News - Warzone: New Long Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

Warzone new long range meta loadouts after update

Warzone new long range meta loadouts after update

Ladies and gentlemen.

Warzone best bas-b loadout after update

No real surprises here. This thing's been a go-to medium- to long-range gun since the game dropped. Luckily, it has been nerfed and adjusted some so that the other options on the list here today actually stand a chance, but it's still a really, really good choice. It does require a bit more effort to do well with now, though you really have to land your shots for this to count and actually fry through enemies, and with the skill gap between this and some of the other builds, this one does take more time and effort to master, but this setup does focus on making it as easy as possible, so for long range.

I'm loving the 2.5. Times Eagle ey optic, it's very similar to a v, three times super clean reticle, and decent Zoom as well, but there are some good choices too. If you're more of a fan of some, you know, red dots and whatnot, slate reflectors can be used at long range because of how low the visual recoil is.

modern warfare 3

The MK3 reflector is also a really good choice, as is the Nar model 2023. So you certainly have options here Optics always go for what you are the most comfortable with because you're going to be the most accurate with that obviously, the 45 round accin mag Max mag here obviously going to be necessary for Duos trios and quads so you'll want to have that ruin heavy support grrip is so good for so many guns in this game because if focuses mainly on horizontal control and a little bit of gun kick so it just makes the patterns way more predictable by eliminating any possible random horizontal bounce and it just focuses on vertical then because then you can easily predict that pattern vertical recoil is the easiest to counter obviously, as much as though i' would love to stay off the mini map and use a suppressor here like I said control is so important so I like the Tempest gh50 it helps out mainly with vertical control but also gives you some horizontal. But if you want to go all in on horizontal like I said you could change to the tie, you could change to the lock shot kt8, for a nice balance the leveler gives a little bit more horizontal, as well so it just depends on how you want the weapon to feel there literally is no wrong answer between any of these four on here though they are all really good at what they do and then lastly Bruin Venom long barrel helps out with velocity control and range that nice 3 in1 combo just makes it even more lethal for the long range here so if you can land your shots consistently this thing is still a top tier choice for the long range meta by far one of my favorites in the long range meta right now is the pamat, 762.

Warzone best pulemyot 762 loadout

Warzone best pulemyot 762 loadout

This thing fries, its ttk is ridiculous, it's also super easy to use, and it truly feels more like an AR lmg hybrid because we've got the Jack Annihilator Bull Pup Kit conversion on it, and this makes this gun so fun without it. I probably wouldn't mess around with this too much because it's just a slow and heavy lmg, but this turns it into feeling like an AR lmg hybrid with better mobility, better handling, and a faster fire rate, so a better ttk.

Better ad speed just makes it so versatile and so aggressive, while also still frying, so initially here I got the TL20, Recoil grip. This is going to help out straight up with control. That said, sometimes players are comfortable with how a weapon feels and they want a little bit more in terms of mobility, or they want to focus just more on horizontal.


You could do so by adding in an underbarel brew and heavy supports, which are going to be good here. There are also some other pretty good choices, like, for instance, the skeletal vertical, which hurts a little bit horizontally but does help out with vertical control. The Hound 9g grip would be a good option here as well, so you certainly have some options if you want other benefits elsewhere, just other than the TL20. Offering there 2.5, times optic yet again but if you want to change that out for a lower Zoom feel free to do so Spirit fire suppressor in this case something that we're going to be running a lot of in this article because it's a suppressor so it keeps you off the mini map but also gives you better control, and better range and better velocity so that's a clutch three in one then lastly I got the Jack Annihilator long barrel which comes with the conversion kit which gives you better range and better velocity so again helping out even more in the long range efficiency here such a gun by far one of my favorites in the game right now lmgs, are kind of running the long range meta and that's why our next option here is the Bruin another super fun gun and especially with this build it feels so much like the original war zone 1 bruan did back in the day when it was utterly dominant and quite frankly it's utterly dominant here as well it's got one of the best longrange tck.

Warzone meta bruen mk9 loadout

Warzone meta bruen mk9 loadout

In the entire game while also being super usable with low recoil. Low visual shake as well, so you're going to be frying with this thing initially. The MK3 reflector is a solid optic even for long range, while it's a low-zoom one like a slate reflector. The visual recoil is so low you can stay on target easily, but if you wanted to upgrade to the 2.5, feel free to do so that works well as well we also got the 60 round mag here we're dropping this down from the base 100 because this gives us better ads Sprint to fire movement, just makes it again feel more like an AR lmg hybrid similar to the pum yach I've also got the choke angled under Barrel here this only gives me horizontal control it actually hurts the vertical but that's not a huge deal in the guns this easy to use and it gives me some better movement and I like the feel of that a lot breu heavy supports also a really good Choice as well Spirit fire suppressor yet again as mentioned we'll be seeing a lot of this control velocity and range benefits, then the Horizon Barrel just does control and velocity no range benefits here however the damage is already so good overrange that it's not a deal breaker by any means so this thing absolutely fries as well it is one that is so much fun. Also very nostalgic, as mentioned , and then one that, honestly.

Best taq eradicator loadout in warzone

Best taq eradicator loadout in warzone

I'm a little bit surprised by, but has been proven to be so reliable, the TAC Eradicator. Lmg this thing's got a weird fire rate because it starts off shooting super fast and then slows down, but regardless of when you're landing your shots, it does melt over range.

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