News - Your Warzone Meta Loadouts Are Wrong. Don't Make These Loadout Mistakes. Warzone Best Setups

Big mistakes you␙re making on your warzone loadouts

Big mistakes you␙re making on your warzone loadouts

Ladies and gentlemen.

General warzone loadout mistakes across engagements

Warzone loadout mistakes with muzzles

Warzone loadout mistakes with muzzles

best loadout

Or it's a compensator. Now within the war zone, suppressors are obviously going to be super important, and that's because you're, of course, staying off the radar by using something like the shadow strike suppressor. Is literally just a suppressor built to keep you off the radar it's not doing anything for your Pros it's not doing anything for your cons it's not hurting range or velocity or adding in ads speed or whatever the case may be, just simply keeping you off the map so this is something that's always going to be good here as are you know things like the spirit fire obviously this is one we kind of spam in the load out articles, because it's hurting your ads speed but it's giving you better control and velocity and range which is obviously clutch the main mistakes players are making here though is that you're using suppressors for certain situations a lot of the time for close range something like a shadow strike is going to be better because you don't want to hurt your ads speed for an SMG style build or you don't want to hurt your control, for an SMG style Builder.

Things like that, but for long range in particular, you really got to watch because some of these are not going to end up being worth it. There are some decent ones, but as you start to see certain pros stand out, hurting your control over long range is probably not ideal, even though yes, this is giving you better velocity and it's keeping you off the map because if you're missing more shots because of this, that added control.

It's not actually beneficial to the setup, you know, or in cases like this, you're hurting the range; 4% might not seem like much, but if it's a situation where you're fighting a gun that has a similar damage range but you just hurt yours and theirs is not, they're not going to win that fight because obviously they have the faster ttk.

best loadouts 3

Again sort of weapon specific but things like that you're obviously going to want to avoid especially you know in this case 12% decrease to the damage range pretty significant All Things Considered there is some like echol line here which only translates a hurting your damage range even though it says it's helping your fires aim stability, that's not something that's translated and we'll talk a bit more about that in the future but really for suppressors it's a very obvious choice you don't want to be taking you know options here that are hurting where you're going to be using your guns the most like long ranges, and then compensators, it's kind of the same deal there are some really good ones here again it's probably going to have larger effects on your ads speed but really you just need to avoid making the mistake of picking any ones that might be destroying your range or velocity, unless you're in a situation where that's not really super relevant but there's not many that are going to exist like that so it's pretty straightforward here if you see the negatives in the range and the veloc, categories. You might want to just stay away from those because they're not going to truly be all that beneficial.

Warzone loadout barrel mistakes

Warzone loadout barrel mistakes

Now for barrels, admittedly, there aren't many true outstanding mistakes you could make as opposed to something like you know on muzzles or under barrels that we'll get to here. Most of this is just preference-based and situational-based.

For certain guns, you're going to want to increase the efficiency, so for the mid- to long-range, you use something like a cyclone barrel that helps out with range and velocity, or if there's a three-in-one combo that helps out with control, range, and velocity. That's obviously the choice you want to make in certain situations.

You're not going to want to be using ones that again kill that stuff for mid- to long-range, or if you're on an SMG and you're trying to use a barrel here, like if I switch over to the Swarm. I'm looking at these in the advanced stats. Obviously i don't want something that's going to destroy my ad speed.

Just behind the face cam there is a 50%.

Warzone loadout laser mistakes

Reduction in ads speed for decent control I might be able to get that elsewhere out of like a different barrel for instance that's not going to be nearly as harsh or stacking up under barrels or compensators or stuff like that to you know get better control and whatnot instead of that so definitely keep in mind just the situational, stuff with the barrels lasers again is a category that's not going to be super detrimental because they're all straightforward if you want a hip fire Barrel you're going to be looking at Advanced stats for what's going to be great for hip fire spread and whatnot, if you're looking for something that's going to help out with your ads speed and your Sprint of fire speed obviously, it's straightforward a 7 m laser is going to be your go-to choice so there's not really many mistakes you can make here Optics is a case of preference truly.

Warzone loadout optic mistakes

Warzone loadout optic mistakes

There's obviously Universal Optics that players like more things, like the Slate reflector, which is very popular; obviously, the MK3 reflector, being an ELO site, is very popular; I can find it in the mix of everything; the Coro Eagle Eye 2.5 times is also a really good choice; these of them are universally deemed the best optics, but this is a preference-based category.

If you know, use this for instance. Just simply, for example, if you use the 2.5 times optic and out of 20 shots you're hitting nine all right, that's decent, but then let's say, for instance, just simply, for example, you use the angel, 40 here, and you land 12 shots with this, even though this might be a worse optic in the vast majority's opinion.

Warzone loadout stock mistakes

Warzone loadout mistakes with rear grips

Warzone loadout mistakes with rear grips

But for SMG-based fights, that's not a huge deal while mid- to long-range you're focusing on something that wants better control. For instance, you have your examples here, but something that's important to note here is what you're stacking with other attachments. For instance, a lot of the control-based rear grips are going to hurt your idle sway, and if you look at the pro and colist here, you might say.

meta loadout

Hey, it's giving me better control and not hurting anything. Well, that's not the case; it is actually hurting Idol sway; that's just not something that is translated to the advanced stats here, unfortunately. And sway in long-range gunfights is clutch because you want to have good weapon sway. If you're consistently killing this and stacking this with a different attachment that also hurts Idol sway, your weapon over long range is going to feel way less laser beam, like it's going to have more random recoil, and you're going to miss more shots because of that, even though an attachment like this is actually helping with the control.

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