News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Major Weapon Update. Warzone Best Setups

New top 10 meta loadouts after major warzone meta update!

New top 10 meta loadouts after major warzone meta update!

Ladies and gentlemen. We just saw, obviously, the season 1 reloaded update within War Zone, which ended up adding in a decent amount of weapon updates and new changes buffing and nerfing various different options, but then just yesterday, we ended up seeing another major meta update go out that ended up nerfing the Interceptor and the Swarm, two of the most problematic.

Best warzone perks & equipment (broken perk fix explained)

Then for perk packages you'll notice here I've got two and these are the exact same because as of the time that I'm recording this article there's the bug going around where war zone is not giving you the correct perks the work around for this is to create two perk packages here have them be the exact same like I have this one it's Mountaineer double time tempered and flex, same deal with perk package one and then you just select the first perk package and put this on all your loadouts, and for whatever reason the game is going to choose your second perk package so this is the correct one and this is what it chooses Mountaineer obviously to protect you from that fall damage double time for the better tack Sprint tempered I like plaing up only twice then I go for a med vest in game so I can revive faster then Flex obviously for better footstep audio like I said that's the same on every single Loadout now let's talk weapons initially, my first Loadout consists of the SBA 545.

Warzone best sva 545 & striker loadout

Warzone best sva 545 & striker loadout

best loadouts

One of the easiest guns to use in the game, and the striker is one of the most forgiving weapons in the entire game, so for the SVA, you could use this setup in semi-auto or full auto if you want to go for the hyper burst with, like, no recoil. That's great if you want to use it in full auto where it's a little bit easier on your trigger finger it's also phenomenal there I got the 2.5, times Eagle eye optic but as always with Optics always go for your preference whatever you're the most comfortable with always run that 60 runic cinemag pretty basic there ruin heavy under Barrel is going to help out a ton with that horizontal control and there might be other under barrels that offer more vertical or more horizontal but for the cons here this one is just extremely beneficial, and horizontal control is by far the most important control aspect you want to focus on in terms of your general recoil pattern just because it's not as predictable so if you can get rid of that it makes every single weapon way easier so you'll see a lot of this on my Long Range Guns we got the spirit fire suppressor obviously the best suppressor, just in general here because it's offering control range and velocity while also keeping you off the map and lastly I go for the Precision Barrel it's better range better velocity better control on there as well so this is a laser beam weapon that's got a very competitive ttk.

Then for the striker like I said this thing is super forgiving because even if you're hitting leg shots or like upper body shots its damage is going to be really consistent all throughout, it's a pretty easy weapon to use so I go for the shadow strike suppressor in this case this just simply keeps me off the map doesn't do anything other than that I got the hand stop the MSP 98 in this case it actually hurts my horizontal control but this is a gun that we're only using close range and it doesn't really have much horizontal bounce anyways, so I'm getting better vertical control but also way better strafe speed and general movement speed which just makes this really Snappy, and really aggressive 7 m laser will help out that ads and Sprint of fire 48 round extended mag is pretty basic here if you want to jump up to 60 feel free to do so then I also got the light stock as well which is just base general movement speed helps out again with that attack Sprint speed as well if you're pushing.

Warzone best katt amr & amr9 loadout

Warzone best katt amr & amr9 loadout

best loadouts 3

A lot of gunfights there so that helps out really easy SMG but also really aggressive and I love that nice little combo there next up we've got my main sniper Loadout which features the newly buffed amr9, this is a more so sniper support style build for the amr9 and this thing's damage is in insane now it basically is the fastest killing SMG if you're able to hit upper body shots out through you know roughly 25, 30 m there it's going to be ridiculously good so that pairs really well with the sniper the cat did catch Nerf but it's still the only sniper that can truly one-hot without needing Explosive Rounds its velocity is just not going to be as good as it was before the update because they nerfed the knife all suppressor but it's still one of the best options for better vlo there the Zang Barrel as well you want the better velocity out of that and then also the Spire Point rounds helping out yet again so you get a 960, velocity it's definitely really solid for sniping is going to be easier than having to counter with explosive ammo on something like an mcpr.

It's just not as good as it was pre-update, so I go for the quick bolt just behind the face cam so I can shoot faster, there's not as much of a delay in between shots, then either you could go for the rubberized stock pad, this is just base general movement speed that helps out there, so if you have this out as your primary a lot and you run around with it that helps if you just want to FAS ads, go for the tactical stock pad there either or is really good, and of course if you want a full-on screenshot.

modern warfare 3

Go ahead and go with that. I'll hide the face cam so you can see all five attachments, then, like I said this morning. Is great for Sniper support So initially here the 50 round mag is kind of a no-brainer, this is not a fast SMG though it's Sprint of fire is really bad so I'd avoid using 100 as enticing as it might be I also go for the reflector site here especially for Sniper support I don't love these irons in like the mid-range so that just helps makes things clearer there I go for the 7M, laser because I don't have a muzzle category here and that's because I'm using an integrated suppressor Barrel this is the Nimbus 6 helps out with your range of velocity makes it even better for Sniper support and it keeps you off the radar on very minimal cons here 7%, to ads speed and about 8% to Sprint of fire is not a huge deal so it's actually feeling pretty good there then I go for the hand stop this is a relatively easy weapon to use with these attachments, on there so I go ahead and I like the mobility benefits that you do gain back out of this still keeps it aggressive for the close range but it's obviously optimized for some of that mid-range.

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