News - You. Re Using Ziplines Wrong. Warzone 3 Zipline Masterclass

And coming off the top, you're not able to shoot right now accurately, and you wouldn't be able to kill a guy over there. It's a lot safer; it's a lot better. You can also use it to jump chow and peak, where if there's someone out there, you could do it a little bit early, shoot them a few times, and then go back down, you know, and if your teammate trades you out, it's really, really nice for those trades.

If multiple people and multiple teammates are using the zip line, there's a lot that you could do with it, which kind of hinders The lack of movement you get when you get to the top. Let's get into the second portion of the advanced zipline tips. Heading into our second tip here, you are able to do a couple different things.

Of course, when you get to the top, you can jump off and jump over the top, or you can jump off the zip line and mantle the top, making it a little bit different and something that your opponent's not always going to be ready for, especially if you, you know, are throwing in a couple different movements on the same person.

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So say there's a person up there. First, you jump over the top; you're shooting them; they go back; you go back down; and they're expecting you to come back up. Next, you can jump off and mantle the top like this, and then maybe throw them off a little bit in that way so you are able to mantle the top of the zip line.

Which does help you can even sometimes it's a little bit harder thread the needle and go straight through so there's three different movements you can jump off go straight through which is a little bit harder not that consistent but it is very quick for making it onto the roof, you can also mantle the top which is a little bit easier All you do is spam your mantle once you jump off the zip line.

Make sure you get the timing right. If you don't get the timing right, just try again. I would recommend you do what I'm doing now: go into a pund match and just try the timings. Get it down a little bit before you actually try to match, or you could jump over the top, all three of which will be very nice for fighting people on top of roofs and using those zip lines in a different way than they're supposed to be okay.

With this plunder match coming to a close, we may actually get to the end of these zip line tactics in the same putter match, which is kind of cool. So, lastly, what I have for you is number three in the advanced zip line tactics: combining those movements while shooting while you're doing them, obviously.

We did show that you could shoot while doing those a second ago. You want to make sure that you get it down to where you're able to use it practically. You know, being able to jump over the top is cool for speed and precision when you're going up over the top, but it is very good for compat as well, and you don't really have to be too cracked at aiming or anything like that while jumping off of the zip lines.

I mean, you're going to be tracking people who are standing still and not expecting you to make this kind of movement. A lot of people won't expect it, especially if you've seen the clips from the intro. I do this a lot. You know, if somebody's watching your zipline right here and you fly up over the top and are shooting them, they're like a sitting duck.

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They're going to be sitting here, standing, and crouching. They're not going to be moving much. It's going to be very easy to hit them, so combine those two, you know, jumping methods: you go mantle, or you go through the middle, and you can shoot while doing all three of those, so make sure you practice that shooting.

Because when there's someone up here, they're going to be shooting or a standing duck. And they're very, very easy to hit, and you can keep going on over and over and over, obviously combining all of those zip tips that you just learned. Hold Up Oh, I thought I had a sniper who would have been so clean.

I wonder if this guy will let me do the zip thing. I think he will hold up and come on. I don't think he knows what's going on. I'm not going to lie. No way does he get away. All right, he does get away, but it just shows that it's very easy to use; it throws people off by surprise, and you know, clues.

Players like that are never going to know what you're going to do. Shoot them, jump around to the stairs, and then go up the stairs. There's so much you could do; the outplay is endless, so do add this to your repertoire. I posted a article similar to this the other day, but people wanted a more in-depth guide.

The number one thing to remember is consistency, so if you're messing up the timing or if you're going backwards, just know it's a consistent issue. It's a timing issue that's very easy to fix.

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