News - How To Get " Streamer " Bot Lobbies Every Game On Warzone By 2 Boxing

bot lobbies

Today in this article, I'm going to be showing you how your favorite streamers get the absolute Bodi lobbies. As you can see, I have a little Timmy with me right now. He's going to be our decoy. For short, two boxing is queuing into a lobby with a low-level lowd, or in this case, little Timmy. Now he's going to be the party leader, and he's going to find us a game.

Once we're in the game, he's going to back out before we get into it for some context. I'm a pretty decent player. I've had 3 KDs for dance. Also, this is not my main COD account unless there's some feed out there, and this is for educational purposes only. I do not usually play like this. Let's get right into the game now.

Most of your favorite streamers, when they're searching for a game, are going to be either in this menu and it's going to say in the top right they're searching for a game or they're going to go to the firing range, and they're going to be in here while it's searching for a game so that you don't know that there's someone in their party.


As you can see in the top right, it says waiting loading level, but you can't see who's in my party. So as you can see in the bottom left, little Timmy is still in here, and the streamer is going to block this screen, and once we're into here, this is when little Timmy is finally going to leave. As you can see, it says on the left, little Timmy just left; his name's not there anymore, and now we have an absolute bot lobby.

Now we have an absolute bot lobby, but I'm still on my main account. Before we get into this, keep in mind that the bot account that I set up has about 12 KD. So imagine the lobbies they're getting. You already know we have to drop by this corner of the prison. We're in a bot lobby. We're going for high kills, baby.

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All right, let's get this. Hopefully, we can get at least 30; it should not be too hard in these lobbies, Kill. I mean, that kid's movement wasn't the worst, but he didn't even shoot his gun once, so he can't be too good of a player, right? Hopefully we can get a quick load out and actually do some damage, and that will help, right?

how to

They just sniped that kid out of the air. At the time, we got one hiding behind the door. I believe you saw that on the UAV, and we got a specialist. Yeah, this can be a crazy game, kill-wise. We got a kid trying to land in the back, though. Just land on the roof, right? there, and that's six already, and we've had one kid shoot their gun at us so far.

How much is L out 10K still, right? Yeah, all right, let's get back up towards prison. There should be some more kids up there. Yeah, we have a kid in here. Here he is. Down, like, come on now, this is just so easy. We can loot this body, and we should be able to get a load out. What the hell?

We got one right there, but let's buy one as well; it was only $5. I could have gotten it a while ago, as you can see. I got nine, and there's only been one team eliminated so far, like these kids are just absolute bots. It looks like there's a lot of people going down a stronghold over here. I guess let's go wipe down.


This is a pretty bad lobby, honestly, like no one went towards the middle of the map but got no kills out of the air yet, which is kind of crazy to be honest. Let's go get this kid. There should be some light work over here. That kind of stinks. Back, fortunately, that kid was going to kill me, so we had to wipe him, so your favorite streamers don't wipe any teams that the kids are staying alive so they can get more kills, for the same reason that at the end of the game they drop all their money at the buy station so that they can buy him back and kill him.

Usually this isn't the best game, but we got 15; that was an enemy, I thought. Good, kill my. God, we're almost at 20 when this kid landed back over here by the tents, and as you can see, we're just farming left and right, left and right. I think in this time confirmed and we located the of. This is what your favorite streamers do; they just farm, farm.

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I mean, that kid didn't hit a single bullet, so let me just turn and steam him. Stanley, Steamer—I mean, what was that? one left, just like that 32-bomb first try at the [__] challenge. 12K damage, 32 kills. These are the lobbies that your favorite streamers are playing in that are dropping 40 kills a game, and they swear they're the greatest.

I mean, anyone can do it. I have a 3K, and there are so many players better than me. So for all you people who stuck around to know how I boxed, this is exactly how to do it. So first off, last night I went on my PS5. I usually play on a PC with a controller. I went on my PS5, and I leveled up a little Timmy, like we saw at the beginning, to level 14.

The first couple matches, I focused on getting my score up so that I could level up. I got the 14 in about an hour, and then the last couple matches that I played. I just fell to the ground, died, fell to the ground, died fell to the ground died and I think I ended up with like a 0.12 KD. What you're going to want to do is put your PS5 onto another monitor or the same monitor; you can just switch it, and you're going to invite your main account.

Once you get your main account into the lobby, you're going to want to go on your PS5 or your decoy account, little Timmy in this case, as the party leader, and you're going to search for a game. Like I showed earlier, once you're into the game, you leave with the little Timmy account, and you're playing solo quads against the Bodi as kids.

Ever since, some of your favorite streamers have taken it even further. They use this program that's called Cod Agent, which helps to sew the lobby KDs. Before you load into the game, if it isn't bad enough, like I went for a bad lobster right there, they actually search for even worse lobsters than the one I was just in.

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I'm not going to name people, but this is how they're dropping almost 70 kills a game. If you want to see more war zone content like that, make sure to drop a follow and like this article to spread the

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