News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

Warzone new top 10 best meta loadouts explained

Warzone new top 10 best meta loadouts explained

Ladies and gentlemen.

Best warzone perks & equipment

So initially, real quick perks and equipment are going to be the same on all the loadouts here today it's obviously super convenient that we have default Overkill, so we don't have to waste a perk or anything on that and you can pick and choose a lot of what you want here just outright that'll apply to all your setups and that's exactly what I do so initially for me tacticals, smokes are the way to go they're just the answer to everything if you need cover smokes you need a quick res smokes if you need to rotate from A to B smokes they're just so good right and then depending on the mode you're playing whether it's Resurgence.

Or standard BR, knives and SE texes really are my go-to frags aren't bad but obviously you know the upsides of s Texas you can stick a player you can force players to move without it getting thrown back those are obviously really good for an actual lethal explosive and the knives so the insta finishes obviously is super clutch as well so one of those two I'm always running just depends on the mode, then for perks here pretty stand for me nothing really has changed since launch double time and slide of hands keep in mind slide of Hand Works different for every gun in the game but it's still beneficial to have that faster reload in my opinion tempered because I always go for a medic vesting game if I can find one of those that's the most ideal.

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Then the bird's eye obviously gave me more information on the UAV, including their actual heading and where the enemies are looking. You know, it's basically like a mini-advanced UAV in some cases, so super powerful there. Like I said, that's the same for every single class setup here today. Now we can focus on the primaries and secondaries for all 10 classes, so obviously.

Warzone best bas-b & striker loadout

Warzone best bas-b & striker loadout

This one is a pretty obvious one. The bass B is still a great choice even after Nerf for long range and for like sort of mid-range close range sniper support, which spoiler alert is coming up. I pair this with the bass Striker—just a really solid, really consistent SMG.

Easy to use and very forgiving, as well, so for the bass B here initially, I'm going for the 2.5-times Eagle ey optic. I'm going to be using this on a lot of my mid- to long-range guns. It's a low-visual recoil scope with good zoom for really any distance, but of course optics are always a preference, so if there's a scope you like more, whether it's a slate, a reflector, or anything else, always go for the one that you're most comfortable with.

best guns

Here I've got the 45-round exin mag, your basic cinematic. Max there ruin heavy support is one that I kind of spam as an underbarrel on a lot of guns just because it's incredibly good, great horizontal recoil, decent gun kick control, sometimes it gives you a tiny bit of vertical, but this helps out with horizontal the most, which is obviously clutch makes every single weapon way more predictable.

I've got the Venom long barrel; it's better control, better range, better velocity, better Pizza Papa John's, and of course, Tempest GH50. I'd love to use a suppressor here, but this is a much higher recoil weapon compared to a lot of the other ones here, so I'm going all in on control, and quite frankly, you could use any of these four base compensators, including Tempest LR8.

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Lock shot or leveler just depends on how you want the gun to feel bore is not bad either you know if you want to focus all in on horizontal, tie is really good if you want more of a balance lock shot or Tempest is pretty solid so just depends on what you're looking for out of the gun either way the bass B still hits like a truck this thing is still very good, then for the striker we're just focused on that close range efficiency so because it is so easy to use I use the shadow strike suppressor this is just simply keeping me off the radar no other Pros or cons there the MSP 98 hand stop is not when I use often because this does hurt your horizontal control, but the striker is just so easy that in the close ranges that's not a huge deal and we're getting really good movement back out of that alongside some decent vertical control, 48 round exin mag 60 is just a little bit too slow in terms of ads reload and whatnot so 48 is totally sufficient, 7 m laser for the faster ads and Sprint of fire then I go for the light stock which is just better Mobility.

Warzone best katt amr & bas-b sniper support loadout

Warzone best katt amr & bas-b sniper support loadout

At its core so nice Snappy nice and aggressive, it just feels like a really solid SMG that you can run and Gun with next up is my sniper load out and as I said the bass B is still doing really well as snipers support close to mid-range style gameplay so I I've got it here as my alternative and it probably should be nerfed a little bit more like it being used with this you know level of Versatility is probably a little bit busted, obviously I'm going for the cat because this is the one true one shot snipe, please don't test this in the firing range and say wait a minute I'm not getting my one shots the firing range is not accurate this is our one oneshot sniper you don't need explosive ammo for this I go for the Nightfall suppressor gives me the best velocity, here I've got the Zang Barrel again giving me better velocity as well the Spire Point rounds 34%.

best loadout

Increase of velocity, so you're getting a Max velocity build here with great, you know, sort of rag and bullet drop over range; it almost feels like it's hitting Gan as sense and can one shot to the head, which is obviously super clutch. I go for the default scope, and instead I go for the rubberized pad stock for general base movement speed.

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