. Your own skill, and sometimes that's a bit difficult. Is it not, and nine times out of 10 players don't get to have a good experience in COD? Activision is doing don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should stomp out every game every game you get to go ahead and go crazy because that's not how reality works, right?

In order for someone to enjoy the Call of Duty experience, they must have had a bad experience. Am I right, or am I wrong? In order to have a good experience in COD, someone else has to have a bad experience. That's just the moral of the story right now. Activision is trying to make it equal so everybody can have a good experience.

Right, you know, if nobody gets whooped, then nobody can have a bad time, when in reality that's the opposite because it turns it into a ranked game. When nobody wants to play ranked Cod, they're hopping on to go into the casual mix. And like I said, I'm not saying you have to beat people in lower brackets every game you play.

modern warfare 3 sbmm rant

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying it every so often through these people. Throw them a bone; that's all they're asking for, but instead of throwing them a bone, give them a good experience. Instead, they have to do exactly what the activation advertised here: go through 17 full games of getting absolutely demolished.

And then you get your final game, and you still don't get streaks, but you win, right? Isn't that all that matters? All that matters is that you won. No, I mean in ranked Yeah, but like I said earlier, people hate me for saying this, but it's the truth: the fun of cod is getting streaks and popping off; that's the fun of God.

It's as simple as that. You can find other ways to have fun, like going for camos, ranks, and, you know, challenges. But the core of cod—what makes it special, what makes it addicting—is what gets people coming back: obtaining those streaks and going crazy on a lobster. That's it, man. Why do you think a bunch of content creators farm for freaking matches all the time to get the best gameplay?

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Why do you think a bunch of other content creators out there are reverse-boosting all the time to get crazy-looking gameplay? I just wanted to go ahead and showcase that to you so you can see what is currently going on and how Activision is doing. You know, winning games is fun and all, but I say that for ranking.

You know, when I play games, CS goes to Valerin. Rainbow Six Siege I don't touch casual because, guess what? The games are almost designed to be played in a ranked environment. All I play is ranked because I want to compete to win. KD is irrelevant score is well. I guess score is relevant and all, but you know the whole purpose is that you want to win, you want to use your abilities, you want to help your team, you want to, you know, catch the dub.

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Right, and Call of Duty is the same thing I want to win, but keep that in the ranked environment. When we play casual, nobody gives a crap. I mean, yeah, there's a handful of people out there that care, but there's a reason it's called casual. Right, again, people just play because they want to streak up.

It's as simple as that, man. It's literally as simple as that. They want to streak up, and when they don't perform, guess what? They get angry. That's why people hate skill-based matchmaking. I mean, I can't think of any other reason why people hate skill-based matchmaking. They hate it because they're getting whooped, and when they get whooped, they can't get their stuff.

They want to hop on COD and get the streaks, simple as that. I'm telling you if this has to be resolved in some way shape or form, and I'm not saying completely make it to where you're pub stomping every game you possibly find, because again, like I said earlier, in order for someone to enjoy the experience, someone on the other end has to suffer.

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As well, you can't have someone 24/7 enjoying everything because then someone is going to be 24/7 having the worst experience of their life, so it has to be balanced, but right now it's not balanced because the way that they're trying to balance it is by making sure nobody gets to enjoy the experience as long as nobody does.

This is how Activision thinks: as long as nobody enjoys, you know, the streak experience, then nobody could potentially be angry, when it couldn't be further from the truth. Don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell. We post daily here at 8 in the morning Eastern time, and of course, if you are interested in any of my live streams, I do that on Kick pretty much daily as well.

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